Aalto CS Bachelor curriculum development 2024–2026

Jukka Suomela · last updated on November 21, 2022

Curriculum development workshops

I will organize two workshops related to the planning of the 2024–2026 curriculum of our Computer Science Bachelor major and minor. Everyone interested in what we teach to our CS Bachelor students is very welcome to join!


The time slots are these, and you can take part in one of them or both of them:


The tentative program of the events is as follows:

If there is interest, the groups can continue to meet and discuss after the workshop, and we can organize smaller follow-up meetings afterwards.


The workshops are organized in the School of Business building (Ekonominaukio 1), in hall T003. It is in the ground floor of the building (see the map below).

[Map of Ekonominaukio 1, hall T003]

Themes to discuss in the workshops

In the workshops, we will organize discussions in four themes (see below). I have written down here some starting points for discussions, but please feel free to consider also any other curriculum-level issues.

All themes: General perspectives to consider

With all themes, it is good to consider e.g. these perspectives:

Let us try to focus on curriculum-level issues. In particular, if there are some changes we could do inside a single course, we can discuss those separately with the relevant teachers.

Theme 1: Core CS topics

What kind of CS topics do we cover, and how?

Here are some more concrete questions to consider:

Theme 2: Math and physics

What kind of math and physics do we teach to our CS major students, and how?

Here are some more concrete questions to consider:

Theme 3: Broader competences

What else should we cover besides CS, math, and physics?

Under this theme we can discuss e.g. the following topics, and if and how we should try to cover these competences in our CS degree:

Here are some more concrete questions to consider:

Theme 4: Minor students

How do we teach CS to non-CS students?

We need to keep in mind at least the following groups of non-CS students:

Here are some more concrete questions to consider:

Other curriculum-planning challenges

These are questions not directly related to the above themes, but that we need to also discuss when planning the 2024–2026 curriculum:

Please let me know if you have got any further ideas that we should remember to discuss!

Updates for the November workshop

In the second workshop we will continue with the same high-level themes (see above). If you also took part in the first workshop, you are free to continue with the same theme, or join a different group. Material produced in the first workshop is available in the Google Drive folder, and you are encouraged to use it as a starting point.