Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… rois poils ou de deux? N'est il pas gommé? Non ie vous en asseure sur ma foy. De quel prix est il? de vingt & trois solz la verge. I'en ay bien que ie vous vendray à dix huict, mais il n'est pas fi bon que cestuy-ci. Monstrez moy vne piece de satin tanné. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ò é long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio ion zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Voyla vn satin plein de soye. Que vous en semble? N'est il pas bon & de belle couleur? La couleur est fraische & belle: toutesfois i'en ay veu du meilleur satin. Ie le croy à grand'peine. Monstrez moy quelque autre …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… es chainons contient il? Quelque cinq cens cinquante. Ne veistes vous iamais de ces petits anneaux à Londres qu'on vend à Venise, dedans le chaton desquels est soubs vn fin Chrystal enchassé vn petit Scorpion de fer mouuant sa queuë fort dextrement? ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels. z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r sound in the end of a word, as if an h sounded after them. Rule of two Cons. Rule of two vowels. Accent. I'ay esté en Italie & en ay veu plusieurs de mesme façon. Me ferez vous vn de semblable? Oui: pour dix escus. Ne faillez donc pas pour demain, quand ie repasseray par icy. à dieu. Le Peintre. Chap. 5. DIeu te gard Peintre. …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… Ie dy que si c'est Venus, elle n'a pas le visage bien peint. C'est vn Harlequin Italien. Il est, croyez moy, tresbien contrefaict pour vn sot. Il n'est pas trop bien pourtrait pour vn sage. Qu'y a il a dire? Il est bossu & tortu, & a le nez aquilin. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Les Perses adoroyent ceux qui avoyent le nez aquilin, à cause de Cyrus, lequel ilz disent auoir eu le sien de forme d'un chausse-pied. Il a les mains fort crochuës & gluëuses. Il n'est pas toutes-fois larron. Que s …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… 'ay, mais espargnez ma víe. Qu'est-ce que tu portes en ta bougette? C'est mon argent, monsieur, sauuez moy la víe & prenez le hardiment. Ie le vous donne. Tu as bien d'auantage cousu dans ton pourpoint. N'as tu pas? di vilain, ie te sauueray la víe. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun an ó é long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee g nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels. z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r sound in the end of a word, as if an h sounded after them. Rule of two Cons. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Compagnon baillez moy le licol de ta manche. Ne criez pas villain, car ie vous couperay la gorge. Mot! mot! Iusques à ce que nous sommes bien loing d'icy. Il est bien garrotté asteure. Orça donc! compagnon larron, montons, …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… marée croist: voyez les ondes saulter. La mer commence à s'enfler & tumultuer du bas abisme. Voyez comment ces fortes vagues battent les flan s de nostre vaisseau. Escoutez moy ces terribles bourrasques, comment ils sifflent à trauers noz antennes. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Il fera bien tost orage: la tempeste fait grand bruit. Le ciel commence à tonner du haut. Il foudroye, il esclaire, il pleut, il gresle: Il vaut mieulx caller les voiles & lascher les chables. Au Tillac ho: au Timo …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… aceletz, que ie vous ostay l'autre iour en iouant auec vous. Ne me parlez plus, ie vous en príe de baiser n'y d'amour, mais rendez moy mes bracelets, car autrement que me diront mon pere & ma mere? Ils se courrouceront à moy. Non feront, non feront. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ò è long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels. z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r sound in the end of a word, as if an h sounded, after them. Rule of two Cons. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Si feront, ie vous asseure: mais c'est tout vn▪ ie leur diray qu'vn larron me les a desrobbez. Escoute ie te prie, Gaudinette dys moy vne chose: lequel de nous deux ayme plus l'autre: ou vous moy, ou moy vous? Quant est de …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… asteure: Ie seray tancée. Ie ne peux baiser les hommes. Mon pere sera fasché▪ Ma mere vient. Que voulez vous faire? Laissez moy aller: lon me tuera tantost. Dieu vous doint bon soir, & bonne santé Monsieur. Bon soir la belle: bonne nuict Gaudinette. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ò è long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Les Spadacin. Chap. 19. BOn iour ait vostre Seig. Seigneur Vespasien. Ma foy les amis se rencontrent plus souuent que montaignes. Foy de Gentilhomme ie suis bien aise de veoir vostre magnificence en bonne santé. Qu …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… . Dont descendirent apres le grand geant Oromedon, le pere du Briaire qui auoit cent mains, & Offot le fillieul de Corinée, duquel vous pouuez voir l'image au Palais de Londres, qui m'est parent de loing: car de son noble lignage i'en suis descendu. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels. z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r sound in the end of a word, as if an h sounded after them. Rule of two Cons. Rule of two vowels. Accent. I'ay leu de voz ancestres és gestes de quatre fils d'Aymon. Ne trouuez vous pas qu'ilz ont esté tres-illustres par leurs horribles faits d'armes? Ilz ont faits de belles prouësses certes contre les Sarrasins. I'enrage Diab …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… Capitaine des Myrmidoniens? i'enuoyeroye son ame quant & quant en Enfer. Où est ce petit compagnon Vlysses? Il me feroit vn message à I'luton. Où est ce peureux & chetif couard Iulles Caesar? Ie luy cheuaucheroye à grand coup▪ de picque & de Lance. ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ò è long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Vous contez sans vostre hoste. I'ay grand peur que devant qu'il soit nuict, on vous estrillera à grand coup de Musquette & d'Arquebouse. Hon! que ie ne suis roy de France pour quatre vingts dix ou cent ans: par Die …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… ne sont que parolles heroiques & couleur de la Rhetorique martiale pour aorner mon langage. De leur mettre tous à fil d'espée: c'est chose trop cruelle cela. Ie suis homme martial, que voulez vous? çà, çà, çà, combien sont ces, canailles, racailles? ai sound é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um eum un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça sa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Par la mort d'vn veau ie les estime moins qu'vn Chappon rosti, car: Ce ne sont que bragards de France, Hardis à la bouteille & fuyards à la Lance. Mon amy ie choque si rudement sur les ennemis, que ie les renuerse …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… aille. Ostez vous de là mon frere Nathanaël. Pourquoy? Ne voyez vous pas la grosse Araignée qui pend par vn petit filet? O le gros vilain! Il est braue chasseur à mousches & papillons. N'auez vous iamais veuë le combat entre L'araignée & la Mousche? ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short. eh eille é-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels. z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r sound in the end of a word, as if an h sounded after them. Rule of two Cons. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Non: vous n'auez donc iamais veuë la battaille donnée entre Caesar & Pompée. Pourquoy, sont ils si braues guerroyeurs? Beaucoup plus que le Rat & la grenouille és Fables d'Aesope. Regardez ce diable de Tyran. Combien des m …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… presage de pluye selon les deux grands Philosophes Aristote & Pline. Entends tu les grenouilles croquer? C'est signe de la sayson temperée, ou de la pluye, o de vent, ou de tourmente, ou de rien. Voyez vous ce chien là, qui pisse contre la muraille? ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ò è long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. C'est, comme dit Platon, au second liure de sa Republique la beste du monde plus Philosophe. Mais veistes vous onques vn chien rencontrant quelque os medullaire: si veu l'auez, vous auez peu noter de quelle deuotio …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… rié le theriacle autrefois, & en somme c'est le plus sin maistre-mousche d'Angleterre, & porte tousiours vn pellican en sa pochette, dont il n'y a porte qu'il ne crochetera, Ne le laissez pas approcher aux coffres de vostre pere, si vous estes sage. ai sounde. é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ó é long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d finall. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels. z sça ssa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r sound in the end of a word, as if an h sounded after them. Rule of two Cons. Rule of two vowels. Accent. Il a soixante trois manieres de trouuer tousiours argent: mais il a deux cens quatorze de le despendre. Retournons asteure au logis: nous irons par Cheapsid & par la Bourse. Nous regarderons en passant les belles faces. Fi …
Ortho-epia Gallica Eliots fruits for the French: enterlaced vvith a double nevv inuention, vvhich teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure, and profit of all English gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and dilligence, to attaine the naturall accent, the true pronounciation, the swift and glib grace of this noble, famous, and courtly language.
Printed by [Richard Field for] Iohn VVolfe, London : 1593.
… int la Pyramide de Iulles Caesar à Romme. Voyez l'Estendard de la Chepsid tout aupres. Ie le voy bien: C'est vn Conduit d'eau. On dit qu'il a demeuré cautionneur & pleige pour plusieurs bons compagnons, quand ilz ont eu gueres d'argent en la bourse, ai sounde é ay é ain ein aine éneh aille a-lheh am aum an aun au ò è long e short. eh eille e-lheh elle éleh ei ee eu ew eoi oe' em am en an ent 3. person plur. of the verbe et i ee ia zia ie zie ii ziee io zio iou zioo iu ziew oi oe' oine oe'neh oin oin ou ŏ or oo oeu ew ouï oo-wee om oom on oon ouïlle ŏ-lheh u ew um ewm un ewn y ee ç ss ce se ci see ch sh d final. t ge zie gi ziee gn nnh gua ga gue ge gui gee gueu geu m fin. n ph f q k qua ka que ke qui kee s betweene 2 vowels z sça sa sçe sse sci see th t x fin. s or z bre cre chre dre fre pre tre ble gle. Finall sound their vowels almost in the midst of the sillabl. c f g l m n q r Sound in the end of a word as if an h sounded after them Rule of two Consonants. Rule of two vowels. Accent. & peu d'amis pour donner pour eux pleige & caution. Nous nous sommes rendus à la Bourse asteure. La Bourse fut bastíe l'an 1567 par le Seigneur Thomas Gressam; qui donna aussi des reuenuz à la ville de Londres pour …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 78695 9. 999988 7. 878708 12. 121292 34 27 7. 895085 9. 999987 7. 895099 12. 104901 33 28 7. 910879 9. 999986 7. 910894 12. 089106 32 29 7. 926119 9. 999985 7. 926134 12. 073866 31 30 7. 940842 9. 999983 7. 940858 12. 059142 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 89. Degree 0. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 7. 940842 9. 999983 7. 940858 12. 059142 30 31 7. 955082 9. 999982 7. 955100 12. 044900 29 32 7. 968870 9. 999981 7. 968889 12. 031111 28 33 7. 982233 9. 999980 7. 982253 12. 017747 27 34 7. 995198 9. 999978 7. 995215 12. 004781 26 35 8. 007787 9. 999978 8. 007810 11. 992191 25 36 8. 020021 9. 999976 8. 020044 11. 979956 24 37 8. 031919 9. 999975 8. 031945 11. 968055 23 38 8. 043601 9. 999973 8. 043527 11. 956473 22 39 8. 054781 9 … 71 40 21 8. 879949 9. 998747 8. 881202 11. 118798 39 22 8. 881607 9. 998738 8. 882869 11. 117131 38 23 8. 883258 9. 998728 8. 884530 11. 115470 37 24 8. 884903 9. 998718 8. 886185 11. 113815 36 25 8. 886542 9. 998708 8. 887833 11. 112167 35 26 8. 888174 9. 998699 8. 889476 11. 110524 34 27 8. 889801 9. 998689 8. 891112 11. 108888 33 28 8. 891421 9. 998679 8. 892742 11. 107258 32 29 8. 893035 9. 998669 8. 894366 11. 105634 31 30 8. 894643 9. 998659 8. 845984 11. 104016 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 85 Degree 4 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 894643 9. 998659 8. 895984 11. 104016 30 31 8. 896246 9. 998649 8. 897596 11. 102404 29 32 8. 897842 9. 998639 8. 899203 11. 100797 28 33 8. 899432 9. 998629 8. 900803 11. 099197 27 3 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 8. 211895 9. 999942 8. 211953 11. 788047 4 57 8. 219581 9. 999940 8. 219641 11. 780359 3 58 8. 227134 9. 999938 8. 227195 11. 772805 2 59 8. 234557 9. 999936 8. 234621 11. 765379 1 60 8. 241855 9. 999934 8. 241921 11. 758079 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 89. Degree 1. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 8. 241855 9. 999934 8. 241921 11. 758079 60 1 8. 249033 9. 999932 8. 249102 11. 750898 59 2 8. 256094 9. 999929 8. 256165 11. 743835 58 3 8. 263042 9. 999927 8. 263115 11. 736885 57 4 8. 269881 9. 999925 8. 269956 11. 730044 56 5 8. 276614 9. 999922 8. 276691 11. 723309 55 6 8. 283243 9. 999920 8. 283323 11. 716677 54 7 8. 289773 9. 999918 8. 289856 11. 716144 53 8 8. 296207 9. 999915 8. 296292 11. 703708 52 9 8. 302546 9. 999913 8 … 156 11. 072844 10 51 8. 927100 9 998442 8. 928658 11. 071342 9 52 8. 928587 9. 998431 8. 930155 11. 069845 8 53 8. 930068 9. 998421 8. 931647 11. 068353 7 54 8. 931544 9. 998410 8. 933134 11. 066866 6 55 8. 933015 9. 998399 8. 934616 11. 065384 5 56 8. 934481 9. 998388 8. 936093 11. 063907 4 57 8. 935942 9. 998377 8. 937565 11. 062435 3 58 8. 937398 9. 998366 8. 939032 11. 060968 2 59 8. 938850 9. 998355 8. 940494 11. 059506 1 60 8. 940296 9. 998344 8. 941952 11. 058048 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 85. Degree 5. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 8. 940296 9. 998344 8. 941952 11. 058048 60 1 8. 941738 9. 998333 8. 943404 11. 056596 59 2 8. 943174 9. 998322 8. 944852 11. 055148 58 3 8. 944606 9. 998311 8. 946295 11. 053705 57 4 8 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 35 26 8. 