A30510 Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation namely that true prophet and faithful servant of God and sufferer for the testimony of Jesus, Edward Burroughs, who dyed a prisoner for the word of God in the city of London, the fourteenth of the twelfth moneth, 1662.
Printed and published for the good and benefit of generations to come ..., [London] : 1672.
… vation, but gave heed unto the false visions of thy lying Prophets, and took counsel against the Lord of thy Inchanters, and persecuted the faithful, by unjust Imprisonments, and dealt wickedly with the Lords chosen, and made unrighteous de crees is thy wrath, and sealed them in thy cruelty, and made a purpose in thy heart to root out the Seed of Iacob, and to lay wast the Lords Heritage. O Ireland, hereby in the Name of the Lord (thus far) I seal my Testimony in faithfulness unto thee, and binds up my many burdens, and travells, and reproaches, and tryals, and sufferings in thee, in a few words, which is the Word of the Lord concerning thee. Ye Heads and Rulers that sits upon the Throne, Repent, and turn to the Lord, from whom you are grie … thers loynes; the hand of the Lord is against you; and his wrath will break out upon you, who strengthens the hand of evil doers, and gives liberty, in your Dominions, unto the scum of the Nations, to possess your Land in peace, and will not give place unto the Seed of Iacob; but fortifies your selves against him, and will not suffer him to inherit; how full is your Land of murderers, of drunkards, of Lyars, and swearers, and of prophane persons, of fugitives, and vagabonds, and runnagades, who are protected by your Law, to possess in peace? but in wrath have you turned your sword against the upright, and have made Laws to limit the Spirit of the Lord, and to uphold deceit. Therefore repent of this your sin, who have endeavoured to prevent …
A86654 Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. The visitation of the rebellious nation of Ireland. And a warning from the Lord proclaimed, to all the inhabitants thereof, to make their peace with him before hislong [sic] suffering come to an end. With a lamentation over its unfruitfulnes and rebellion after so many visitations. And an exhortation to all the honest hearted, to meet the Lord by repentance, while the patience of the Lord continues. Or the sealing of the Lords testimony unto all sorts of people in that land, by his servants, after their several months sore labours, and travells, and sufferings therein, who loved not their lives for the seeds sake. Also some particular papers, written in that nation, to severall sorts of people. I. A warning, to the heads, and rulers, and people of Dublin. ... VII. An invitation to all the poor desolate souldiers, to repent, and make their peace with the Lord, and their duty shewed them, what the Lord requires of them. By them who are sufferers, for the seeds sake; waiting for the building of distressed Sion: F.H. E.B.
printed for Giles Calvert at the west end of Pauls., London : 1656.
… ſalvation, but gave heed unto the falſe viſions of thy lying Prophets, and took counſel againſt the Lord of thy Inchanters, & perſecuted the faithfull by unjuſt Impriſonments, and dealt wickedly with the Lords choſen, and made unrighteous decrees in thy wrath, and ſealed them in thy cruelty, and made a purpoſe in thy heart to root out the Seed of Jacob, and to lay waſt the Lords Heritage. O Ireland, hereby in the Name of the Lord (thus far) I ſeal my Teſtimony in faithfulneſſe unto thee, and binds up my many burdens, and travells, and reproaches, and Tryalls, and ſufferings in thee, in a few words, which is the word of the Lord concerning thee. Yee Heads, and Rulers, that ſits upon the Throne, Repent, and turne to the Lord, from whom you ar … hers loynes; the hand of the Lord is againſt you, and his wrath will break out upon you, who ſtrengthens the hand of evill doers, and gives liberty in your dominions, unto the ſcum of the Nations, to poſſeſſe your Land in peace, and will not give place unto the Seed of Jacob, but fortifies your ſelves againſt him, and will not ſuffer him to inherit; how full is your Land of murderers, of drunkards, of lyars, and ſwearers, and of prophane perſons, of ſugitives, and vagabonds, and runnagades, who is protected by your Law, to poſſeſſe in peace? but in wrath have you turned your ſword againſt the upright, and have made Lawes to limit the Spirit of the Lord, and to uphold deceit. Therefore Repent of this your ſin, who hath endeavoured to prevent …