Petteri Kaski · Aleksi Penttinen · Jukka Suomela

Coordinating concurrent transmissions: A constant-factor approximation of maximum-weight independent set in local conflict graphs

Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks · volume 6, issue 3–4, pages 239–263, 2008

authors’ version


We study the algorithmic problem of coordinating transmissions in a wireless network where radio interference constrains concurrent transmissions on wireless links. We focus on pairwise conflicts between the links; these can be described as a conflict graph. Associated with the conflict graph are two fundamental network coordination tasks: (a) finding a nonconflicting set of links with the maximum total weight, and (b) finding a link schedule with the minimum total length. Our work shows that two assumptions on the geometric structure of conflict graphs suffice to achieve polynomial-time constant-factor approximations: (i) bounded density of devices, and (ii) bounded range of interference. We also show that these assumptions are not sufficient to obtain a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for either coordination task. There exists a PTAS if we make an additional assumption: (iii) bounded range of radio transmissions.


Conference Version

© Old City Publishing 2008

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