398179 9. 999864 8. 398315 11. 601685 34 27 8. 403199 9. 999861 8. 403338 11. 596662 33 28 8. 408161 9. 999858 8. 408304 11. 591696 32 29 8. 413068 9. 999854 8. 413213 11. 586787 31 30 9. 999851 8. 418068 11. 581932 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 88. Degree 1. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 417919 9. 999851 8. 418068 11. 581932 30 31 8. 422717 9. 999848 8. 422869 11. 577131 29 32 8. 427462 9. 999844 8. 427618 11. 572382 28 33 8. 432156 9. 999841 8. 432315 11. 567685 27 34 8. 436800 9. 999838 8. 436962 11. 563038 26 35 8. 441394 9. 999834 8. 441560 11. 558440 25 36 8. 445941 9. 999831 8. 446110 11. 553990 24 37 8. 450440 9. 999827 8. 450613 11. 549387 23 38 8. 454893 9. 999824 8. 455070 11. 544930 22 39 8. 459301 9 … 029867 40 21 8. 969600 9. 998104 8. 971495 11. 028505 39 22 8. 970947 9 998092 8 972855 11. 027145 38 23 8. 972289 9. 998080 8. 974209 11. 025791 37 24 8. 973626 9. 998068 8. 975560 11. 024440 36 25 8. 974962 9. 998056 8. 976906 11. 023094 35 26 8. 976293 9. 998044 8. 978248 11. 021752 34 27 8. 977619 9. 998032 8. 979586 11 020414 33 28 8 978941 9. 998020 8. 980921 11. 019079 32 29 8. 980259 9. 998008 8 982251 11. 017749 31 30 8. 981573 9. 997996 8. 983577 11. 016423 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 84. Degree 5. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 981573 9. 997996 8. 983577 11. 016423 30 31 8. 982883 9. 997984 8. 984899 11. 015101 29 32 8. 984189 9. 997971 8. 986217 11. 013783 28 33 8. 985491 9. 997959 8 987532 11. 012468 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 8. 528102 9. 999753 8. 528349 11. 471651 4 57 8. 531828 9. 999748 8. 532080 11. 467620 3 58 8. 535523 9. 999744 8. 535779 11. 464221 2 59 8. 539186 9. 999740 8. 539447 11. 460553 1 60 8. 542819 9. 999735 8. 543084 11. 456916 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 88. Degree 2. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 8. 542819 9. 999735 8. 543084 11. 456916 60 1 8. 546422 9. 999731 8. 546691 11. 453309 59 2 8. 549995 9. 999726 8. 550268 11. 449732 58 3 8. 553558 9. 999722 8. 553817 11. 446183 57 4 8. 557054 9. 999717 8. 557336 11. 442664 56 5 8. 560540 9. 999713 8. 560827 11. 439172 55 6 8. 563999 9. 999708 8. 564291 11. 435709 54 7 8. 567431 9. 999703 8. 567727 11. 432272 53 8 8. 570836 9. 999699 8. 571137 11. 428863 52 9 8. 574214 9. 999694 8 … 298 10. 990708 10 51 9. 008278 9. 997732 9. 010546 10. 989454 9 52 9. 009510 9. 997719 9 011790 10. 988210 8 53 9. 010737 9. 997706 9. 013031 10. 986969 7 54 9. 011962 9. 997693 9. 014268 10. 985732 6 55 9. 013182 9. 997680 9. 015502 10. 984498 5 56 9. 014399 9. 997667 9. 016732 10. 983268 4 57 9. 015613 9. 997654 9. 017959 10. 982041 3 58 9. 016824 9. 997641 9. 019183 10. 980817 2 59 9. 018031 9. 997628 9. 020403 10. 979597 1 60 9. 019235 9. 997612 9. 021620 10. 978380 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 84. Degree 6 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 019235 9. 997614 9. 021620 10. 978380 60 1 9. 020435 9. 997601 9. 022834 10. 977166 59 2 9. 021632 9. 997588 9. 024044 10. 975956 58 3 9. 022825 9. 997574 9. 025251 10. 974749 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 27948 9. 999608 8. 628340 11. 371660 34 27 8. 630911 9. 999603 8. 631308 11. 368692 33 28 8. 633854 9. 999597 8. 634456 11. 365744 32 29 8. 636776 9. 999592 8. 637184 11. 362816 31 30 8. 639679 9. 999586 8. 640093 11. 359907 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 87. Degree 2. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 639679 9. 999586 8. 640093 11. 359907 30 31 8. 642563 9. 999581 8. 642982 11. 357017 29 32 8. 645428 9. 999575 8. 645853 11. 354147 28 33 8. 648274 9. 999570 8. 648704 11. 351296 27 34 8. 651102 9. 999564 8. 651538 11. 348463 26 35 8. 653911 9. 999558 8. 654352 11. 345648 25 36 8. 656702 9. 999553 8. 657149 11. 342851 24 37 8. 659475 9. 999547 8. 659928 11. 340072 23 38 8. 662230 9. 999541 8. 662689 11. 337311 22 39 8. 664968 9 … 716 40 21 9. 043762 9. 997327 9. 046434 10. 953566 39 22 9. 044895 9. 997313 9. 047582 10. 952418 38 23 9. 046026 9. 997299 9. 048727 10. 951273 37 24 9. 047154 9. 997285 9. 049869 10. 950131 36 25 9. 049279 9. 997271 9. 051008 10. 948992 35 26 9. 049400 9. 997256 9. 052144 10. 947856 34 27 9. 050519 9. 997242 9. 043277 10. 946723 33 28 9. 051635 9. 997228 9. 054408 10. 945592 32 29 9. 052749 9. 997214 9. 055535 10. 944465 31 30 9. 053859 9. 997199 9. 056640 10. 943340 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 83. Degree 6. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 053859 9. 997199 9. 056640 10. 943340 30 31 9. 054966 9. 997185 9. 057781 10. 942219 29 32 9. 056071 9. 997170 9. 058900 10. 941100 28 33 9. 057172 9. 997156 9. 060016 10. 939984 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 8. 709049 9. 999431 8. 709618 11. 290381 4 57 8. 711507 9. 999424 8. 712083 11. 287917 3 58 8. 713952 9. 999418 8. 714534 11. 285466 2 59 8. 716383 9. 999411 8. 716972 11. 283028 1 60 8. 718800 9. 999404 8. 719396 11. 280604 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 87. Degree 3. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 8. 718800 9. 999404 8. 719396 11. 280604 60 1 8. 721204 9. 999398 8. 721806 11. 278194 59 2 8. 723595 9. 999391 8. 724254 11. 275796 58 3 8. 725972 9. 999384 8. 726588 11. 273412 57 4 8. 728336 9. 999378 8. 728959 11. 271041 56 5 8. 730688 9. 999371 8. 731317 11. 268683 55 6 8. 733027 9. 999364 8. 733663 11. 266337 54 7 8. 735354 9. 999357 8. 735996 11. 264004 53 8 8. 737667 9 999350 8. 738317 11. 261683 52 9 8. 739969 9. 999343 8. … 76 10. 921424 10 51 9. 076533 9. 996889 9. 079644 10. 920356 9 52 9. 077583 9. 996874 9. 080710 10. 919290 8 53 9. 078631 9. 996858 9. 081773 10. 918227 7 54 9. 079676 9. 996843 9. 082833 10. 917167 6 55 9. 080719 9. 996828 9. 083891 10. 916109 5 56 9. 081759 9. 996812 9. 084947 10. 915053 4 57 9. 082797 9. 996797 9. 085999 10. 914100 3 58 9. 083832 9. 996782 9. 087050 10. 912950 2 59 9. 084864 9. 996766 9. 088098 10. 911902 1 60 9. 085894 9. 996751 9. 089144 10. 910856 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 83. Degree 7. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 085894 9. 996751 9. 089144 10. 910856 60 1 9. 086922 9. 996735 9. 090187 10. 909813 59 2 9. 087947 9. 996720 9. 091228 10. 908772 58 3 9. 088970 9. 996704 9. 092266 10. 907734 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 77333 9. 999220 8. 778114 11. 221886 34 27 8. 779434 9. 999212 8. 783222 11. 219778 33 28 8. 781524 9. 999204 8. 782320 11. 217680 32 29 8. 783605 9. 999197 8. 784404 11. 215592 31 30 8. 785675 9. 999189 8. 786486 11. 213514 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 86. Degree 3. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 785675 9. 999189 8. 786486 11. 213514 30 31 8. 787736 9. 999181 8. 788554 11. 211446 29 32 8. 789787 9. 999174 8. 790613 11. 209387 28 33 8. 791828 9. 999166 8. 792662 11. 207338 27 34 8. 793859 9 999158 8. 794701 11. 205299 26 35 8. 795881 9. 999150 8. 796731 11. 203269 25 36 8. 797894 9. 999142 8 798752 11 201248 24 37 8. 799897 9. 999134 8. 800763 11 199237 23 38 8. 801891 9. 999126 8. 802765 11. 197235 22 39 8 803876 9. 999 … 0441 40 21 9. 106973 9. 996417 9. 110556 10. 889444 39 22 9. 107951 9. 996400 9. 111551 10. 888449 38 23 9. 108927 9. 996384 9. 112543 10. 887457 37 24 9. 109901 9. 996368 9. 113533 10. 886467 36 25 9. 110873 9. 996351 9. 114521 10. 885478 35 26 9. 111842 9. 996335 9. 115507 10. 884493 34 27 9. 112809 9. 996318 9. 116491 10. 883509 33 28 9. 113774 9 996302 9. 117472 10. 882528 32 29 9. 114737 9. 996235 9. 118452 10. 881548 31 30 9. 115698 9. 996269 9. 119429 10. 880571 30 Co sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 82. Degree 7. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 115698 9. 996269 9. 119429 10. 880571 30 31 9. 116656 9. 996252 9. 120404 10. 879596 29 32 9. 117612 9. 996235 9. 121377 10. 878623 28 33 9. 118567 9. 996218 9. 122348 10. 877652 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 8. 836297 9. 998976 8. 837321 11. 162679 4 57 8. 838130 9. 998967 8. 839163 11. 160837 3 58 8. 839956 9 998958 8. 840998 11. 159002 2 59 8. 841774 9 998940 8. 842825 11. 157175 1 60 8. 843585 9. 998941 8. 844644 11. 155356 0 Co-sine Sine Co tang. Tangent. M Degree 86. Degree 4. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 8. 843584 9. 998941 8. 844644 11. 155356 60 1 8. 845387 9. 998931 8. 846455 11. 153545 59 2 8. 847183 9 998923 8. 848240 11. 151740 58 3 8. 848971 9. 998914 8. 850057 11. 149943 57 4 8. 850751 9. 998905 8. 851846 11. 148154 56 5 8. 852525 9. 998896 8. 853628 11. 146372 55 6 8. 854291 9. 998887 8. 855403 11. 144597 54 7 8. 856049 9. 998878 8. 857171 11. 142829 53 8 8. 857801 9. 998869 8. 858932 11. 141068 52 9 8. 859546 9. 998860 8 … 542 10. 861458 10 51 9. 135387 9. 995911 9. 139476 10. 860524 9 52 9. 136303 9. 995894 9. 140409 10. 859591 8 53 9. 137216 9. 995876 9. 141340 10. 858660 7 54 9. 138127 9. 995859 9. 142269 10. 857731 6 55 9. 139037 9. 995841 9. 143196 10. 856804 5 56 9. 139944 9. 995825 9. 144121 10. 855879 4 57 9. 140850 9. 995806 9. 145044 10. 854956 3 58 9. 141754 9. 995788 9. 145965 10. 854035 2 59 9 142655 9. 995770 9. 146885 10. 853115 1 60 9. 142555 9. 995753 9. 147803 10. 852197 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 82. Degree 8. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 143555 9. 995753 9. 147803 10. 852197 60 1 9. 144453 9. 995735 9. 148718 10. 851282 59 2 9. 145349 9. 995717 9. 149632 10. 850368 58 3 9. 146243 9. 995699 9. 159544 10. 849456 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 8174 9. 998699 8. 889476 11. 110524 34 27 8. 889801 9. 998689 8. 891112 11. 108888 33 28 8. 891421 9. 998679 8. 892742 11. 107258 32 29 8. 893035 9. 998669 8. 894366 11. 105634 31 30 8. 894643 9. 998659 8. 845984 11. 104016 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 85 Degree 4 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 894643 9. 998659 8. 895984 11. 104016 30 31 8. 896246 9. 998649 8. 897596 11. 102404 29 32 8. 897842 9. 998639 8. 899203 11. 100797 28 33 8. 899432 9. 998629 8. 900803 11. 099197 27 34 8. 901017 9. 998619 8. 902398 11. 097602 26 35 8. 902596 9. 998609 8. 903987 11. 096013 25 36 8. 904169 9. 998599 8. 905570 11. 094430 24 37 8. 905736 9. 998589 8. 907147 11. 092853 23 38 8. 907297 9. 998577 8. 908719 11. 091281 22 39 8. 908853 9. … 34226 40 21 9. 162025 9. 995372 9. 166654 10. 833346 39 22 9. 162885 9. 995353 9. 167532 10. 832468 38 23 9. 163743 9. 995334 9. 168409 10. 831591 37 24 9. 164600 9. 995316 9. 169284 10. 830716 36 25 9. 165454 9. 995297 9. 160157 10. 829843 35 26 9. 166307 9. 995278 9. 171029 10. 828971 34 27 9. 167158 9. 995260 9. 171899 10. 828101 33 28 9. 168008 9. 995241 9. 172767 10. 827233 32 29 9. 168856 9 995222 9 173634 10. 826366 31 30 9. 169702 9. 995203 9. 174499 10. 825501 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 81. Degree 8. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 169702 9. 995203 9. 174499 10. 825501 30 31 9. 170546 9. 995184 9. 175362 10. 824638 29 32 9. 171389 9. 995165 9. 176224 10. 823776 28 33 9. 172230 9. 995146 9. 177084 10. 822916 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 8. 934481 9. 998388 8. 936093 11. 063907 4 57 8. 935942 9. 998377 8. 937565 11. 062435 3 58 8. 937398 9. 998366 8. 939032 11. 060968 2 59 8. 938850 9. 998355 8. 940494 11. 059506 1 60 8. 940296 9. 998344 8. 941952 11. 058048 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 85. Degree 5. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 8. 940296 9. 998344 8. 941952 11. 058048 60 1 8. 941738 9. 998333 8. 943404 11. 056596 59 2 8. 943174 9. 998322 8. 944852 11. 055148 58 3 8. 944606 9. 998311 8. 946295 11. 053705 57 4 8. 946034 9. 998300 8. 947734 11. 052266 56 5 8. 957456 9. 998289 8. 949168 11. 050832 55 6 8. 958814 9. 998277 8. 950597 11. 049403 54 7 8. 950287 9. 998266 8. 952021 11. 047979 53 8 8. 951696 9. 998255 8. 953441 11. 046559 52 9 8. 953099 9. 998243 … 62 10. 808538 10 51 9. 187092 9. 994798 9. 192294 10. 807706 9 52 9. 187903 9. 994779 9. 193124 10. 806876 8 53 9. 188712 9. 994759 9. 193953 10. 806047 7 54 9. 189519 9. 994739 9. 194780 10. 805220 6 55 9. 190325 9. 994719 9. 195606 10. 804394 5 56 9. 191130 9. 994699 9. 196440 10. 803569 4 57 9. 191933 9. 994680 9. 197253 10. 802747 3 58 9. 192734 9. 994660 9. 198674 10. 801926 2 59 9. 193534 9. 994640 9. 198894 10. 801106 1 60 9. 194332 9. 994620 9. 199712 10. 800287 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 81. Degree 9. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 194332 9. 994620 9. 199712 10. 800287 60 1 9. 195129 9. 994600 9. 200529 10. 799470 59 2 9. 195925 9. 994580 9. 201345 10. 798655 58 3 9. 196718 9. 994560 9. 202159 10. 797841 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 976293 9. 998044 8. 978248 11. 021752 34 27 8. 977619 9. 998032 8. 979586 11 020414 33 28 8 978941 9. 998020 8. 980921 11. 019079 32 29 8. 980259 9. 998008 8 982251 11. 017749 31 30 8. 981573 9. 997996 8. 983577 11. 016423 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 84. Degree 5. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 8. 981573 9. 997996 8. 983577 11. 016423 30 31 8. 982883 9. 997984 8. 984899 11. 015101 29 32 8. 984189 9. 997971 8. 986217 11. 013783 28 33 8. 985491 9. 997959 8 987532 11. 012468 27 34 8. 986789 9. 997947 8. 988842 11. 011158 26 35 8. 988083 9. 997935 8. 990149 11. 009851 25 36 8. 989374 9. 997922 8. 991451 11. 008549 24 37 8. 990660 9. 997910 8 992750 11. 007250 23 38 8. 991943 9 997897 8 994045 11. 005955 22 39 8. 993228 9. 9 … 220 40 21 9. 210760 9. 994191 9. 216568 10. 783432 39 22 9. 211526 9. 994171 9. 217356 10. 782644 38 23 9. 212291 9. 994150 9. 218142 10. 781858 37 24 9. 213055 9. 994129 9. 218926 10. 781070 36 25 9. 213818 9. 994108 9. 219710 10. 780294 35 26 9. 214579 9. 994087 9. 220491 10. 779508 34 27 9. 215338 9. 994066 9. 221272 10. 778728 33 28 9. 216097 9. 994044 9. 222052 10. 777948 32 29 9. 216854 9. 994024 9. 222830 10. 777170 31 30 9. 217609 9. 994003 9. 223607 10. 776393 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 80. Degree 9. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 217609 9. 994003 9. 223607 10. 716393 30 31 9. 218363 9. 993982 9. 224382 10. 775618 29 32 9. 219116 9. 993960 9. 225156 10. 774844 28 33 9. 