The raging tempest stilled The historie of Christ his passage, with his disciples, over the Sea of Galilee, and the memorable and miraculous occurrents therein. Opened and explaned in weekly lectures (and the doctrines and vses fitly applied to these times, for the direction and comfort of all such as feare Gods iudgements) in the cathedrall and metropoliticall Church of Christ, Canterb.
Printed by Iohn Hauiland for Godfray Emondson and Nicolas Vavasour, London : 1623.
… nd when he was entred into a ſhip, his diſciples followed him. &c. Comment. lit. THey that goe downe to the Sea in ſhips, and occupie their buſineſſe in great waters; theſe ſee the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deepe: for he commandeth & raiſeth the ſtormie winde, which lifteth vp the waues thereof: they mount vpto the heauen, they goe downe againe to the depths, their ſoule is melted becauſe of trouble. They reele to and fro, and ſtagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits end: then they cry to the Lord, in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their diſtreſſes; he maketh the ſtorme a calme, ſo that the waues thereof are ſtill. Then are they glad, becauſe they be quiet: ſo he bringeth them to their deſired hauen. Pſal. 107. 23 - 31. myſtic. Navicula, Eccleſia eſt; quae mari. i. ſeculo; fluctibus, i. perſequutionibus inquietatur; Domino, per patientiam, veluti dormiente; d nec orationibus Sanctorum ſuſcitatus compeſcat ſeculū, & tranquillitatem ſuis red dat. …