Alon Efrat · Sándor P. Fekete · Poornananda R. Gaddehosur · Joseph S. B. Mitchell · Valentin Polishchuk · Jukka Suomela

Improved approximation algorithms for relay placement

ESA 2008 · 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2008 · doi:10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8_30

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In the relay placement problem the input is a set of sensors and a number r ≥ 1, the communication range of a relay. The objective is to place a minimum number of relays so that between every pair of sensors there is a path through sensors and/or relays such that the consecutive vertices of the path are within distance r if both vertices are relays and within distance 1 otherwise. We present a 3.11-approximation algorithm, and show that the problem admits no PTAS, assuming P ≠ NP.


Dan Halperin and Kurt Mehlhorn (Eds.): Algorithms – ESA 2008, 16th Annual European Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 15–17, 2008, Proceedings, volume 5193 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 356–367, Springer, Berlin, 2008

ISBN 978-3-540-87743-6

Journal Version

© Springer 2008

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