219868 9. 993939 9. 225929 10. 774071 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 014399 9. 997667 9. 016732 10. 983268 4 57 9. 015613 9. 997654 9. 017959 10. 982041 3 58 9. 016824 9. 997641 9. 019183 10. 980817 2 59 9. 018031 9. 997628 9. 020403 10. 979597 1 60 9. 019235 9. 997612 9. 021620 10. 978380 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 84. Degree 6 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 019235 9. 997614 9. 021620 10. 978380 60 1 9. 020435 9. 997601 9. 022834 10. 977166 59 2 9. 021632 9. 997588 9. 024044 10. 975956 58 3 9. 022825 9. 997574 9. 025251 10. 974749 57 4 9. 024016 9. 997561 9. 026455 10. 973545 56 5 9. 025203 9. 997548 9. 027655 10. 972345 55 6 9. 026386 9. 997534 9. 028852 10. 971148 54 7 9. 027567 9. 997520 9. 030046 10. 969954 53 8 9. 028744 9. 997507 9. 031237 10. 968763 52 9 9. 029918 9. 997493 9. … 38872 10. 761128 10 51 9. 233172 9. 993550 9. 239622 10. 760378 9 52 9. 233899 9. 993528 9. 240371 10. 759629 8 53 9 234625 9. 993506 9. 241118 10. 758882 7 54 9. 235349 9. 993484 9. 241865 10. 758135 6 55 9. 236073 9. 993462 9 242610 10 757390 5 56 9. 236795 9. 993440 9. 243354 10. 756646 4 57 9. 237515 9. 993418 9. 244097 10. 755903 3 58 9. 238835 9. 993396 9. 244839 10. 755161 2 59 9. 238952 9. 993374 9. 245579 10. 754421 1 60 9. 239670 9. 993351 9. 246319 10. 753681 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 80. Degree 10. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 239670 9. 993351 9. 246319 10. 753681 60 1 9. 240386 9. 993329 9. 247057 10. 752943 59 2 9. 241101 9. 993307 9. 247794 10. 752206 58 3 9. 241814 9. 993284 9. 248530 10. 751470 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 49400 9. 997256 9. 052144 10. 947856 34 27 9. 050519 9. 997242 9. 043277 10. 946723 33 28 9. 051635 9. 997228 9. 054408 10. 945592 32 29 9. 052749 9. 997214 9. 055535 10. 944465 31 30 9. 053859 9. 997199 9. 056640 10. 943340 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 83. Degree 6. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 053859 9. 997199 9. 056640 10. 943340 30 31 9. 054966 9. 997185 9. 057781 10. 942219 29 32 9. 056071 9. 997170 9. 058900 10. 941100 28 33 9. 057172 9. 997156 9. 060016 10. 939984 27 34 9. 058271 9. 997141 9. 061130 10. 938870 26 35 9. 059367 9. 997127 9. 062240 10. 937760 25 36 9. 060460 9. 997112 9. 063348 10. 936652 24 37 9. 061551 9. 997098 9. 064453 10. 935547 23 38 9. 062638 9. 997083 9. 065556 10. 934444 22 39 9. 063723 9 … 739137 40 21 9 254453 9. 992875 9. 261578 10. 738422 39 22 9. 255144 9. 992852 9. 262292 10. 737708 38 23 9. 255834 9. 992829 9. 263005 10. 736995 37 24 9. 256523 9. 992806 9. 263717 10. 736283 36 25 9. 257211 9. 992783 9. 264428 10. 735572 35 26 9. 257898 9. 992759 9. 265138 10. 734862 34 27 9. 258583 9. 992736 9. 265847 10. 734153 33 28 9. 259268 9. 992713 9. 266555 10. 733445 32 29 9. 259951 9 992690 9. 267261 10. 732739 31 30 9 260633 9. 992666 9. 267967 10. 732033 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 79. Degree 10. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 260633 9. 992666 9. 267967 10. 732033 30 31 9. 261314 9. 992643 9. 268671 10. 731329 29 32 9. 261994 9. 992619 9. 269375 10. 730625 28 33 9. 262673 9. 992596 9. 270778 10. 729923 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 081759 9. 996812 9. 084947 10. 915053 4 57 9. 082797 9. 996797 9. 085999 10. 914100 3 58 9. 083832 9. 996782 9. 087050 10. 912950 2 59 9. 084864 9. 996766 9. 088098 10. 911902 1 60 9. 085894 9. 996751 9. 089144 10. 910856 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 83. Degree 7. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 085894 9. 996751 9. 089144 10. 910856 60 1 9. 086922 9. 996735 9. 090187 10. 909813 59 2 9. 087947 9. 996720 9. 091228 10. 908772 58 3 9. 088970 9. 996704 9. 092266 10. 907734 57 4 9. 089990 9. 996688 9. 093302 10. 906698 56 5 9. 091088 9. 996673 9. 094336 10. 905664 55 6 9. 092024 9. 996657 9. 095367 10. 904633 54 7 9. 093037 9. 996641 9. 096395 10. 903604 53 8 9. 094047 9. 996625 9. 097422 10. 902578 52 9 9. 095056 9. 996610 9 … 281858 10. 718142 10 51 9. 274708 9 992166 9. 282542 10. 717458 9 52 9. 275367 9. 992142 9. 283225 10. 716775 8 53 9. 276025 9. 992118 9283907 10. 716093 7 54 9. 276681 9. 992093 9. 284588 10. 715412 6 55 9. 277337 9. 992069 9. 285268 10. 714732 5 56 9. 277991 9. 992045 9. 285946 10. 714053 4 57 9. 278685 9. 992020 9 286624 10. 713376 3 58 9. 279297 9. 991996 9. 287301 10. 712699 2 59 9 279948 9. 991971 9. 287977 10. 712023 1 60 9. 280599 9. 991947 9. 288652 10. 711348 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 79. Degree 11. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 280599 9. 991947 9. 288652 10. 711348 60 1 9. 281229 9. 991922 9. 289326 10. 710674 59 2 9. 281897 9. 991897 9. 289999 10. 710001 58 3 9. 282544 9. 991873 9. 290671 10. 709329 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 111842 9. 996335 9. 115507 10. 884493 34 27 9. 112809 9. 996318 9. 116491 10. 883509 33 28 9. 113774 9 996302 9. 117472 10. 882528 32 29 9. 114737 9. 996235 9. 118452 10. 881548 31 30 9. 115698 9. 996269 9. 119429 10. 880571 30 Co sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 82. Degree 7. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 115698 9. 996269 9. 119429 10. 880571 30 31 9. 116656 9. 996252 9. 120404 10. 879596 29 32 9. 117612 9. 996235 9. 121377 10. 878623 28 33 9. 118567 9. 996218 9. 122348 10. 877652 27 34 9. 119519 9. 996202 9. 123317 10. 876683 26 35 9. 120469 9. 996185 9. 124284 10. 875716 25 36 9. 121417 9. 996168 9. 125248 10. 874751 24 37 9. 122362 9. 996151 9. 126211 10. 873789 23 38 9. 123306 9. 996134 9. 127172 10. 872828 22 39 9. 124248 9 … 8049 40 21 9. 294029 9. 991422 9. 302607 10. 697393 39 22 9. 294658 9. 991397 9. 303261 10. 696739 38 23 9. 295286 9. 991372 9. 303914 10. 696086 37 24 9. 295913 9. 991346 9. 304567 10. 695433 36 25 9. 296539 9. 991321 9. 305218 10. 694782 35 26 9. 297164 9. 991295 9. 305867 10. 694131 34 27 9. 297788 9. 991270 9. 306519 10. 693481 33 28 9. 298412 9. 991244 9. 307168 10. 692832 32 29 9. 299034 9. 991218 9. 307816 10. 692184 31 30 9. 299655 9 991193 9. 308463 10. 691537 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 78. Degree 11. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 299655 9 991193 9. 308463 10. 691537 30 31 9. 300276 9. 991167 9. 309109 10. 690891 29 32 9. 300895 9. 991141 9. 309754 10. 690246 28 33 9. 301514 9. 991115 9. 310399 10. 689601 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 6 9. 139944 9. 995825 9. 144121 10. 855879 4 57 9. 140850 9. 995806 9. 145044 10. 854956 3 58 9. 141754 9. 995788 9. 145965 10. 854035 2 59 9 142655 9. 995770 9. 146885 10. 853115 1 60 9. 142555 9. 995753 9. 147803 10. 852197 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 82. Degree 8. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 143555 9. 995753 9. 147803 10. 852197 60 1 9. 144453 9. 995735 9. 148718 10. 851282 59 2 9. 145349 9. 995717 9. 149632 10. 850368 58 3 9. 146243 9. 995699 9. 159544 10. 849456 57 4 9. 147136 9. 995681 9. 151454 10. 848546 56 5 9. 148026 9. 995664 9. 152363 10. 847637 55 6 9. 148919 9 995646 9. 153269 10. 846731 54 7 9. 149881 9. 995628 9. 154174 10. 845825 53 8 9. 150686 9. 995610 9. 155077 10. 844923 52 9 9. 151569 9. 995591 9. … 22 10. 678778 10 51 9. 312495 9. 990645 9. 321851 10. 678149 9 52 9. 313097 9. 990618 9. 322479 10. 677521 8 53 9. 313698 9. 990591 9 323106 10. 676894 7 54 9. 314297 9. 990565 9. 323733 10. 676267 6 55 9. 314897 9. 990538 9. 324358 10. 675642 5 56 9. 315495 9. 990512 9. 324983 10. 675017 4 57 9. 316092 9. 990485 9. 325607 10. 674393 3 58 9. 316689 9. 990458 9. 326231 10. 673769 2 59 9. 317284 9. 990431 9. 326853 10. 673147 1 60 9. 317879 9. 990404 9. 327475 10. 672525 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 78. Degree 12. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 317879 9. 990404 9. 327475 10. 672525 60 1 9. 318473 9. 990377 9. 328095 10. 671905 59 2 9. 319066 9. 990351 9. 328715 10. 671285 58 3 9. 319658 9. 990324 9. 329334 10. 670666 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 166307 9. 995278 9. 171029 10. 828971 34 27 9. 167158 9. 995260 9. 171899 10. 828101 33 28 9. 168008 9. 995241 9. 172767 10. 827233 32 29 9. 168856 9 995222 9 173634 10. 826366 31 30 9. 169702 9. 995203 9. 174499 10. 825501 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 81. Degree 8. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 169702 9. 995203 9. 174499 10. 825501 30 31 9. 170546 9. 995184 9. 175362 10. 824638 29 32 9. 171389 9. 995165 9. 176224 10. 823776 28 33 9. 172230 9. 995146 9. 177084 10. 822916 27 34 9. 173070 9. 995127 9. 177942 10. 822057 26 35 9. 173908 9. 995108 9. 178799 10. 821201 25 36 9. 174744 9. 995089 9. 179655 10. 820345 24 37 9. 175578 9. 995070 9. 180508 10. 819492 23 38 9. 176411 9. 995061 9. 181360 10. 818640 22 39 9. 177242 9 … 660261 40 21 9. 330176 9. 989832 9. 340344 10. 659656 39 22 9. 330753 9. 989804 9. 340948 10. 659052 38 23 9. 331328 9. 989777 9. 341552 10. 658448 37 24 9. 331903 9. 989749 9. 342155 10. 657845 36 25 9. 332478 9 989721 9. 342757 10. 657243 35 26 9 333051 9. 989693 9. 343358 10. 656642 34 27 9. 333624 9. 989665 9. 343958 10. 656042 33 28 9. 334195 9. 989637 9. 344558 10. 655442 32 29 9. 334766 9 989609 9. 345157 10. 654843 31 30 9. 335337 9. 989581 9 345755 10. 654245 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 77. Degree 12. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 335337 9. 989581 9. 345755 10. 654245 30 31 9. 335906 9. 989553 9. 346353 10. 653647 29 32 9. 336475 9. 989525 9. 346949 10. 653051 28 33 9. 337043 9. 989597 9. 347545 10. 652455 2 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 191130 9. 994699 9. 196440 10. 803569 4 57 9. 191933 9. 994680 9. 197253 10. 802747 3 58 9. 192734 9. 994660 9. 198674 10. 801926 2 59 9. 193534 9. 994640 9. 198894 10. 801106 1 60 9. 194332 9. 994620 9. 199712 10. 800287 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 81. Degree 9. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 194332 9. 994620 9. 199712 10. 800287 60 1 9. 195129 9. 994600 9. 200529 10. 799470 59 2 9. 195925 9. 994580 9. 201345 10. 798655 58 3 9. 196718 9. 994560 9. 202159 10. 797841 57 4 9. 197511 9. 994540 9. 202971 10. 797029 56 5 9. 198302 9. 994519 9. 203782 10. 796218 55 6 9. 199091 9. 994499 9. 204592 10. 795408 54 7 9. 199879 9. 994479 9. 205400 10. 794600 53 8 9. 200666 9. 994459 9. 206207 10. 793793 52 9 9. 201451 9. 994438 9 … 66 10. 642434 10 51 9. 347134 9. 988985 9. 358149 10. 641851 9 52 9. 347687 9. 988956 9. 358731 10. 641269 8 53 9. 348240 9. 988927 9. 359313 10. 640687 7 54 9. 348792 9. 988898 9. 359893 10. 640107 6 55 9 349343 9. 988869 9. 360474 10. 639526 5 56 9. 349893 9. 988840 9. 361053 10. 638947 4 57 9. 350443 9. 988811 9. 361632 10. 638368 3 58 9. 350992 9. 988782 9. 362210 10. 637790 2 59 9. 351540 9. 988754 9. 362787 10. 637213 1 60 9. 352088 9. 988724 9. 363364 10. 636636 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 77. Degree 13. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 352088 9. 988724 9. 363364 10. 636636 60 1 9. 352635 9. 988695 9. 363940 10. 636060 59 2 9. 353181 9. 988666 9. 364515 10. 635485 58 3 9. 353726 9. 988636 9. 365090 10. 634910 57 4 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 14579 9. 994087 9. 220491 10. 779508 34 27 9. 215338 9. 994066 9. 221272 10. 778728 33 28 9. 216097 9. 994044 9. 222052 10. 777948 32 29 9. 216854 9. 994024 9. 222830 10. 777170 31 30 9. 217609 9. 994003 9. 223607 10. 776393 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 80. Degree 9. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 217609 9. 994003 9. 223607 10. 716393 30 31 9. 218363 9. 993982 9. 224382 10. 775618 29 32 9. 219116 9. 993960 9. 225156 10. 774844 28 33 9. 219868 9. 993939 9. 225929 10. 774071 27 34 9. 220618 9. 993918 9. 226704 10. 773300 26 35 9. 221367 9. 993897 9 227471 10. 772529 25 36 9. 222115 9 993875 9 228240 10. 771760 24 37 9. 222861 9. 993854 9. 229007 10. 770993 23 38 9. 223606 9. 993832 9. 229774 10. 770226 22 39 9. 224349 9. 9 … 10. 625244 40 21 9. 363422 9. 988103 9. 375319 10. 624681 39 22 9 363954 9. 988073 9 375881 10. 624119 38 23 9. 364485 9. 988043 9. 376442 10. 623558 37 24 9. 365016 9. 988013 9 377003 10. 622997 36 25 9 365546 9. 987983 9 377563 10. 622437 35 26 9 366075 9. 987953 9. 378122 10. 621878 34 27 9. 366604 9. 987922 9. 378681 10. 621319 33 28 9 367132 9. 987892 9. 379239 10. 620761 32 29 9. 367659 9. 987862 9. 379797 10. 620203 31 30 9. 368185 9. 987832 9. 380354 10. 619646 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 76. Degree 13. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 368185 9. 987832 9. 380354 10. 619646 30 31 9. 368711 9. 987801 9. 380910 10. 619090 29 32 9. 369236 9. 987771 9. 381466 10. 618534 28 33 9. 369761 9. 987740 9. 382021 10. 617980 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 236795 9. 993440 9. 243354 10. 756646 4 57 9. 237515 9. 993418 9. 244097 10. 755903 3 58 9. 238835 9. 993396 9. 244839 10. 755161 2 59 9. 238952 9. 993374 9. 245579 10. 754421 1 60 9. 239670 9. 993351 9. 246319 10. 753681 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 80. Degree 10. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 239670 9. 993351 9. 246319 10. 753681 60 1 9. 240386 9. 993329 9. 247057 10. 752943 59 2 9. 241101 9. 993307 9. 247794 10. 752206 58 3 9. 241814 9. 993284 9. 248530 10. 751470 57 4 9. 242526 9. 993262 9. 249264 10. 750736 56 5 9. 243237 9. 993240 9. 249998 10. 750002 55 6 9. 243947 9. 993117 9. 250730 10. 749270 54 7 9 244656 9. 993195 9. 251461 10. 748539 53 8 9. 245363 9. 993172 9. 252191 10. 747809 52 9 9. 246070 9. 993149 9 … 1360 10. 608640 10 51 9. 379089 9. 987186 9. 391907 10. 608097 9 52 9. 379601 9. 987155 9. 392467 10. 607553 8 53 9. 380113 9. 987124 9. 392989 10. 607011 7 54 9. 380624 9. 987092 9. 393531 10. 606469 6 55 9. 381134 9. 987061 9 394074 10. 605927 5 56 9. 381643 9. 987030 9. 394614 10. 605386 4 57 9. 382152 9. 986998 9. 395154 10. 604846 3 58 9 382661 9. 986967 9. 395694 10. 604306 2 59 9. 383168 9. 986936 9. 396233 10. 603767 1 60 9. 383675 9. 986904 9. 396770 10. 603229 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 76. Degree 14 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 383675 9 986904 9. 396771 10. 