A56163 Prynne, William, 1600-1669. The first and second part of the signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians (as also of some idolatrous pagans) tovvards their kings, both before and under the law, and Gospel especially in this our island. Expressed in and by their private and publike private loyal supplications, prayers, intercession, thanksgiving, votes, acclamations, salutations, epistles, addresses, benedictions, options of long life, health, wealth, safety, victory, peace, prosperity, all temporal, spiritual, eternal blessings, felicities to their kings persons, families, queens, children, realms, armies, officers, chearfull subjections and dutifull obedience to them: whethe [sic] good, or bad, Christians, or pagans, orthodox, or heterodox, protectors, or persecutors of them. With the true reasons thereof from Scripture and policy. Evidenced by varieties of presidents, testimonies and authorities in al ages, ... Whereunto the several forms, ceremonies, prayers, collects, benedictions and consecrations, used at the coronations of Christian emperors, kings, queens (more particularly in England and Scotland, not formerly published) and of the Mahometan and Ægyptian kings, are annexed. By; Signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians, towards their kings.
printed by T. Childe, and L. Parry, and are to be sold by Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little-brittain, London : 1660.
… ncti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen. Quibus dictis, sedet Metropolitanus; et accepta mitra, intingit pollic m dexterae manus in oleum Catechumenorum; et inungit, in modum Cruc s, brachium dexterum Reginae inter juncturam manus, et inter juncturam cubiti, atque inter scapulas, dicens. DEus Pater aeternae gloriae sit tibi adjutor, & Omnipotens benedicat tibi, preces tuas exaudiat; vitam tuam longitudine dierum adimpleat; benedictionem tuam jugiter confirmet; te cum omni populo in aeternum conservet; inimicos tuos confusione induat; et super te Christi sanctificatio, atque hujus olei infusio floreat: ut, qui tibi in terris tribuit benedictionem, ipse in coelis conferat meritum Angelorum; ac benedicat te, et custodiat in vitam aeternam Jesus Christus Dominus noster, qui vivit & regnat Deus, in saecula saeculorum. R. Amen. Quo facto, surgit Regina, et ad part m se retrahit ubi Praelati sui Domestici ci assisiunt. Metropolitanus verò lavat et abstergit manus, deinde accedit ante altare; et deposita mitra, cum suis ministris facit Confessionem. Idem faciunt Episcopi parati juxta sedes suas sine mitri …
A91273 Prynne, William, 1600-1669. The second part of The signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians under the Gospel, (especially in this our island) towards their Christian kings & emperors, whether orthodox or heterodox, virtuous or vicious, Protestants or papists, protectors or persecutors, ever since their kings and emperors first became Christian, till this present. Expressed in, and evidenced by their publike and private supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, options, acclamations, for their long life, health, safety, prosperity, victory over enemies, temporal, spiritual and eternal felicity; peaceable, just, glorious reign over them, &c. And likewise for their queens, children, royal posterity, realms, armies, counsels, officers. ... Together with the various forms of prayers, supplications, collects, votes, and acclamations used at the coronations of emperors and kings, especially of our ancient and late kings of England and Scotland (not hitherto published.) By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolns Inne.
printed by T. Childe and L. Parry, and are to be sold by Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, London : 1660.
… vit & regnat in unitate Spiritus ſancti Deus, per omnia ſaecula ſaeculorum. R. Amen. Qua Praefatione expleta, ſedet Metropolitanus; et accepta mitra, inungit in modum Crucis cum oleo Cate huminorum illius brachium dexterum, inter juncturam m nus, et juncturam cubiti, atque inter ſcapulas, dicens: DEus Pater aeternae gloriae ſit tibi adjutor, & Omnipotens benedicat tibi, preces tuas exaudiat; vitam tuam longitudine dierum adimpleat; benedictionem tuam jugiter confirmet; te cum omni populo in aeternum conſervet; inimicos tuos confuſione induat; et ſuper te Chriſti ſanctificatio, atque hujus olei infuſio floreat: ut, qui tibi in terris tribuit benedictionem, ipſe in coelis conferat meritum Angelorum; ac benedicat te, et cuſtodiat in vitam aeternam Jeſus Chriſtus Dominus noſter, qui vivit & regnat Deus, in ſaecula ſaeculorum. R. Amen. Quo facto, ſurgit Regina, et à ſuis ducitur ad ſacriſtiam, ſeu papilionem, ubi Rex Regales veſtes indutus eſt; ibi et ipſa induitur veſtibus Reginalibus, quibus induta reducitur ad Metropolitanum adhuc cum mitra in faldiſtorio ſedentem, qui imponit illi ante genuflexae coronam, di …
A91273 Prynne, William, 1600-1669. The second part of The signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians under the Gospel, (especially in this our island) towards their Christian kings & emperors, whether orthodox or heterodox, virtuous or vicious, Protestants or papists, protectors or persecutors, ever since their kings and emperors first became Christian, till this present. Expressed in, and evidenced by their publike and private supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, options, acclamations, for their long life, health, safety, prosperity, victory over enemies, temporal, spiritual and eternal felicity; peaceable, just, glorious reign over them, &c. And likewise for their queens, children, royal posterity, realms, armies, counsels, officers. ... Together with the various forms of prayers, supplications, collects, votes, and acclamations used at the coronations of emperors and kings, especially of our ancient and late kings of England and Scotland (not hitherto published.) By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolns Inne.
printed by T. Childe and L. Parry, and are to be sold by Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, London : 1660.
… ancti Deus, per omnia ſaecula ſaeculorum. R. Amen. Quibus dict s, ſedet Metropolitanus; et accepta mitra, intingi pollic m dexierae manus in oleum Ca echumenorum; et inungit, in modum Cruc s, brachium dexterum Reginae inter juncturam manus, et inter juncturam cubiti, atque inter ſcapulas, dicens DEus Pater aeternae gloriae fit tibi adjutor, & Omnipotens benedicat tibi, preces tuas exaudiat; vitam tuam longitudine dierum adimpleat; benedictionem tuam jugiter confirmet; te cum omni populo in aeternum conſervet; inimicos tuos confuſione induat; et ſuper te Chriſti ſanctificatio, atque hujus olei infuſio ſloreat: ut, qui tibi in terris tribuit benedictionem, ipſe in coelis conferat meritum Angelorum; ac benedicat te, et cuſtodiat in vitam aeternam Jeſus Chriſtus Dominus noſter, qui vivit & regnat Deus, in ſaecula ſaeculorum. R. Amen. Quo facto, ſurgit Regina, et ad partem ſe retrahit ubi Praelati ſui Domeſtici ei aſſiſtunt. Metropolitanus verò lavat et abſtergit manus, deinde accedit an e altare; et depoſita mitra, cum ſuis miniſtris facit Confeſſionem. Idem faciunt Epiſcopi parati juxta ſedes ſuas ſine mitri …