301: 256
A06863 Merbecke, John, ca. 1510-ca. 1585.
A booke of notes and common places, with their expositions, collected and gathered out of the workes of diuers singular writers, and brought alphabetically into order. A worke both profitable and also necessarie, to those that desire the true vnderstanding & meaning of holy Scripture By Iohn Marbeck
By Thomas East, Imprinted at London : 1581.
omwhat slacke, the holie men did call earnestly vpon them with sharpe rebukings, least they should séeme to winke at such slothfulnesse. Such an example is in Chrisostome vpon the Epistle to the Ephesians. It is not said vnto him that dishonored the banket, Wherefore didst thou sit downe? But, Wherefore didst thou come in? Whosoeuer is not partaker of the mysteries, hée is wicked and shamelesse, for that he standeth heere present. I beséech you, if anie be called to a banket, washeth his handes, sitteth down, séemeth to prepare himselfe to eate, and then doth tast of nothing: shall he not shame both the banket and the maker of the banket? So thou standing among them that with praier doe prepare themselues to receiue the holie meate, hast euen in this that thou hast not gone awaie, confessed that thou art one of the number of them, at the least thou doest not partake: had it not b ne better that thou hadst not b ne present. Thou wilt saie, I am vnworthie, therefo
A17662 Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Norton, Thomas, 1532-1584.
The institution of Christian religion, vvrytten in Latine by maister Ihon Caluin, and translated into Englysh according to the authors last edition. Seen and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions; Institutio Christianae religionis. English
By Reinolde VVolfe & Richarde Harison, Imprinted at London : Anno. 1561 [6 May] Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
arnestly vpon them with sharpe rebukinges, least they should seme to winke at such slouthfulness. Suche an exāple is in Chrysostome vpon the Epistle to the Ephesians. In cap i. Homil. xxvi. Mat. xxii.xii. It is not sayed vnto him that dishonored ye banket: wherfore didst thou sit down? but, wherfore didst thou come in? Whosoeuer is not partaker of the mysteries, he is wycked and shamelesse for that he standeth here presente. I beseche you, if any be called to a banket, washeth hys handes, sitteth downe, semeth to prepare hymselfe to eate, and then doth tast of nothing: shall he not shame bothe the banket, and the maker of the banket? So thou, stā ding among them that with prayer do prepare themselues to receiue ye holy meate, haste euen in thys that thou haste not gone away confessed that thou art one of the number of them, at the last thou doest not partake: had it not ben better that thou hadst not ben present. Thou wylte say, I am vnworthy. Therefore nei