603229 60 1 9. 384181 9. 986873 9. 397309 10. 602694 59 2 9. 384687 9. 986841 9. 397846 10. 602154 58 3 9. 385192 9. 986809 9. 398383 10. 601617 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 257898 9. 992759 9. 265138 10. 734862 34 27 9. 258583 9. 992736 9. 265847 10. 734153 33 28 9. 259268 9. 992713 9. 266555 10. 733445 32 29 9. 259951 9 992690 9. 267261 10. 732739 31 30 9 260633 9. 992666 9. 267967 10. 732033 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 79. Degree 10. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 260633 9. 992666 9. 267967 10. 732033 30 31 9. 261314 9. 992643 9. 268671 10. 731329 29 32 9. 261994 9. 992619 9. 269375 10. 730625 28 33 9. 262673 9. 992596 9. 270778 10. 729923 27 34 9. 263351 9. 992572 9. 271479 10. 729221 26 35 9. 264027 9. 992549 9. 271479 10. 728521 25 36 9. 264703 9. 992525 9. 272178 10. 727822 24 37 9. 265378 9. 992501 9. 10. 727124 23 38 9. 266051 9. 992478 9. 273573 10. 726427 22 39 9. 266723 9. 9924 … 581 40 21 9. 394179 9. 986234 9. 407945 10. 592055 39 22 9. 394673 9. 986201 9. 408471 10. 591529 38 23 9. 395166 9. 986869 9. 408996 10. 591001 37 24 9. 395654 9. 986137 9. 409521 10. 590479 36 25 9. 396150 9. 986104 9. 410045 10. 589954 35 26 9. 396641 9. 986072 9. 410569 10. 589431 34 27 9. 397131 9. 986039 9. 411097 10. 588908 33 28 9. 397621 9. 986007 9. 411615 10. 588385 32 29 9. 398111 9. 985974 9. 412137 10. 587863 31 30 9. 398600 9. 986942 9. 412658 10. 587342 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 75. Degree 14. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 398600 9. 985942 9. 412658 10. 587342 30 31 9. 399087 9. 985909 9. 413179 10. 586821 29 32 9. 399575 9. 985876 9. 413699 10. 586301 28 33 9. 400062 9. 985843 9. 414219 10. 585781 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 9. 277991 9. 992045 9. 285946 10. 714053 4 57 9. 278685 9. 992020 9 286624 10. 713376 3 58 9. 279297 9. 991996 9. 287301 10. 712699 2 59 9 279948 9. 991971 9. 287977 10. 712023 1 60 9. 280599 9. 991947 9. 288652 10. 711348 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 79. Degree 11. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 280599 9. 991947 9. 288652 10. 711348 60 1 9. 281229 9. 991922 9. 289326 10. 710674 59 2 9. 281897 9. 991897 9. 289999 10. 710001 58 3 9. 282544 9. 991873 9. 290671 10. 709329 57 4 9. 283190 9. 991848 9. 291342 10. 708658 56 5 9. 283836 9. 991823 9 292013 10. 707987 55 6 9. 284480 9. 991799 9. 292682 10. 707318 54 7 9. 285124 9. 991774 9. 293350 10. 706650 53 8 9. 285766 9. 991749 9. 294017 10. 705983 52 9 9. 286408 9. 991724 9 … 73 10. 577026 10 51 9. 408731 9. 985247 9. 423484 10. 576516 9 52 9. 409207 9. 985213 9. 423993 10. 576007 8 53 9. 409682 9. 985180 9. 424503 10. 575497 7 54 9. 410157 9. 985146 9. 425011 10. 574989 6 55 9. 410632 9. 985112 9. 425518 10. 574480 5 56 9. 411106 9. 985079 9. 426027 10. 573973 4 57 9. 411579 9. 985045 9. 426534 10. 573466 3 58 9. 412052 9. 985011 9. 427041 10. 572959 2 59 9. 412524 9. 984977 9. 427547 10. 572453 1 60 9. 412996 9. 984943 9. 428052 10. 571947 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 75. Degree 15. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 412996 9. 984944 9. 428052 10. 571947 60 1 9. 413467 9. 984910 9. 428557 10. 571442 59 2 9. 413938 9. 984876 9. 429067 10. 570938 58 3 9. 414408 9. 984842 9. 429566 10. 570434 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 297164 9. 991295 9. 305867 10. 694131 34 27 9. 297788 9. 991270 9. 306519 10. 693481 33 28 9. 298412 9. 991244 9. 307168 10. 692832 32 29 9. 299034 9. 991218 9. 307816 10. 692184 31 30 9. 299655 9 991193 9. 308463 10. 691537 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 78. Degree 11. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 299655 9 991193 9. 308463 10. 691537 30 31 9. 300276 9. 991167 9. 309109 10. 690891 29 32 9. 300895 9. 991141 9. 309754 10. 690246 28 33 9. 301514 9. 991115 9. 310399 10. 689601 27 34 9. 302132 9. 991090 9. 311042 10. 688958 26 35 9. 302749 9. 991064 9. 311685 10. 688315 25 36 9. 303364 9. 991038 9. 312327 10. 687673 24 37 9. 303979 9. 991012 9. 312968 10. 687032 23 38 9. 304593 9. 990986 9. 313608 10. 686392 22 39 9. 305207 9 … 561941 40 21 9. 422778 9. 984224 9. 438554 10. 561446 39 22 9. 423238 9. 984189 9. 439548 10. 560952 38 23 9 423697 9. 984155 9. 439543 10. 560457 37 24 9. 424156 9. 984120 9. 440036 10. 559964 36 25 9. 424615 9. 984085 9. 440529 10. 559471 35 26 9. 425072 9. 984050 9. 441022 10. 558978 34 27 9 425530 9 984015 9. 441514 10. 558486 33 28 9. 425987 9. 983980 9. 442006 10. 557994 32 29 9. 426443 9. 983945 9. 442497 10. 557503 31 30 9. 426899 9. 983910 9. 442988 10. 557011 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 74. Degree 15. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 426899 9. 983910 9. 442988 10. 557011 30 31 9. 427354 9. 983875 9. 443479 10. 556521 29 32 9. 427809 9. 983840 9. 443968 10. 556031 28 33 9. 428264 9. 983805 9. 444458 10. 555542 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 315495 9. 990512 9. 324983 10. 675017 4 57 9. 316092 9. 990485 9. 325607 10. 674393 3 58 9. 316689 9. 990458 9. 326231 10. 673769 2 59 9. 317284 9. 990431 9. 326853 10. 673147 1 60 9. 317879 9. 990404 9. 327475 10. 672525 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 78. Degree 12. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 317879 9. 990404 9. 327475 10. 672525 60 1 9. 318473 9. 990377 9. 328095 10. 671905 59 2 9. 319066 9. 990351 9. 328715 10. 671285 58 3 9. 319658 9. 990324 9. 329334 10. 670666 57 4 9. 320250 9. 990297 9. 329953 10. 670047 56 5 9. 320840 9. 990270 9. 320570 10. 669430 55 6 9. 321430 9. 990242 9. 331187 10. 668813 54 7 9. 322019 9. 990215 9. 331803 10 668197 53 8 9. 322607 9. 990188 9. 332418 10. 667582 52 9 9. 323194 9. 990161 9 … 2706 10. 547294 10 51 9. 436353 9. 983166 9. 453187 10. 546813 9 52 9. 436798 9. 983130 9. 453668 10. 546332 8 53 9. 437242 9. 983094 9. 454148 10. 545852 7 54 9. 437686 9. 983058 9 454629 10. 545372 6 55 9. 438129 9. 983022 9 455107 10. 544893 5 56 9. 438572 9. 982986 9. 455586 10. 544414 4 57 9. 439014 9. 982950 9. 456064 10. 543936 3 58 9. 439456 9. 982914 9. 456542 10. 543458 2 59 9. 439897 9. 982878 9. 457019 10. 542980 1 60 9. 440338 9. 982842 9. 457496 10. 542503 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 74. Degree 16. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 440338 9. 982842 9. 457496 10. 542503 60 1 9. 440778 9. 982805 9. 457973 10. 542027 59 2 9. 441218 9. 982769 9 458449 10. 541551 58 3 9. 441658 9. 982733 9. 458925 10. 541075 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 333051 9. 989693 9. 343358 10. 656642 34 27 9. 333624 9. 989665 9. 343958 10. 656042 33 28 9. 334195 9. 989637 9. 344558 10. 655442 32 29 9. 334766 9 989609 9. 345157 10. 654843 31 30 9. 335337 9. 989581 9 345755 10. 654245 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 77. Degree 12. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 335337 9. 989581 9. 345755 10. 654245 30 31 9. 335906 9. 989553 9. 346353 10. 653647 29 32 9. 336475 9. 989525 9. 346949 10. 653051 28 33 9. 337043 9. 989597 9. 347545 10. 652455 27 34 9. 337610 9. 989469 9. 348141 10. 651859 26 35 9. 338176 9. 989441 9. 348735 10. 651265 25 36 9. 338742 9. 989413 9. 349329 10. 650671 24 37 9. 339306 9. 989384 9. 349922 10. 650078 23 38 9. 339870 9. 989356 9. 350514 10. 649486 22 39 9 340434 … 33055 40 21 9. 449485 9. 982072 9. 467413 10. 532587 39 22 9. 449915 9. 982035 9. 467880 10. 532120 38 23 9. 450345 9. 981998 9. 468347 10. 531653 37 24 9. 450775 9. 981961 9. 468814 10. 531186 36 25 9. 451203 9 981923 9. 469280 10. 530720 35 26 9. 451632 9 981886 9. 469746 10. 530254 34 27 9. 452060 9. 981849 9. 470211 10. 529789 33 28 9. 452488 9. 981812 9. 470676 10. 529324 32 29 9. 452915 9. 981774 9. 471141 10. 528859 31 30 9. 453342 9. 981737 9. 471605 10. 528395 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 73. Degree 16. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 453342 9. 981737 9. 471605 10. 528395 30 31 9. 453768 9. 981699 9. 472068 10. 527931 29 32 9. 454194 9. 981662 9. 472532 10. 527468 28 33 9. 454619 9. 981624 9 472995 10. 527005 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 349893 9. 988840 9. 361053 10. 638947 4 57 9. 350443 9. 988811 9. 361632 10. 638368 3 58 9. 350992 9. 988782 9. 362210 10. 637790 2 59 9. 351540 9. 988754 9. 362787 10. 637213 1 60 9. 352088 9. 988724 9. 363364 10. 636636 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent. M Degree 77. Degree 13. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 352088 9. 988724 9. 363364 10. 636636 60 1 9. 352635 9. 988695 9. 363940 10. 636060 59 2 9. 353181 9. 988666 9. 364515 10. 635485 58 3 9. 353726 9. 988636 9. 365090 10. 634910 57 4 9. 354271 9. 988607 9. 365664 10. 634336 56 5 9. 354185 9. 988578 9. 366237 10. 633763 55 6 9. 355358 9. 988548 9. 366810 10. 633190 54 7 9. 355901 9. 988519 9. 367382 10. 632618 53 8 9 356443 9. 988489 9. 367953 10. 632047 52 9 9. 356984 9. 988460 … 480801 10. 519199 10 51 9. 462199 9. 980942 9. 481257 10. 518743 9 52 9. 462616 9. 980904 9. 481712 10. 518288 8 53 9. 463032 9. 980866 9 482167 10. 517833 7 54 9. 463448 9. 980827 9. 482621 10. 517379 6 55 9 463864 9. 980789 9. 483075 10. 516925 5 56 9. 464279 9. 980750 9 483528 10. 516471 4 57 9. 464694 9. 980712 9. 483982 10. 516018 3 58 9 465108 9. 980672 9. 484434 10. 515565 2 59 9. 465522 9. 980635 9. 484887 10. 515113 1 60 9. 465935 9. 980596 9. 485339 10. 514661 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 73. Degree 17. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9 465935 9. 980596 9. 485339 10. 514661 60 1 9. 466348 9. 980558 9. 485791 10. 514209 59 2 9. 466761 9. 980519 9. 486272 10. 513758 58 3 9 467173 9. 980480 9. 486693 10. 513307 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 366075 9. 987953 9. 378122 10. 621878 34 27 9. 366604 9. 987922 9. 378681 10. 621319 33 28 9 367132 9. 987892 9. 379239 10. 620761 32 29 9. 367659 9. 987862 9. 379797 10. 620203 31 30 9. 368185 9. 987832 9. 380354 10. 619646 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 76. Degree 13. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 368185 9. 987832 9. 380354 10. 619646 30 31 9. 368711 9. 987801 9. 380910 10. 619090 29 32 9. 369236 9. 987771 9. 381466 10. 618534 28 33 9. 369761 9. 987740 9. 382021 10. 617980 27 34 9. 370285 9. 987710 9. 382575 10. 617425 26 35 9. 370808 9. 987679 9. 383129 10. 616871 25 36 9. 371330 9. 987649 9. 383682 10. 616318 24 37 9. 371852 9. 987618 9. 384234 10. 615766 23 38 9. 372373 9. 987588 9. 384786 10. 615214 22 39 9. 372894 … 99 10. 505701 40 21 9. 474519 9. 979776 9 494743 10. 505257 39 22 9. 474923 9. 979737 9. 495186 10. 504813 38 23 9. 475327 9. 979697 9. 495630 10. 504370 37 24 9. 475730 9. 979658 9. 496073 10. 503928 36 25 9. 476133 9. 979618 9. 496515 10. 503485 35 26 9. 476539 9. 979578 9. 496957 10. 503043 34 27 9 476938 9. 979539 9. 497399 10. 502601 33 28 9. 477340 9. 979499 9. 497840 10. 502160 32 29 9. 477741 9 979459 9. 10. 501718 31 30 9. 478142 9. 979419 9. 498722 10. 501278 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 72. Degree 17. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 478142 9. 979419 9. 498722 10. 501278 30 31 9. 478542 9. 979380 9. 499163 10. 500837 29 32 9 478942 9. 979340 9. 499602 10. 500398 28 33 9. 479342 9 979300 9. 500042 10. 499958 27 3 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 6 9. 381643 9. 987030 9. 394614 10. 605386 4 57 9. 382152 9. 986998 9. 395154 10. 604846 3 58 9 382661 9. 986967 9. 395694 10. 604306 2 59 9. 383168 9. 986936 9. 396233 10. 603767 1 60 9. 383675 9. 986904 9. 396770 10. 603229 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 76. Degree 14 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 383675 9 986904 9. 396771 10. 603229 60 1 9. 384181 9. 986873 9. 397309 10. 602694 59 2 9. 384687 9. 986841 9. 397846 10. 602154 58 3 9. 385192 9. 986809 9. 398383 10. 601617 57 4 9. 385697 9 986778 9. 398919 10. 601081 56 5 9. 386201 9. 986746 9. 399455 10. 600545 55 6 9. 386704 9. 986714 9. 399990 10. 600010 54 7 9. 387207 9. 986683 9. 400524 10. 599476 53 8 9. 387709 9. 986651 9. 401058 10. 598942 52 9 9. 388210 9. 986619 9. … 07459 10. 492540 10 51 9. 486467 9. 978574 9. 507892 10. 492107 9 52 9. 486859 9. 978533 9. 508326 10. 491674 8 53 9. 487251 9. 978493 9. 508759 10. 491241 7 54 9. 487642 9. 978452 9. 509181 10. 490809 6 55 9. 488033 9. 978411 9. 509622 10 490377 5 56 9. 488424 9. 978370 9. 510044 10 489916 4 57 9. 488814 9. 978329 9. 510486 10. 489515 3 58 9. 489204 9. 978288 9. 510916 10. 489084 2 59 9. 489593 9. 978247 9. 511346 10 488654 1 60 9. 489982 9. 978206 9. 511776 10. 488225 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 72. Degree 18. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 489982 9. 978206 9. 511776 10. 488224 60 1 9. 490371 9. 978165 9. 512206 10. 487794 59 2 9. 490759 9. 978124 9. 512635 10. 487365 58 3 9. 491147 9. 978083 9. 513064 10. 486936 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 96641 9. 986072 9. 410569 10. 589431 34 27 9. 397131 9. 986039 9. 411097 10. 588908 33 28 9. 397621 9. 986007 9. 411615 10. 588385 32 29 9. 398111 9. 985974 9. 412137 10. 587863 31 30 9. 398600 9. 986942 9. 412658 10. 587342 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 75. Degree 14. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 398600 9. 985942 9. 412658 10. 587342 30 31 9. 399087 9. 985909 9. 413179 10. 586821 29 32 9. 399575 9. 985876 9. 413699 10. 586301 28 33 9. 400062 9. 985843 9. 414219 10. 585781 27 34 9. 400549 9. 985811 9. 414738 10. 585262 26 35 9. 401035 9. 985778 9. 415257 10. 584742 25 36 9. 401520 9. 985745 9. 415775 10. 584225 24 37 9. 402005 9. 985712 9. 416293 10. 583707 23 38 9. 402489 9. 985679 9. 416810 10. 583190 22 39 9. 402972 … 489695 40 21 9. 498063 9. 977335 9. 520728 10. 479272 39 22 9. 498444 9 977293 9. 521151 10. 478849 38 23 9. 498824 9 977251 9. 521573 10. 478427 37 24 9. 499204 9. 977209 9. 521995 10. 478005 36 25 9. 499584 9. 977167 9. 522417 10. 477583 35 26 9. 499963 9. 977125 9. 522838 10. 477162 34 27 9. 500342 9 977083 9. 523259 10. 476741 33 28 9. 500720 9. 977041 9. 523679 10. 476320 32 29 9. 501099 9 977999 9. 524109 10. 475900 31 30 9. 501476 9. 977956 9. 524520 10. 475480 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 71. Degree 18. