A32740 Chassepol, François de, 17th cent. Evelyn, John, 1655-1699. The history of the grand visiers, Mahomet and Achmet Coprogli, of the three last grand signiors, their Sultana's and chief favourites, with the most secret intrigues of the seraglio besides several other particulars of the wars of Dalmatia, Transylvania, Hungary, Candia, and Poland / Englished by John Evelyn, Junior.; Histoire des grands vizirs Mahomet Caprogli-pacha et Achmet Caprogli-pacha. English
Printed for H. Brome ..., London : 1677.
… enceless, overwept. C. * Caere Inda, Some think it should be Caere Lud, that is, the City of Lud, called London. caleweyes, Calure, as Salmon, or other red Fish. canceline, f. chamlet. camysed, f. flat nosed. cankedore, i. woful case. call, d. (pulcbrum) bravery. callot, b. a leud woman. canell, d. a Sinnamon tree. carects, g. marks, prints. cardiacle, g. wringing at the heart. canon, g. a rule. caitisned, l. chained. cadence, l. proof. cassidoni, g. a stone growing in AEthiopia, which shineth like Fire. Ex Lib. de Naturae Rerum. capell, b. an horse. caroll, f. a song or dance. calsening, f. bringing any mettal into powder. catapuce, g. spurge. cameline, f. chamlet. calked, l. cast. * Ceruse, White Lead, the Composition whereof is thus: Fos … t. deslaui, d. lecherous, servile, beastly. dey, dead; also a dairy woman. demaine, f. toll, custom, possession, also to rule. demoniake, g. possessed of a Devil. demin, b. Judge. dely, b. small. deuoire, f. labour, endeavour, duty. dent, b. stroke. demeane, f. complain, behave. delue, d. digg, ditch. deignous, f. disdainful. deuinals, l. wisards. defended, d. forbad, forbidden. dequace, b. dash. dexe, a desk. defouled, shamed. defence, f. charge, forbidding. determinate, l. limited. dispaired, l. discouraged. dissentori, a kind of still. digne, l. worthy, mere; also lyth, gentle, yielding, also to vouchsafe. diuinistre, l. a divine. dike, b. ditch. diapred, f. diversified. diuinaile, (AEnigma) g. a riddle. dight, b. made ready, handled, us …
A32749 Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. Speght, Thomas, fl. 1600. Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? Siege of Thebes. The works of our ancient, learned, & excellent English poet, Jeffrey Chaucer as they have lately been compar'd with the best manuscripts, and several things added, never before in print : to which is adjoyn'd The story of the siege of Thebes, by John Lidgate ... : together with The life of Chaucer, shewing his countrey, parentage, education, marriage, children, revenues, service, reward, friends, books, death : also a table, wherein the old and obscure words in Chaucer are explained, and such words ... that either are, by nature or derivation, Arabick, Greek, Latine, Italian, French, Dutch, or Saxon, mark'd with particular notes for the better understanding of their original.; Works. 1687
[s.n.], London : 1687.
… enceleſs, overwept. C. * Caere Inda, Some think it ſhould be Caere Lud, that is, the City of Lud, called London. caleweyes, Calure, as Salmon, or other red Fiſh. canceline, f. chamlet. camyſed, f. flat noſed. cankedore, i. woful caſe. call, d. (pulchrum ) bravery. callot, b. a leud woman. canell, d. a Sinnamon tree. carects, g. marks, prints. cardiacle, g. wringing at the heart. canon, g. a rule. caitiſned, l. chained. cadence, l. proof. caſſidoni, g. a ſtone growing in Aethiopia, which ſhineth like Fire. Ex Lib. de Natura Rerum. capell, b. an horſe. caroll, f. a ſong or dance. calſening, f. bringing any mettal into powder. catapuce, g. ſpurge. cameline, f. chamlet. calked, l. caſt. * Ceruſe, White Lead, the Compoſition whereof is thus: Foſ … deſlaui, d. lecherous, ſervile, beaſtly. dey, dead; alſo , a dairy woman. demaine, f. toll, cuſtom, poſſeſſion, alſo to rule. demoniake, g. poſſeſſed of a Devil. demin, b. Judge. dely, b. ſmall. deuoire, f. labour, endeavour, duty. dent, b. ſtroke. demeane, f. complain, behave. delue, d. digg, ditch. deignous, f. diſdainful. deuinals, l. wiſards. defended, d. forbad, forbidden. dequace, b. daſh. dexe, a desk. defouled, ſhamed. defence, f. charge, forbidding. determinate, l. limited. diſpaired, b. diſcouraged. diſſentori, a kind of ſtill. digne, l. worthy, mete; alſo lyth, gentle, yielding, alſo to vouchſafe. diuiniſtre, l. a divine. dike, b. ditch. diapred, f. diverſified. diuinaile, (Aenigma) g. a riddle. dight, b. made ready, handled, uſ …