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 501476 9. 976956 9. 524520 10. 475480 30 31 9. 501854 9. 976914 9. 524939 10. 475060 29 32 9. 502231 9. 976872 9. 525359 10. 474641 28 33 9. 502607 9. 976830 9. 525778 10. 474222 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 411106 9. 985079 9. 426027 10. 573973 4 57 9. 411579 9. 985045 9. 426534 10. 573466 3 58 9. 412052 9. 985011 9. 427041 10. 572959 2 59 9. 412524 9. 984977 9. 427547 10. 572453 1 60 9. 412996 9. 984943 9. 428052 10. 571947 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 75. Degree 15. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 412996 9. 984944 9. 428052 10. 571947 60 1 9. 413467 9. 984910 9. 428557 10. 571442 59 2 9. 413938 9. 984876 9. 429067 10. 570938 58 3 9. 414408 9. 984842 9. 429566 10. 570434 57 4 9. 414878 9. 984808 9. 430070 10. 569930 56 5 9. 415347 9. 984774 9. 430573 10. 569427 55 6 9. 415815 9. 984740 9. 431075 10. 568925 54 7 9. 416283 9. 984706 9. 431577 10. 568423 53 8 9. 416850 9 984672 9. 432079 10. 567921 52 9 9. 417217 9. 984637 9 … 52 10. 467147 10 51 9. 509326 9. 976060 9. 533266 10. 466734 9 52 9. 509696 9. 976017 9. 533679 10. 466321 8 53 9. 510065 9. 975973 9. 534092 10. 465908 7 54 9. 510434 9. 975930 9. 534504 10. 465496 6 55 9. 510803 9. 975887 9. 534916 10. 465084 5 56 9. 511171 9. 975844 9. 535328 10. 464672 4 57 9. 511540 9. 975800 9. 535739 10. 464261 3 58 9. 511907 9. 975757 9. 536150 10. 463849 2 59 9. 512275 9. 975713 9. 536561 10. 463439 1 60 9. 512642 9. 975670 9. 536972 10. 463028 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 71. Degree 19. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 512642 9. 975670 9. 536972 10. 463028 60 1 9. 513009 9. 975626 9. 537382 10. 462618 59 2 9. 513375 9. 975583 9. 537792 10. 462208 58 3 9. 513741 9. 975539 9. 538202 10. 461798 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 425072 9. 984050 9. 441022 10. 558978 34 27 9 425530 9 984015 9. 441514 10. 558486 33 28 9. 425987 9. 983980 9. 442006 10. 557994 32 29 9. 426443 9. 983945 9. 442497 10. 557503 31 30 9. 426899 9. 983910 9. 442988 10. 557011 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 74. Degree 15. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 426899 9. 983910 9. 442988 10. 557011 30 31 9. 427354 9. 983875 9. 443479 10. 556521 29 32 9. 427809 9. 983840 9. 443968 10. 556031 28 33 9. 428264 9. 983805 9. 444458 10. 555542 27 34 9. 428717 9. 983770 9. 444947 10. 555035 26 35 9. 429170 9. 983735 9. 445435 10. 554565 25 36 9. 429623 9. 983699 9. 445923 10. 554077 24 37 9. 430075 9. 983664 9. 446411 10. 553589 23 38 9. 430507 9 983629 9. 446898 10. 553102 22 39 9. 430978 9 … 881 40 21 9. 520271 9. 974747 9. 545524 10. 454476 39 22 9. 520631 9. 974703 9. 545927 10. 454072 38 23 9. 520990 9. 974659 9. 546331 10. 453669 37 24 9. 521349 9. 974614 9. 546735 10. 453265 36 25 9. 521707 9. 974570 9. 547138 10. 452862 35 26 9. 522065 9. 974525 9. 547540 10. 452459 34 27 9. 522423 9. 974480 9. 547943 10. 452057 33 28 9. 522781 9. 974436 9. 548345 10. 451655 32 29 9. 523138 9. 974391 9. 548747 10. 451253 31 30 9. 523495 9. 974346 9. 549149 10. 450851 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 70. Degree 19. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9 523495 9. 974346 9. 549149 10. 450851 30 31 9. 523851 9. 974302 9. 549550 10. 450450 29 32 9. 524208 9. 974257 9. 549951 10. 450049 28 33 9. 524564 9. 974212 9. 550352 10. 449648 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 438572 9. 982986 9. 455586 10. 544414 4 57 9. 439014 9. 982950 9. 456064 10. 543936 3 58 9. 439456 9. 982914 9. 456542 10. 543458 2 59 9. 439897 9. 982878 9. 457019 10. 542980 1 60 9. 440338 9. 982842 9. 457496 10. 542503 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 74. Degree 16. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 440338 9. 982842 9. 457496 10. 542503 60 1 9. 440778 9. 982805 9. 457973 10. 542027 59 2 9. 441218 9. 982769 9 458449 10. 541551 58 3 9. 441658 9. 982733 9. 458925 10. 541075 57 4 9. 442096 9. 982696 9. 459400 10. 540600 56 5 9. 442535 9 982660 9. 459875 10. 540125 55 6 9. 442973 9. 982623 9. 460349 10. 539651 54 7 9. 443416 9. 982587 9 460829 10. 539177 53 8 9. 443848 9. 982550 9. 461297 10. 538703 52 9 9. 444284 9. 982514 9. … 21 10. 442879 10 51 9. 530915 9. 973398 9. 557517 10. 442483 9 52 9. 531265 9. 973352 9. 557912 10. 442088 8 53 9. 531614 9. 973307 9. 558308 10. 441693 7 54 9. 531963 9. 973261 9. 558702 10. 441298 6 55 9. 532312 9. 973215 9. 559097 10. 440903 5 56 9. 532661 9. 973169 9. 559491 10. 440509 4 57 9. 533009 9. 973123 9. 559885 10. 440115 3 58 9. 533357 9. 973078 9 560279 10. 439721 2 59 9. 533704 9. 973032 9. 560673 10. 439327 1 60 9. 534052 9. 972986 9. 561066 10. 438934 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 70. Degree 20. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 534052 9. 972986 9. 561066 10. 438934 60 1 9. 534399 9. 972940 9. 561459 10. 438541 59 2 9. 534746 9. 972894 9. 561851 10. 438148 58 3 9. 535091 9. 972848 9. 562244 10. 437756 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 451632 9 981886 9. 469746 10. 530254 34 27 9. 452060 9. 981849 9. 470211 10. 529789 33 28 9. 452488 9. 981812 9. 470676 10. 529324 32 29 9. 452915 9. 981774 9. 471141 10. 528859 31 30 9. 453342 9. 981737 9. 471605 10. 528395 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 73. Degree 16. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 453342 9. 981737 9. 471605 10. 528395 30 31 9. 453768 9. 981699 9. 472068 10. 527931 29 32 9. 454194 9. 981662 9. 472532 10. 527468 28 33 9. 454619 9. 981624 9 472995 10. 527005 27 34 9 455044 9. 981587 9. 473457 10. 526543 26 35 9. 455469 9. 981549 9. 473919 10. 526081 25 36 9. 455892 9. 981512 9. 474381 10. 525619 24 37 9. 456316 9. 981474 9 474842 10. 525158 23 38 9. 456739 9. 981436 9. 475303 10. 524695 22 39 9. 457162 9. … 31126 40 21 9. 541272 9. 972011 9. 569261 10. 430739 39 22 9. 541612 9 971964 9. 569648 10. 430351 38 23 9. 541953 9. 971917 9. 570035 10. 429964 37 24 9. 542292 9. 971870 9 570422 10. 429578 36 25 9. 542632 9. 971823 9. 570809 10. 429191 35 26 9. 542971 9. 971776 9. 571195 10. 428805 34 27 9. 543310 9. 971729 9. 571581 10. 428419 33 28 9. 543649 9. 971682 9. 571967 10. 428033 32 29 9 543987 9. 971635 9. 572352 10. 427648 31 30 9. 544325 9. 971588 9. 572738 10. 427262 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 69. Degree 20. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 544325 9. 971588 9. 572738 10. 427262 30 31 9. 544663 9. 971540 9. 573123 10. 426877 29 32 9. 545000 9. 971493 9. 573507 10. 426492 28 33 9. 545338 9. 971446 9. 573892 10. 426108 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 9. 464279 9. 980750 9 483528 10. 516471 4 57 9. 464694 9. 980712 9. 483982 10. 516018 3 58 9 465108 9. 980672 9. 484434 10. 515565 2 59 9. 465522 9. 980635 9. 484887 10. 515113 1 60 9. 465935 9. 980596 9. 485339 10. 514661 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 73. Degree 17. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9 465935 9. 980596 9. 485339 10. 514661 60 1 9. 466348 9. 980558 9. 485791 10. 514209 59 2 9. 466761 9. 980519 9. 486272 10. 513758 58 3 9 467173 9. 980480 9. 486693 10. 513307 57 4 9. 467585 9. 980441 9. 487143 10. 512857 56 5 9. 467996 9. 980403 9. 487593 10. 512407 55 6 9 468407 9. 980364 9. 488043 10. 511957 54 7 9. 468817 9. 980325 9. 488493 10. 511507 53 8 9. 469227 9. 980286 9 488941 10. 511059 52 9 9. 469637 9. 980247 9. 4 … 389 10. 419611 10 51 9. 551355 9. 970586 9. 580769 10. 419231 9 52 9. 551687 9. 970538 9. 581149 10. 418851 8 53 9. 552018 9. 970490 9 581528 10. 418472 7 54 9. 552349 9. 970442 9. 581907 10. 418092 6 55 9. 552680 9. 970394 9. 582286 10. 417713 5 56 9. 553010 9. 970345 9. 582665 10. 417335 4 57 9. 553340 9. 970297 9. 583043 10. 416956 3 58 9. 553670 9. 970249 9. 583422 10. 416578 2 59 9. 554000 9. 970200 9. 583800 10. 416200 1 60 9. 554329 9. 970152 9. 584177 10. 415823 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 69. Degree 21. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 554329 9. 970152 9. 584177 10. 415822 60 1 9. 554658 9. 970103 9. 584555 10. 415445 59 2 9. 554987 9. 970055 9. 584932 10. 415068 58 3 9. 555315 9. 970006 9. 585308 10. 414691 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 5 26 9. 476539 9. 979578 9. 496957 10. 503043 34 27 9 476938 9. 979539 9. 497399 10. 502601 33 28 9. 477340 9. 979499 9. 497840 10. 502160 32 29 9. 477741 9 979459 9. 10. 501718 31 30 9. 478142 9. 979419 9. 498722 10. 501278 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 72. Degree 17. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 478142 9. 979419 9. 498722 10. 501278 30 31 9. 478542 9. 979380 9. 499163 10. 500837 29 32 9 478942 9. 979340 9. 499602 10. 500398 28 33 9. 479342 9 979300 9. 500042 10. 499958 27 34 9. 479741 9. 979260 9. 500481 10. 499519 26 35 9. 480140 9. 979220 9. 500920 10. 499080 25 36 9. 480538 9. 979180 9. 501359 10. 498641 24 37 9. 480936 9. 979140 9. 501797 10. 498203 23 38 9. 481334 9. 979099 9. 502234 10. 497765 22 39 9. 481731 9. … 319 40 21 9. 561178 9. 969124 9. 592054 10. 407946 39 22 9. 561501 9. 969075 9. 592426 10. 407574 38 23 9. 561824 9. 969025 9. 592798 10. 407201 37 24 9. 562146 9. 968976 9. 593170 10. 406829 36 25 9. 562468 9. 968926 9. 593542 10. 406457 35 26 9. 562790 9. 968877 9. 593914 10. 406086 34 27 9. 563112 9. 968827 9. 594285 10. 405715 33 28 9. 563433 9. 968777 9. 594656 10. 405344 32 29 9. 563754 9. 968728 9. 595027 10. 405073 31 30 9. 564075 9. 968678 9. 595397 10. 404602 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 68. Degree 21. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 564075 9. 968678 9. 595397 10. 404602 30 31 9. 564396 9. 968628 9. 595768 10. 404232 29 32 9. 564716 9. 698578 9. 596138 10. 403862 28 33 9. 565036 9. 968528 9. 596508 10. 403492 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 9. 488424 9. 978370 9. 510044 10 489916 4 57 9. 488814 9. 978329 9. 510486 10. 489515 3 58 9. 489204 9. 978288 9. 510916 10. 489084 2 59 9. 489593 9. 978247 9. 511346 10 488654 1 60 9. 489982 9. 978206 9. 511776 10. 488225 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 72. Degree 18. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 489982 9. 978206 9. 511776 10. 488224 60 1 9. 490371 9. 978165 9. 512206 10. 487794 59 2 9. 490759 9. 978124 9. 512635 10. 487365 58 3 9. 491147 9. 978083 9. 513064 10. 486936 57 4 9. 491534 9. 978042 9. 513493 10. 486507 56 5 9. 491922 9. 978000 9. 513921 10. 486079 55 6 9. 492308 9. 977959 9. 514349 10. 485651 54 7 9. 492695 9. 977918 9 514777 10. 485223 53 8 9. 493080 9 977877 9. 515204 10. 484796 52 9 9. 493466 9. 977835 9. … 61 10. 397239 10 51 9. 570751 9. 967623 9. 603127 10. 396873 9 52 9. 571065 9. 967573 9. 603493 10. 396507 8 53 9. 571380 9. 967522 9. 603858 10. 396142 7 54 9. 571695 9. 967471 9. 604223 10. 395777 6 55 9. 572009 9. 967420 9. 604588 10. 395412 5 56 9. 572322 9. 967370 9. 604953 10. 395047 4 57 9. 572636 9. 967319 9. 605317 10. 394683 3 58 9. 572949 9. 967268 9. 605681 10. 394318 2 59 9. 573263 9. 967217 9. 606046 10. 393954 1 60 9. 573575 9. 967166 9. 606409 10. 393590 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 68. Degree 22. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 573575 9. 967166 9. 606409 10. 393590 60 1 9. 573888 9. 967115 9. 606773 10. 393227 59 2 9. 574200 9. 967064 9. 607136 10. 392863 58 3 9. 574512 9. 967012 9. 607500 10. 392500 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 499963 9. 977125 9. 522838 10. 477162 34 27 9. 500342 9 977083 9. 523259 10. 476741 33 28 9. 500720 9. 977041 9. 523679 10. 476320 32 29 9. 501099 9 977999 9. 524109 10. 475900 31 30 9. 501476 9. 977956 9. 524520 10. 475480 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 71. Degree 18. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 501476 9. 976956 9. 524520 10. 475480 30 31 9. 501854 9. 976914 9. 524939 10. 475060 29 32 9. 502231 9. 976872 9. 525359 10. 474641 28 33 9. 502607 9. 976830 9. 525778 10. 474222 27 34 9. 502984 9. 976787 9. 526197 10. 473803 26 35 9. 503360 9. 976745 9. 526615 10. 473385 25 36 9. 503735 9. 976702 9. 527033 10. 472967 24 37 9. 504110 9. 976660 9. 527451 10. 472549 23 38 9. 504485 9. 976617 9. 527868 10. 472132 22 39 9. 504840 … 641 10. 386359 40 21 9. 580084 9. 966084 9. 614000 10. 386000 39 22 9. 580392 9. 966032 9. 614359 10. 385641 38 23 9 580698 9. 965980 9. 614718 10. 385282 37 24 9. 581005 9. 965928 9 615077 10. 384923 36 25 9. 9. 965876 9. 615435 10. 384565 35 26 9. 581618 9 965824 9. 615793 10. 384207 34 27 9 581923 9. 965772 9. 616151 10. 383448 33 28 9. 582229 9. 965720 9. 616509 10. 383491 32 29 9. 582534 9. 965668 9. 616867 10. 383133 31 30 9. 582840 9. 965615 9. 617224 10. 382776 30 Co sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 67. Degree 22. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 582840 9. 965615 9. 617224 10. 382776 30 31 9. 583144 9. 965563 9. 617581 10. 382418 29 32 9. 583449 9. 965511 9. 617938 10. 382061 28 33 9. 583753 9. 965458 9. 618295 10. 381705 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 511171 9. 975844 9. 535328 10. 464672 4 57 9. 511540 9. 975800 9. 535739 10. 464261 3 58 9. 511907 9. 975757 9. 536150 10. 463849 2 59 9. 512275 9. 975713 9. 536561 10. 463439 1 60 9. 512642 9. 975670 9. 536972 10. 463028 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 71. Degree 19. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 512642 9. 975670 9. 536972 10. 463028 60 1 9. 513009 9. 975626 9. 537382 10. 462618 59 2 9. 513375 9. 975583 9. 537792 10. 462208 58 3 9. 513741 9. 975539 9. 538202 10. 461798 57 4 9. 514107 9. 975496 9. 538610 10. 461389 56 5 9. 514472 9. 975452 9. 539020 10. 460980 55 6 9. 514837 9. 975408 9. 539429 10. 460571 54 7 9. 515202 9. 975364 9. 539837 10. 460163 53 8 9. 515566 9. 975321 9. 540245 10. 459755 52 9 9. 515930 9. 975277 … 30 10. 375670 10 51 9. 589190 9. 964507 9. 624683 10. 375317 9 52 9. 589489 9. 964454 9. 625036 10. 374964 8 53 9. 589789 9. 964400 9. 625388 10. 374612 7 54 9. 590088 9. 964347 9. 625741 10. 374259 6 55 9. 590387 9. 964294 9. 626093 10. 373907 5 56 9. 590686 9. 964240 9. 626445 10. 373555 4 57 9. 590984 9. 964187 9. 626797 10. 373203 3 58 9. 591282 9. 964133 9. 627149 10. 372850 2 59 9. 591580 9. 964080 9. 627501 10. 372499 1 60 9. 591878 9. 964026 9. 627852 10. 372148 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 67. Degree 23. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 591878 9. 964026 9. 627852 10. 372148 60 1 9. 592175 9. 963972 9. 628203 10. 371797 59 2 9. 592473 9. 963919 9. 628554 10. 371446 58 3 9. 592770 9. 963865 9. 628905 10. 371095 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 22065 9. 974525 9. 547540 10. 452459 34 27 9. 522423 9. 974480 9. 547943 10. 452057 33 28 9. 522781 9. 974436 9. 548345 10. 451655 32 29 9. 523138 9. 974391 9. 548747 10. 451253 31 30 9. 523495 9. 974346 9. 549149 10. 450851 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 70. Degree 19. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9 523495 9. 974346 9. 549149 10. 450851 30 31 9. 523851 9. 974302 9. 549550 10. 450450 29 32 9. 524208 9. 974257 9. 549951 10. 450049 28 33 9. 524564 9. 974212 9. 550352 10. 449648 27 34 9. 524920 9. 974167 9. 550752 10. 449248 26 35 9. 525275 9. 974122 9. 551152 10. 448848 25 36 9. 525630 9. 974077 9. 551552 10. 448448 24 37 9. 525984 9. 974032 9. 551952 10. 448048 23 38 9. 526339 9. 973987 9. 552351 10. 447649 22 39 9. 526693 9 … 365162 40 21 9 598075 9. 962892 9. 635185 10. 364815 39 22 9 598368 9. 962836 9. 635530 10. 364468 38 23 9. 598660 9. 962781 9. 635879 10. 364121 37 24 9. 598952 9 962726 9. 636226 10. 363774 36 25 9 599244 9. 962672 9. 636571 10. 363428 35 26 9. 599536 9. 962617 9. 636918 10. 363081 34 27 9. 599827 9. 962562 9. 637205 10. 362735 33 28 9. 600118 9. 962507 9. 637610 10. 362389 32 29 9. 600409 9. 962453 9. 637956 10. 362044 31 30 9. 600700 9. 962398 9. 638302 10. 361698 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 66. Degree 23. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 600700 9. 967398 9. 638302 10. 361698 30 31 9. 600990 9. 962343 9. 638647 10. 361353 29 32 9. 601280 9. 962288 9. 638992 10. 361007 28 33 9. 601570 9. 962233 9. 639337 10. 360662 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 532661 9. 973169 9. 559491 10. 440509 4 57 9. 533009 9. 973123 9. 559885 10. 440115 3 58 9. 533357 9. 973078 9 560279 10. 439721 2 59 9. 533704 9. 973032 9. 560673 10. 439327 1 60 9. 534052 9. 972986 9. 561066 10. 438934 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 70. Degree 20. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 534052 9. 972986 9. 561066 10. 438934 60 1 9. 534399 9. 972940 9. 561459 10. 438541 59 2 9. 534746 9. 972894 9. 561851 10. 438148 58 3 9. 535091 9. 972848 9. 562244 10. 437756 57 4 9. 535437 9. 972801 9. 562636 10. 437364 56 5 9. 535782 9. 972755 9. 563028 10. 436972 55 6 9. 536129 9. 972709 9. 563419 10. 436580 54 7 9 536474 9. 972663 9. 563811 10. 436189 53 8 9. 536818 9. 972617 9. 564202 10. 435798 52 9 9. 537163 9. 972570 9 … 74 10. 354826 10 51 9. 606750 9. 961235 9. 645516 10. 354484 9 52 9. 607036 9. 961179 9. 645857 10. 354142 8 53 9. 607322 9. 961123 9. 646199 10. 353801 7 54 9. 607607 9. 961067 9. 646540 10. 353460 6 55 9. 607892 9. 961011 9. 646881 10. 353119 5 56 9. 608176 9. 960955 9. 647222 10. 352778 4 57 9. 608461 9. 960899 9. 647562 10. 352438 3 58 9. 608745 9. 960842 9. 647903 10. 352097 2 59 9. 609029 9. 960786 9. 648243 10. 351757 1 60 9. 609313 9. 960730 9. 648583 10. 351417 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 66. Degree 24. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 609313 9. 960730 9. 648583 10. 351417 60 1 9. 609597 9. 960674 9. 648923 10. 351077 59 2 9. 609880 9. 960617 9. 649263 10. 350737 58 3 9. 610163 9. 960561 9. 649602 10. 350398 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 42971 9. 971776 9. 571195 10. 428805 34 27 9. 543310 9. 971729 9. 571581 10. 428419 33 28 9. 543649 9. 971682 9. 571967 10. 428033 32 29 9 543987 9. 971635 9. 572352 10. 427648 31 30 9. 544325 9. 971588 9. 572738 10. 427262 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 69. Degree 20. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 544325 9. 971588 9. 572738 10. 427262 30 31 9. 544663 9. 971540 9. 573123 10. 426877 29 32 9. 545000 9. 971493 9. 573507 10. 426492 28 33 9. 545338 9. 971446 9. 573892 10. 426108 27 34 9. 545674 9. 971398 9. 574276 10. 425724 26 35 9. 546011 9. 971351 9. 574660 10. 425340 25 36 9. 546347 9. 971303 9. 575044 10. 424956 24 37 9. 546683 9. 971256 9. 575427 10. 424573 23 38 9. 547019 9. 971208 9. 575810 10. 424189 22 39 9. 547354 … 4652 40 21 9. 615223 9. 959539 9. 655684 10. 344316 39 22 9. 615502 9. 959482 9. 656020 10. 343980 38 23 9. 615781 9. 959425 9. 656356 10. 343643 37 24 9. 616060 9. 959367 9. 656692 10. 343308 36 25 9. 616338 9. 959310 9. 657028 10. 342972 35 26 9. 616616 9. 959253 9. 657363 10. 342636 34 27 9. 616894 9. 959195 9. 657699 10. 342301 33 28 9. 617172 9. 959138 9. 658034 10. 341966 32 29 9. 617450 9. 959080 9. 658369 10. 341531 31 30 9 617727 9. 959023 9. 658704 10. 341296 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 65. Degree 24. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 617727 9. 959023 9. 658704 10. 341296 30 31 9. 618004 9. 958965 9. 659039 10. 340926 29 32 9. 618281 9. 958908 9659373 10. 340627 28 33 9. 618558 9. 958850 9. 659708 10. 340292 27 3 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 553010 9. 970345 9. 582665 10. 417335 4 57 9. 553340 9. 970297 9. 583043 10. 416956 3 58 9. 553670 9. 970249 9. 583422 10. 416578 2 59 9. 554000 9. 970200 9. 583800 10. 416200 1 60 9. 554329 9. 970152 9. 584177 10. 415823 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 69. Degree 21. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 554329 9. 970152 9. 584177 10. 415822 60 1 9. 554658 9. 970103 9. 584555 10. 415445 59 2 9. 554987 9. 970055 9. 584932 10. 415068 58 3 9. 555315 9. 970006 9. 585308 10. 414691 57 4 9. 555643 9. 969957 9 585686 10. 414314 56 5 9. 555971 9. 969909 9. 586062 10. 413938 55 6 9. 556299 9. 969860 9. 586439 10. 413561 54 7 9. 556626 9. 969811 9. 586815 10. 413185 53 8 9. 556953 9. 969762 9. 587190 10 412800 52 9 9. 557279 9. 969713 9. … 34634 10 51 9. 623502 9. 957804 9. 665697 10. 334302 9 52 9. 623774 9. 957745 9. 666029 10. 333971 8 53 9. 624047 9. 957687 9. 666360 10. 333640 7 54 9. 624319 9. 957628 9. 666691 10. 333309 6 55 9. 624591 9. 957570 9. 667021 10. 332979 5 56 9. 624863 9. 957511 9. 667352 10. 332648 4 57 9. 625134 9. 957452 9. 667682 10. 332318 3 58 9. 625406 9. 957393 9. 668012 10. 331987 2 59 9. 625677 9. 957334 9. 668343 10. 331657 1 60 9. 625948 9. 957276 9. 668672 10. 331327 0 Co-sine Sine Co- . Tangent M Degree 65. Degree 25. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 625948 9. 957276 9. 668672 10. 331327 60 1 9. 626219 9. 957217 9. 669002 10. 330998 59 2 9. 626490 9. 957158 9. 669332 10. 330668 58 3 9. 626760 9 957099 9. 669661 10. 330339 57 4 9. 627030 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 9. 624863 9. 957511 9. 667352 10. 332648 4 57 9. 625134 9. 957452 9. 667682 10. 332318 3 58 9. 625406 9. 957393 9. 668012 10. 331987 2 59 9. 625677 9. 957334 9. 668343 10. 331657 1 60 9. 625948 9. 957276 9. 668672 10. 331327 0 Co-sine Sine Co- . Tangent M Degree 65. Degree 25. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 625948 9. 957276 9. 668672 10. 331327 60 1 9. 626219 9. 957217 9. 669002 10. 330998 59 2 9. 626490 9. 957158 9. 669332 10. 330668 58 3 9. 626760 9 957099 9. 669661 10. 330339 57 4 9. 627030 9. 957040 9. 699990 10. 330009 56 5 9. 627300 9. 956981 9. 670320 10. 329680 55 6 9. 627570 9. 956922 9. 670649 10. 329351 54 7 9 627840 9. 956862 9. 670977 10. 329022 53 8 9. 628109 9. 956803 9. 671306 10. 328694 52 9 9. 628378 9. 956744 9. … 0767 10. 259233 10 51 9. 683514 9. 942448 9. 741066 10. 258934 9 52 9. 683743 9. 942378 9. 741365 10. 258635 8 53 9. 683972 9. 942308 9. 741664 10. 258336 7 54 9. 684201 9. 942239 9. 741962 10. 258038 6 55 9. 684430 9. 942169 9. 742261 10. 257739 5 56 9. 684658 9. 942099 9. 742559 10. 257441 4 57 9 684887 9. 942029 9. 742858 10. 257142 3 58 9. 685115 9. 941059 9. 743156 10. 256844 2 59 9. 685343 9. 941889 9 743454 10. 256546 1 60 9. 685571 9. 941819 9. 743751 10. 256248 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 61. Degree 29. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 685571 9. 941819 9743752 10. 256248 60 1 9. 685799 9. 941749 9. 744050 10. 255950 59 2 9. 686027 9. 941679 9. 744348 10. 255652 58 3 9. 686254 9. 941609 9. 744645 10. 255355 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 632923 9. 955739 9. 677194 10. 322805 34 27 9. 633189 9. 955669 9. 677520 10. 322480 33 28 9 633454 9 955609 9. 677845 10. 322154 32 29 9. 633719 9. 955548 9. 678171 10. 321829 31 30 9. 633984 9. 955488 9. 678496 10. 321504 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 64. Degree 25. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 633984 9. 955488 9. 678496 10. 321504 30 31 9. 634249 9. 955428 9. 678821 10. 321179 29 32 9. 634514 9. 955367 9. 679146 10. 320854 28 33 9. 634778 9 955307 9. 679471 10. 320529 27 34 9. 635042 9. 955246 9. 679795 10. 320205 26 35 9. 635306 9. 955186 9. 680120 10. 319880 25 36 9. 635570 9. 955125 9. 680444 10. 319556 24 37 9. 635833 9. 955065 9. 680768 10. 319232 23 38 9. 636097 9. 955004 9. 681092 10. 318908 22 39 9. 636360 9 … 311 40 21 9. 690323 9. 940338 9. 749985 10. 250015 39 22 9. 690548 9. 940267 9. 750281 10. 249719 38 23 9. 690772 9. 940196 9. 750576 10. 249424 37 24 9. 690996 9. 940125 9. 750872 10. 249128 36 25 9. 691220 9. 940053 9. 751167 10. 248833 35 26 9. 691444 9. 939982 9. 751462 10. 248538 34 27 9. 691668 9. 939911 9. 751757 10. 248243 33 28 9. 691892 9. 939840 9. 752052 10. 247948 32 29 9. 692115 9. 939768 9. 752347 10. 247653 31 30 9. 692339 9. 939697 9. 752642 10. 247358 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 60. Degree 29. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 692339 9. 939697 9. 752642 10. 247358 30 31 9. 692562 9. 939625 9. 752937 10. 247063 29 32 9. 692785 9 939554 9. 753231 10. 246769 28 33 9. 693008 9. 939482 9. 753526 10. 246474 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 3423 5 56 9. 640804 9. 953906 9. 686898 10. 313102 4 57 9. 641064 9. 953845 9. 687219 10 312781 3 58 9. 641323 9. 953783 9. 687540 10. 312460 2 59 9. 641583 9. 953722 9. 687861 10. 1 60 9. 641842 9. 953660 9. 688182 10 311818 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 64. Degree 26. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 641842 9. 953660 9. 688182 10. 311818 60 1 9. 642101 9. 953598 9. 688502 10. 311498 59 2 9. 642360 9. 953537 9. 688823 10. 311177 58 3 9. 642618 9. 953475 9. 689143 10. 310857 57 4 9. 642876 9. 953413 9. 689463 10. 310537 56 5 9. 643135 9. 953351 9. 689783 10. 310237 55 6 9. 643393 9. 953290 9. 690103 10. 309897 54 7 9. 643650 9. 953228 9. 690423 10. 309577 53 8 9. 643908 9. 953166 9. 690742 10. 309258 52 9 9. 644165 9. 953104 … 17 10. 241483 10 51 9. 696995 9. 938185 9. 758810 10. 241190 9 52 9. 697215 9. 938112 9. 759102 10. 240898 8 53 9. 697435 9. 938040 9. 759395 10. 240605 7 54 9. 697654 9. 937967 9. 759687 10. 240313 6 55 9. 697874 9. 937895 9. 759979 10. 240021 5 56 9. 698093 9. 937822 9. 760271 10. 239728 4 57 9. 698313 9. 937749 9. 760564 10. 239436 3 58 9. 698532 9. 937676 9. 760856 10. 239144 2 59 9. 698751 9. 937603 9. 761147 10. 238852 1 60 9. 698970 9. 937531 9. 761439 10. 238561 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 60. Degree 30. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 698970 9. 937531 9. 761439 10. 238561 60 1 9. 699189 9. 937458 9. 761731 10. 238269 59 2 9. 699407 9. 937385 9. 762023 10. 237977 58 3 9. 699626 9. 937312 9. 762314 10. 237686 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 648512 9. 952043 9 696470 10. 303530 34 27 9. 648766 9. 951980 9. 696786 10. 303213 33 28 9. 648020 9. 951917 9. 697103 10. 302897 32 29 9. 649274 9. 951854 9. 697420 10. 302580 31 30 9. 649527 9. 051791 9. 697738 10. 302264 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 63. Degree 26. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 649527 9. 951791 9. 697738 10. 302264 30 31 9. 649781 9. 951728 9. 698052 10. 301947 29 32 9. 650034 9. 951665 9. 698369 10. 301631 28 33 9. 650287 9. 951602 9. 698685 10. 301315 27 34 9. 650519 9. 951539 9. 699001 10. 300999 26 35 9. 650798 9. 951476 9. 699316 10 300684 25 36 9. 651044 9. 951412 9 699632 10. 300368 24 37 9. 651296 9. 951349 9. 699947 10. 300052 23 38 9. 651648 9. 951286 9. 700263 10. 299737 22 39 9. 651800 9. … 2745 40 21 9. 703533 9. 935988 9. 767545 10. 232455 39 22 9. 703748 9. 935914 9. 767834 10. 232166 38 23 9. 703964 9. 935840 9. 768124 10. 231876 37 24 9. 704179 9. 935766 9. 768413 10. 231587 36 25 9. 704395 9. 935692 9. 768703 10. 231297 35 26 9. 704610 9. 935618 9. 768992 10. 231008 34 27 9. 704820 9. 935543 9. 769281 10. 230719 33 28 9. 705040 9. 935469 9. 769570 10. 230430 32 29 9. 705254 9. 935395 9. 769859 10. 230141 31 30 9. 705469 9 935320 9. 770148 10. 229852 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 59. Degree 30. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 705469 9. 935320 9. 770148 10. 229852 30 31 9. 705683 9. 935246 9. 770437 10. 229563 29 32 9. 705897 9. 935171 9. 770726 10. 229274 28 33 9. 706112 9. 935097 9. 771015 10. 228985 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 94397 5 56 9. 656053 9. 950138 9. 705915 10. 294084 4 57 9. 656302 9. 950074 9. 706228 10. 293771 3 58 9. 656550 9. 950009 9. 706541 10. 293459 2 59 9. 656799 9. 949945 9. 706853 10. 293146 1 9. 656347 9. 9. 707166 10. 292834 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 63. Degree 27. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 657047 9. 949880 9. 707166 10. 292834 60 1 9. 657295 9. 949816 9. 707478 10. 292523 59 2 9. 657542 9. 949752 9. 707790 10. 292210 58 3 9. 657790 9. 949687 9. 708102 10. 291897 57 4 9. 658037 9. 949623 9. 708414 10. 291586 56 5 9. 658284 9. 949598 9. 708726 10. 291274 55 6 9. 658531 9. 949494 9. 709037 10. 290962 54 7 9. 658777 9. 949429 9. 709349 10. 290651 53 8 9. 659024 9. 949364 9. 709660 10. 290340 52 9 9. 659271 9. 949300 … 08 10. 224092 10 51 9. 709941 9. 933747 9. 776195 10. 223805 9 52 9. 710153 9. 933671 9. 776482 10. 223518 8 53 9. 710364 9. 933596 9. 776768 10. 223232 7 54 9. 710575 9. 933520 9. 777055 10. 222945 6 55 9. 710786 9. 933444 9. 777342 10. 222658 5 56 9. 710997 9. 933369 9. 777628 10. 222372 4 57 9. 711208 9. 933293 9. 777915 10. 222085 3 58 9. 711418 9. 933217 9. 778201 10. 221799 2 59 9. 711629 9. 933141 9. 778487 10. 221513 1 60 9. 711839 9. 933066 9. 778774 10. 221226 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 59. Degree 31. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 711839 9. 933066 9. 778774 10. 221226 60 1 9. 712049 9. 932990 9. 779060 10. 220940 59 2 9. 712259 9. 932914 9. 779346 10. 220654 58 3 9. 712469 9. 932838 9. 779632 10. 220368 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 63433 9. 948191 9. 715241 10. 284758 34 27 9. 663677 9. 948126 9. 715550 10. 284449 33 28 9. 663920 9. 948060 9. 715859 10. 284140 32 29 9. 664163 9. 947995 9. 716168 10. 283832 31 30 9. 664406 9. 947929 9. 716477 10. 283523 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 62. Degree 27. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 664406 9. 947929 9. 716477 10. 283523 30 31 9. 664648 9. 947863 9. 716785 10. 283215 29 32 9. 664891 9. 947797 9. 717093 10. 282907 28 33 9. 665133 9. 947731 9. 717401 10. 282598 27 34 9. 665375 9. 947665 9. 717709 10. 282290 26 35 9. 665617 9. 947599 9. 718017 10. 281983 25 36 9. 665858 9. 947533 9. 718325 10. 281675 24 37 9. 666100 9. 947467 9. 718633 10. 281367 23 38 9. 666341 9. 947401 9. 718940 10. 281060 22 39 9. 666583 … 520 40 21 9. 716224 9. 931460 9. 784764 10. 215236 39 22 9. 716431 9. 931383 9. 785048 10. 214952 38 23 9. 716639 9. 931306 9. 785332 10. 214668 37 24 9. 716846 9. 931229 9. 785616 10. 214384 36 25 9. 717053 9. 931152 9. 785900 10. 214099 35 26 9. 717259 9. 931075 9. 786184 10. 213816 34 27 9. 717466 9. 930998 9. 786468 10. 213532 33 28 9. 717672 9. 930920 9. 786752 10. 213248 32 29 9. 717879 9. 930843 9. 787036 10. 212964 31 30 9. 718085 9. 930766 9. 787319 10. 212681 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 58. Degree 31. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 718085 9. 930766 9. 787319 10. 212681 30 31 9. 718291 9. 930688 9. 787603 10. 212397 29 32 9. 718497 9. 930611 9. 787886 10. 212114 28 33 9. 718703 9. 930533 9. 788170 10. 211830 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 670657 9. 946203 9. 724454 10. 275546 4 57 9. 670896 9. 946136 9. 724759 10. 275240 3 58 9. 671134 9. 946069 9. 725065 10. 274935 2 59 9. 671372 9. 946002 9. 725369 10. 274630 1 60 9. 671609 9. 945935 9. 725674 10. 274326 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 62. Degree 28. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 671609 9. 945935 9. 725674 10. 274326 60 1 9. 671847 9. 945868 9. 725979 10. 274021 59 2 9. 672084 9. 945800 9. 726284 10. 273816 58 3 9. 672321 9. 945733 9. 726588 10. 273412 57 4 9. 672558 9. 945666 9. 726892 10. 273107 56 5 9. 672795 9. 945598 9. 727197 10. 272803 55 6 9. 673032 9. 945531 9. 727501 10. 272499 54 7 9. 673268 9. 945463 9. 727805 10. 272195 53 8 9. 673505 9. 945396 9. 728109 10. 271891 52 9 9. 673741 9. 945328 … 74 10. 207024 10 51 9. 722385 9. 929129 9. 793256 10. 206744 9 52 9. 722588 9. 929050 9. 793538 10. 206462 8 53 9. 722791 9. 928972 9. 793819 10. 206180 7 54 9. 722994 9. 928893 9. 794101 10. 205899 6 55 9. 723197 9. 928814 9. 794383 10. 205617 5 56 9. 723400 9. 928736 9. 794664 10. 205336 4 57 9. 723603 9. 928657 9. 794945 10. 205054 3 58 9. 723805 9. 928578 9. 795227 10. 204773 2 59 9. 724007 9. 928499 9. 795508 10. 204492 1 60 9. 724210 9. 928420 9. 795789 10. 204211 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 58. Degree 32. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 724210 9. 928420 9. 795789 10. 204211 60 1 9. 724412 9. 928341 9. 796070 10. 203930 59 2 9. 724614 9. 928262 9. 796351 10. 203649 58 3 9. 724816 9. 928183 9. 796632 10. 203368 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 7731 9. 944172 9. 733558 10. 266441 34 27 9. 677964 9. 944104 9. 733860 10. 266140 33 28 9. 678197 9. 944016 9. 734162 10. 265838 32 29 9. 678430 9. 943967 9. 734463 10. 265537 31 30 9. 678663 9. 943898 9. 734764 10. 265236 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 61. Degree 28. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 678663 9. 943898 9734764 10. 265236 30 31 9. 678895 9. 943830 9. 735666 10. 264934 29 32 9. 679128 9. 943761 9. 735362 10. 264633 33 9. 670360 9. 943692 9. 735668 10. 264332 27 34 9. 679592 9. 943624 9. 735968 10. 264031 26 35 9. 679824 9. 943555 9. 736269 10. 263731 25 36 9. 680056 9. 943486 9. 736570 10. 263430 24 37 9. 680288 9. 943417 9. 736870 10. 263130 23 38 9. 680519 9. 943348 9. 737171 10. 262829 22 39 9. 680750 9. 94 … 604 40 21 9. 728427 9. 926751 9. 801675 10. 198325 39 22 9. 728626 9. 926641 9. 801955 10. 198045 38 23 9. 728825 9. 926591 9. 802234 10. 197766 37 24 9. 729024 9. 926511 9. 802513 10. 197487 36 25 9. 729223 9. 926431 9. 802792 10. 197207 35 26 9. 729422 9. 926351 9. 803072 10. 196928 34 27 9. 729621 9. 926270 9. 803351 10. 196649 33 28 9. 729820 9. 926190 9. 803630 10. 196370 32 29 9. 730018 9. 926110 9. 803908 10. 196091 31 30 9. 730216 9. 926029 9. 804187 10. 195813 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 57. Degree 32. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 730216 9. 926029 9. 804187 10. 195813 30 31 9. 730415 9. 925949 9. 804466 10. 195534 29 32 9. 730613 9. 925868 9. 804745 10. 195255 28 33 9. 730811 9. 925787 9. 805023 10. 194977 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 9. 684658 9. 942099 9. 742559 10. 257441 4 57 9 684887 9. 942029 9. 742858 10. 257142 3 58 9. 685115 9. 941059 9. 743156 10. 256844 2 59 9. 685343 9. 941889 9 743454 10. 256546 1 60 9. 685571 9. 941819 9. 743751 10. 256248 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 61. Degree 29. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 685571 9. 941819 9743752 10. 256248 60 1 9. 685799 9. 941749 9. 744050 10. 255950 59 2 9. 686027 9. 941679 9. 744348 10. 255652 58 3 9. 686254 9. 941609 9. 744645 10. 255355 57 4 9. 686482 9. 941539 9. 744943 10. 255057 56 5 9. 686709 9. 941468 9. 745240 10. 254760 55 6 9. 686936 9. 941398 9. 745538 10. 254462 54 7 9. 687163 9. 941328 9. 745835 10. 254165 53 8 9. 687389 9. 941257 9. 746132 10. 253868 52 9 9. 687616 9. 941187 9. … 48 10. 190252 10 51 9. 734353 9. 924328 9. 810025 10. 189975 9 52 9. 734548 9. 924246 9. 810302 10. 189697 8 53 9. 734744 9. 924164 9. 810580 10. 189420 7 54 9. 734939 9. 924083 9. 810857 10. 189143 6 55 9. 735134 9. 924001 9. 811134 10. 188866 5 56 9. 735330 9. 923919 9. 811410 10. 188589 4 57 9. 735525 9. 923837 9. 811687 10. 188313 3 58 9. 735719 9. 923755 9. 811964 10. 188036 2 59 9. 735914 9. 923673 9. 812241 10. 187759 1 60 9. 736109 9. 923591 9. 812517 10. 187483 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 57. Degree 33. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 736109 9. 923591 9. 812517 10. 187483 60 1 9. 736309 9. 923509 9. 812794 10. 187206 59 2 9. 736497 9. 923427 9. 813070 10. 186930 58 3 9. 736692 9. 923345 9. 813347 10. 186653 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 91444 9. 939982 9. 751462 10. 248538 34 27 9. 691668 9. 939911 9. 751757 10. 248243 33 28 9. 691892 9. 939840 9. 752052 10. 247948 32 29 9. 692115 9. 939768 9. 752347 10. 247653 31 30 9. 692339 9. 939697 9. 752642 10. 247358 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 60. Degree 29. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 692339 9. 939697 9. 752642 10. 247358 30 31 9. 692562 9. 939625 9. 752937 10. 247063 29 32 9. 692785 9 939554 9. 753231 10. 246769 28 33 9. 693008 9. 939482 9. 753526 10. 246474 27 34 9. 693231 9. 939410 9. 753820 10. 246180 26 35 9. 693453 9. 939339 9. 754115 10. 245885 25 36 9. 693676 9. 939267 9. 754409 10. 245591 24 37 9. 693898 9. 939195 9. 754703 10. 245297 23 38 9. 694120 9. 939123 9. 754997 10. 245003 22 39 9. 694342 9 … 1965 40 21 9. 740167 9. 921857 9 818310 10. 181690 39 22 9. 740359 9. 921774 9. 818585 10. 181415 38 23 9. 740550 9. 921691 9. 818860 10. 181140 37 24 9. 740742 9. 921607 9. 819135 10. 180865 36 25 9. 740934 9. 921524 9. 819410 10. 180590 35 26 9. 741125 9. 921441 9. 819684 10. 180315 34 27 9. 741316 9. 921357 9. 819959 10. 180041 33 28 9. 741507 9. 921274 9. 820234 10. 179766 32 29 9. 741698 9. 921190 9. 820508 10. 179492 31 30 9. 741889 9. 921107 9. 820783 10. 179217 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 56. Degree 33. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 741889 9. 921107 9. 820783 10. 179217 30 31 9. 742080 9. 921023 9. 821057 10. 178943 29 32 9. 742271 9. 920939 9. 821332 10. 178668 28 33 9. 742461 9. 920855 9. 821606 10. 178394 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 698093 9. 937822 9. 760271 10. 239728 4 57 9. 698313 9. 937749 9. 760564 10. 239436 3 58 9. 698532 9. 937676 9. 760856 10. 239144 2 59 9. 698751 9. 937603 9. 761147 10. 238852 1 60 9. 698970 9. 937531 9. 761439 10. 238561 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 60. Degree 30. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 698970 9. 937531 9. 761439 10. 238561 60 1 9. 699189 9. 937458 9. 761731 10. 238269 59 2 9. 699407 9. 937385 9. 762023 10. 237977 58 3 9. 699626 9. 937312 9. 762314 10. 237686 57 4 9. 699844 9. 937238 9. 762606 10. 237394 56 5 9. 700062 9. 937165 9 762897 10. 237103 55 6 7. 700280 9 937092 9. 763188 10. 236812 54 7 9. 700498 9. 937019 9. 763479 10. 236521 53 8 9. 700716 9. 936945 9. 763770 10. 236230 52 9 9. 700933 9. 936872 9. … 59 10. 173741 10 51 9. 745871 9. 919339 9. 826532 10. 173468 9 52 9. 746059 9. 919254 9. 826805 10. 173195 8 53 9. 746248 9. 919169 9. 827078 10. 172922 7 54 9. 746436 9. 919084 9. 827351 10. 172649 6 55 9. 746624 9. 918999 9. 827624 10. 172376 5 56 9. 746811 9. 918915 9. 827897 10. 172103 4 57 9. 746999 9. 918830 9. 828170 10. 171830 3 58 9. 747187 9. 918744 9. 828442 10. 171558 2 59 9. 747374 9. 918659 9. 828715 10. 171285 1 60 9. 747562 9. 918574 9. 828987 10. 171012 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 56. Degree 34 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 747562 9. 918574 9. 828987 10. 171012 60 1 9. 747749 9. 918489 9. 829260 10. 170740 59 2 9. 747936 9. 918404 9. 829532 10. 170468 58 3 9. 748123 9. 918318 9. 829805 10. 170195 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 704610 9. 935618 9. 768992 10. 231008 34 27 9. 704820 9. 935543 9. 769281 10. 230719 33 28 9. 705040 9. 935469 9. 769570 10. 230430 32 29 9. 705254 9. 935395 9. 769859 10. 230141 31 30 9. 705469 9 935320 9. 770148 10. 229852 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 59. Degree 30. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 705469 9. 935320 9. 770148 10. 229852 30 31 9. 705683 9. 935246 9. 770437 10. 229563 29 32 9. 705897 9. 935171 9. 770726 10. 229274 28 33 9. 706112 9. 935097 9. 771015 10. 228985 27 34 9. 706327 9. 935022 9. 771303 10. 228696 26 35 9. 706539 9. 934948 9. 771592 10. 228408 25 36 9. 706753 9. 934873 9. 771880 10. 228120 24 37 9. 706967 9. 934798 9. 772168 10. 227832 23 38 9. 707180 9. 934723 9. 772456 10. 227543 22 39 9. 707393 … 575 40 21 9. 751469 9. 916773 9. 834696 10. 165304 39 22 9. 751654 9. 916686 9. 834967 10. 165033 38 23 9. 751838 9. 916600 9. 835238 10. 164762 37 24 9. 752023 9. 916514 9. 835509 10. 164491 36 25 9. 752207 9. 916427 9. 835780 10. 164220 35 26 9. 752392 9. 916340 9. 836051 10. 163949 34 27 9. 752576 9. 916254 9. 836322 10. 163678 33 28 9. 752760 9. 916167 9. 836593 10. 163407 32 29 9. 752944 9. 916080 9. 836864 10. 163136 31 30 9. 753128 9. 915994 9. 837134 10. 162866 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 55. Degree 34. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 753128 9. 915994 9. 837134 10. 162866 30 31 9. 753312 9. 915907 9. 837405 10. 162595 29 32 9. 753495 9. 915820 9. 837675 10. 162325 28 33 9. 753679 9. 915733 9. 837946 10. 162054 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 710997 9. 933369 9. 777628 10. 222372 4 57 9. 711208 9. 933293 9. 777915 10. 222085 3 58 9. 711418 9. 933217 9. 778201 10. 221799 2 59 9. 711629 9. 933141 9. 778487 10. 221513 1 60 9. 711839 9. 933066 9. 778774 10. 221226 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 59. Degree 31. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 711839 9. 933066 9. 778774 10. 221226 60 1 9. 712049 9. 932990 9. 779060 10. 220940 59 2 9. 712259 9. 932914 9. 779346 10. 220654 58 3 9. 712469 9. 932838 9. 779632 10. 220368 57 4 9. 712679 9. 932761 9. 779918 10. 220082 56 5 9. 712889 9. 932685 9. 780203 10. 219796 55 6 9. 713098 9. 932609 9. 780489 10. 219511 54 7 9. 713308 9. 932533 9. 780775 10. 219225 53 8 9. 713517 9. 932457 9. 781060 10. 218940 52 9 9. 713726 9. 932380 … 05 10. 157465 10 51 9. 756963 9. 914158 9. 842804 10. 157195 9 52 9. 757144 9. 914070 9. 843074 10. 156926 8 53 9. 757316 9. 913982 9. 843343 10. 156657 7 54 9. 757507 9. 913894 9. 843612 10. 156387 6 55 9. 757688 9. 913806 9. 843882 10. 156118 5 56 9. 757869 9. 913718 9. 844151 10. 155849 4 57 9. 758049 9. 913630 9. 844420 10. 155580 3 58 9. 758230 9. 913541 9. 844689 10. 155311 2 59 9. 758411 9. 913453 9. 844958 10. 155041 1 60 9. 758591 9. 913361 9. 845227 10. 154773 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 55. Degree 35. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 758591 9. 913364 9. 845227 10. 154774 60 1 9. 758772 9. 913276 9. 845496 10. 154504 59 2 9. 758952 9. 913187 9. 845764 10. 154235 58 3 9. 759132 9. 913099 9. 846033 10. 153967 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 17259 9. 931075 9. 786184 10. 213816 34 27 9. 717466 9. 930998 9. 786468 10. 213532 33 28 9. 717672 9. 930920 9. 786752 10. 213248 32 29 9. 717879 9. 930843 9. 787036 10. 212964 31 30 9. 718085 9. 930766 9. 787319 10. 212681 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 58. Degree 31. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 718085 9. 930766 9. 787319 10. 212681 30 31 9. 718291 9. 930688 9. 787603 10. 212397 29 32 9. 718497 9. 930611 9. 787886 10. 212114 28 33 9. 718703 9. 930533 9. 788170 10. 211830 27 34 9. 718909 9. 930456 9. 788453 10. 211547 26 35 9. 719114 9. 930378 9. 788736 10. 211264 25 36 9. 719320 9. 930300 9. 789019 10. 210981 24 37 9. 719525 9. 930223 9. 789302 10. 210698 23 38 9. 719730 9. 930145 9. 789585 10. 210415 22 39 9. 719935 … 407 40 21 9. 762356 9. 911495 9. 850861 10. 149139 39 22 9. 762534 9. 911405 9. 851128 10. 148872 38 23 9. 762712 9. 911315 9. 851396 10. 148604 37 24 9. 762889 9. 911226 9. 851664 10. 148336 36 25 9. 763067 9. 911136 9. 851931 10. 148069 35 26 9. 763245 9. 911046 9. 852199 10. 147801 34 27 9. 763422 9. 910956 9. 852466 10. 147534 33 28 9. 763599 9. 910866 9. 852731 10. 147267 32 29 9. 763777 9. 910776 9. 853001 10. 146999 31 30 9. 763954 9. 910686 9. 853268 10. 146732 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 54 Degree 35. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 763954 9. 910686 9. 853208 10. 146732 30 31 9. 764131 9. 910596 9. 853532 10. 146465 29 32 9. 764308 9. 910506 9. 853802 10. 146198 28 33 9. 764485 9. 910415 9. 854069 10. 145930 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 723400 9. 928736 9. 794664 10. 205336 4 57 9. 723603 9. 928657 9. 794945 10. 205054 3 58 9. 723805 9. 928578 9. 795227 10. 204773 2 59 9. 724007 9. 928499 9. 795508 10. 204492 1 60 9. 724210 9. 928420 9. 795789 10. 204211 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 58. Degree 32. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 724210 9. 928420 9. 795789 10. 204211 60 1 9. 724412 9. 928341 9. 796070 10. 203930 59 2 9. 724614 9. 928262 9. 796351 10. 203649 58 3 9. 724816 9. 928183 9. 796632 10. 203368 57 4 9. 725017 9. 928104 9. 796913 10. 203087 56 5 9. 725219 9. 928025 9. 797194 10. 202806 55 6 9. 725420 9. 927946 9. 797474 10. 202522 54 7 9. 725622 9. 921867 9. 797755 10. 202245 53 8 9. 725823 9. 927787 9. 798036 10. 201964 52 9 9. 726024 9. 927708 … 858602 10. 141398 10 51 9. 767649 9. 908781 9. 858868 10. 141132 9 52 9. 767824 9. 908690 9. 859134 10. 140866 8 53 9. 767997 9. 908599 9859400 10. 140600 7 54 9. 768173 9. 908507 9. 859666 10. 140334 6 55 9. 768348 9. 908416 9. 859932 10. 140068 5 56 9. 768522 9. 908324 9. 860198 10. 139802 4 57 9. 768696 9. 908233 9. 860464 10. 139536 3 58 9. 768871 9. 908141 9860730 10. 139270 2 59 9. 769045 9. 908049 9. 860995 10. 139005 1 60 9. 769219 9. 907958 9. 861261 10. 138739 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 54. Degree 36. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 769219 9. 907958 9. 861261 10. 138739 60 1 9. 769392 9. 907866 9. 861527 10. 138473 59 2 9. 769566 9. 907774 9. 861792 10. 138208 58 3 9. 769740 9. 907682 9. 862058 10. 137942 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 29422 9. 926351 9. 803072 10. 196928 34 27 9. 729621 9. 926270 9. 803351 10. 196649 33 28 9. 729820 9. 926190 9. 803630 10. 196370 32 29 9. 730018 9. 926110 9. 803908 10. 196091 31 30 9. 730216 9. 926029 9. 804187 10. 195813 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 57. Degree 32. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 730216 9. 926029 9. 804187 10. 195813 30 31 9. 730415 9. 925949 9. 804466 10. 195534 29 32 9. 730613 9. 925868 9. 804745 10. 195255 28 33 9. 730811 9. 925787 9. 805023 10. 194977 27 34 9. 731009 9. 925707 9. 805302 10. 194698 26 35 9. 731206 9. 9. 25626 9. 805580 10. 194420 25 36 9. 731404 9. 925545 9. 805859 10. 194141 24 37 9. 731601 9. 925464 9. 806137 10. 193863 23 38 9. 731799 9. 925384 9. 806415 10. 193585 22 39 9. 73199 … 436 40 21 9. 772847 9. 906018 9. 866829 10. 133171 39 22 9. 773018 9. 905925 9. 867094 10. 132906 38 23 9. 773190 9. 905832 9. 867358 10. 132642 37 24 9. 773361 9. 905738 9. 867623 10. 132377 36 25 9. 773533 9. 905645 9. 867887 10. 132113 35 26 9. 773704 9. 905552 9. 868152 10. 131848 34 27 9. 773875 9. 905459 9. 868416 10. 131584 33 28 9. 774046 9. 905365 9. 868680 10. 131320 32 29 9. 774217 9. 905272 9. 868945 10. 131055 31 30 9. 774388 9. 905179 9. 869209 10. 130791 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 53. Degree 36. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 774388 9. 905179 9. 869209 10. 130791 30 31 9. 774558 9. 905085 9. 864773 10. 130527 29 32 9. 774729 9. 904992 9. 867337 10. 130263 28 33 9. 774899 9. 904898 9. 870001 10. 129999 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 735330 9. 923919 9. 811410 10. 188589 4 57 9. 735525 9. 923837 9. 811687 10. 188313 3 58 9. 735719 9. 923755 9. 811964 10. 188036 2 59 9. 735914 9. 923673 9. 812241 10. 187759 1 60 9. 736109 9. 923591 9. 812517 10. 187483 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 57. Degree 33. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 736109 9. 923591 9. 812517 10. 187483 60 1 9. 736309 9. 923509 9. 812794 10. 187206 59 2 9. 736497 9. 923427 9. 813070 10. 186930 58 3 9. 736692 9. 923345 9. 813347 10. 186653 57 4 9. 736886 9. 923263 9. 813623 10. 186377 56 5 9. 737080 9. 923180 9. 813899 10. 186101 55 6 9. 737274 9. 923098 9. 814175 10. 185824 54 7 9. 737467 9. 923016 9. 814452 10. 185548 53 8 9. 737661 9. 922933 9. 814728 10. 185272 52 9 9. 737854 9. 922851 … 84 10. 125516 10 51 9. 777950 9. 903203 9. 874747 10. 125253 9 52 9. 778119 9. 903108 9. 875010 10. 124990 8 53 9. 778287 9. 903013 9. 875273 10. 124727 7 54 9. 778455 9. 902919 9. 875536 10. 124464 6 55 9. 778623 9. 902824 9. 875799 10. 124201 5 56 9. 778792 9. 902729 9. 876063 10. 123937 4 57 9. 778960 9. 902634 9. 876326 10. 123674 3 58 9. 779129 9. 902539 9. 876589 10. 123411 2 59 9. 779295 9. 902444 9. 876851 10. 123149 1 60 9. 779463 9. 902349 9. 877114 10. 122886 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 53. Degree 37. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9 779463 9. 902349 9. 877114 10. 122885 60 1 9. 779631 9. 902253 9. 877377 10. 122623 59 2 9. 779798 9. 902158 9. 877640 10. 122360 58 3 9. 779965 9. 902063 9. 877903 10. 122097 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 41125 9. 921441 9. 819684 10. 180315 34 27 9. 741316 9. 921357 9. 819959 10. 180041 33 28 9. 741507 9. 921274 9. 820234 10. 179766 32 29 9. 741698 9. 921190 9. 820508 10. 179492 31 30 9. 741889 9. 921107 9. 820783 10. 179217 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 56. Degree 33. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 741889 9. 921107 9. 820783 10. 179217 30 31 9. 742080 9. 921023 9. 821057 10. 178943 29 32 9. 742271 9. 920939 9. 821332 10. 178668 28 33 9. 742461 9. 920855 9. 821606 10. 178394 27 34 9. 742652 9. 920772 9. 821880 10. 178120 26 35 9. 742842 9. 920688 9. 822154 10. 177846 25 36 9. 743032 9. 920604 9. 822429 10. 177571 24 37 9. 743223 9. 920520 9. 822703 10. 177297 23 38 9. 743412 9. 920436 9. 822977 10. 177023 22 39 9. 743602 … 637 40 21 9. 782961 9. 900337 9. 882625 10. 117375 39 22 9. 783127 9. 900240 9. 882886 10. 117114 38 23 9. 783292 9. 900144 9. 883148 10. 116852 37 24 9. 783457 9. 900047 9. 883410 10. 116590 36 25 9. 783623 9. 899951 9. 883672 10. 116328 35 26 9. 783788 9. 899854 9. 883934 10. 116066 34 27 9. 783953 9. 899757 9. 884195 10. 115805 33 28 9. 784118 9. 899660 9. 884457 10. 115543 32 29 9. 784282 9. 899563 9. 884719 10. 115281 31 30 9. 784447 9. 899467 9. 884980 10. 115020 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 52. Degree 37. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 784447 9. 899467 9. 884980 10. 115025 30 31 9. 784616 9. 899370 9. 885242 10. 114758 29 32 9. 784776 9. 899273 9. 885503 10. 114497 28 33 9. 784941 9. 899175 9. 885765 10. 114235 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 746811 9. 918915 9. 827897 10. 172103 4 57 9. 746999 9. 918830 9. 828170 10. 171830 3 58 9. 747187 9. 918744 9. 828442 10. 171558 2 59 9. 747374 9. 918659 9. 828715 10. 171285 1 60 9. 747562 9. 918574 9. 828987 10. 171012 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 56. Degree 34 M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 747562 9. 918574 9. 828987 10. 171012 60 1 9. 747749 9. 918489 9. 829260 10. 170740 59 2 9. 747936 9. 918404 9. 829532 10. 170468 58 3 9. 748123 9. 918318 9. 829805 10. 170195 57 4 9. 748310 9. 918233 9. 830077 10. 169923 56 5 9. 748497 9. 918147 9. 830349 10. 169651 55 6 9. 748683 9. 918062 9. 830621 10. 169379 54 7 9. 748870 9. 917976 9. 830891 10. 166106 53 8 9. 749056 9. 917891 9. 831165 10. 168834 52 9 9. 749242 9. 917805 9 … 04 10. 109796 10 51 9. 787883 9. 897418 9. 890465 10. 109535 9 52 9. 788045 9. 897320 9. 890725 10. 109275 8 53 9. 788208 9. 897222 9. 890986 10. 109014 7 54 9. 788370 9. 897123 9. 891248 10. 108753 6 55 9. 788532 9. 897025 9. 891507 10. 108493 5 56 9. 788694 9. 896926 9. 891768 10. 108232 4 57 9. 788856 9. 896828 9. 892028 10. 107972 3 58 9. 789018 9. 896729 9. 892289 10. 107711 2 59 9. 789180 9. 896631 9. 892549 10. 107451 1 60 9. 789342 9. 896532 9. 892810 10. 107190 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 52. Degree 38. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 789342 9. 896532 9. 892810 10. 107190 60 1 9. 789504 9. 896433 9. 893070 10. 106930 59 2 9. 789665 9. 896335 10. 106669 58 3 9. 789827 9. 896236 9. 893591 10. 106409 57 4 9. 789988 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 52392 9. 916340 9. 836051 10. 163949 34 27 9. 752576 9. 916254 9. 836322 10. 163678 33 28 9. 752760 9. 916167 9. 836593 10. 163407 32 29 9. 752944 9. 916080 9. 836864 10. 163136 31 30 9. 753128 9. 915994 9. 837134 10. 162866 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 55. Degree 34. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 753128 9. 915994 9. 837134 10. 162866 30 31 9. 753312 9. 915907 9. 837405 10. 162595 29 32 9. 753495 9. 915820 9. 837675 10. 162325 28 33 9. 753679 9. 915733 9. 837946 10. 162054 27 34 9. 753862 9. 915646 9. 838216 10. 161784 26 35 9. 754046 9. 915559 9. 838487 10. 161513 25 36 9. 754229 9. 915472 9. 838757 10. 161243 24 37 9. 754412 9. 915385 9. 839027 10. 160973 23 38 9. 754595 9. 915297 9. 839297 10. 160702 22 39 9. 754778 … 1990 40 21 9. 792716 9. 894446 9. 898270 10. 101730 39 22 9. 792876 9. 894346 9. 898530 10. 101470 38 23 9. 793035 9. 894246 9. 898789 10. 101211 37 24 9. 793195 9. 894146 9. 899049 10. 100951 36 25 9. 793354 9. 894046 9 899308 10. 100692 35 26 9. 793513 9. 893946 9. 899568 10. 100432 34 27 9. 793673 9. 893845 9. 899827 10. 100173 33 28 9. 793832 9. 893745 9. 900086 10. 099913 32 29 9. 793991 9. 893645 9. 900346 10. 099654 31 30 9. 794149 9. 893544 9. 900605 10. 099395 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 51. Degree 38. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 794149 9. 893544 9. 900605 10. 099395 30 31 9. 794308 9. 893444 9. 900864 10. 099135 29 32 9. 794467 9. 893343 9. 901124 10. 098876 28 33 9. 794626 9. 893243 9. 901383 10. 098617 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 757869 9. 913718 9. 844151 10. 155849 4 57 9. 758049 9. 913630 9. 844420 10. 155580 3 58 9. 758230 9. 913541 9. 844689 10. 155311 2 59 9. 758411 9. 913453 9. 844958 10. 155041 1 60 9. 758591 9. 913361 9. 845227 10. 154773 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 55. Degree 35. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 758591 9. 913364 9. 845227 10. 154774 60 1 9. 758772 9. 913276 9. 845496 10. 154504 59 2 9. 758952 9. 913187 9. 845764 10. 154235 58 3 9. 759132 9. 913099 9. 846033 10. 153967 57 4 9. 759312 9. 913010 9. 846302 10. 153698 56 5 9. 759492 9. 912921 9. 846570 10. 153429 55 6 9. 759672 9. 912833 9. 846839 10. 153161 54 7 9. 759851 9. 912744 9. 847107 10. 152892 53 8 9. 760031 9. 912655 9. 847376 10. 152624 52 9 9. 760210 9. 912566 … 4 10. 094215 10 51 9. 797464 9. 891421 9. 906043 10. 093957 9 52 9. 797621 9. 891319 9. 906302 10. 093698 8 53 9. 797777 9. 891217 9. 906560 10. 093440 7 54 9. 797934 9. 891115 9. 906819 10. 093181 6 55 9. 798091 9. 891013 9. 907077 10. 092923 5 56 9. 798247 9. 890911 9. 907336 10. 092664 4 57 9. 798403 9. 890809 9. 907594 10. 092406 3 58 9. 798560 9. 890707 9. 907852 10. 092147 2 59 9. 798716 9. 890605 9. 908111 10. 091889 1 60 9. 798872 9. 890503 9. 908369 10. 091631 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 51. Degree 39. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 798872 9. 890503 9. 908369 10. 091631 60 1 9. 799028 9. 890400 9. 908627 10. 091373 59 2 9. 799184 9 890298 9. 908886 10. 091114 58 3 9. 799339 9. 890195 9. 909144 10. 090856 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 63245 9. 911046 9. 852199 10. 147801 34 27 9. 763422 9. 910956 9. 852466 10. 147534 33 28 9. 763599 9. 910866 9. 852731 10. 147267 32 29 9. 763777 9. 910776 9. 853001 10. 146999 31 30 9. 763954 9. 910686 9. 853268 10. 146732 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 54 Degree 35. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 763954 9. 910686 9. 853208 10. 146732 30 31 9. 764131 9. 910596 9. 853532 10. 146465 29 32 9. 764308 9. 910506 9. 853802 10. 146198 28 33 9. 764485 9. 910415 9. 854069 10. 145930 27 34 9. 764662 9. 910325 9. 854336 10. 145664 26 35 9. 764838 9. 910235 9. 854603 10. 145397 25 36 9. 765015 9. 910144 9. 854870 10. 145130 24 37 9. 765191 9. 910054 9. 855137 10. 144863 23 38 9. 765367 9. 909963 9. 855404 10. 144596 22 39 9. 765544 9 … 529 10. 086471 40 21 9. 802127 9. 888341 9. 913787 10. 086213 39 22 9. 802282 9. 888237 9. 914044 10. 085956 38 23 9. 802435 9. 888133 9 914302 10. 085698 37 24 9. 802589 9. 888030 9. 914560 36 25 9. 802743 9. 887926 9. 914817 10. 085183 35 26 9. 802897 9. 887822 9. 915075 10. 084925 34 27 9. 803050 9. 887718 9. 915332 10. 084668 33 28 9. 803204 9. 887614 9. 915590 10. 084410 32 29 9. 803357 9. 887510 9. 915847 10. 084153 31 30 9. 803510 9. 887406 9. 916104 10. 083895 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 50. Degree 39. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 803510 9. 887406 9. 916104 10. 083895 30 31 9. 803664 9. 887302 9. 916362 10. 083638 29 32 9. 803817 9. 887198 9. 916619 10. 083381 28 33 9. 803970 9. 887093 9. 916876 10. 083123 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 56 9. 768522 9. 908324 9. 860198 10. 139802 4 57 9. 768696 9. 908233 9. 860464 10. 139536 3 58 9. 768871 9. 908141 9860730 10. 139270 2 59 9. 769045 9. 908049 9. 860995 10. 139005 1 60 9. 769219 9. 907958 9. 861261 10. 138739 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 54. Degree 36. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 769219 9. 907958 9. 861261 10. 138739 60 1 9. 769392 9. 907866 9. 861527 10. 138473 59 2 9. 769566 9. 907774 9. 861792 10. 138208 58 3 9. 769740 9. 907682 9. 862058 10. 137942 57 4 9. 769913 9. 907590 9. 862323 10. 137677 56 5 9. 770087 9. 907498 9. 862589 10. 137411 55 6 9. 770260 9. 907406 9. 862854 10. 137146 54 7 9. 770433 9. 907314 9. 863119 10. 136880 53 8 9. 770606 9. 907221 9. 863385 10. 136615 52 9 9. 770779 9. 907129 … 247 10. 078753 10 51 9. 806709 9. 885205 9. 921503 10. 078496 9 52 9. 806860 9. 885100 9. 921760 10. 078240 8 53 9. 807011 9. 884994 9. 922017 10. 077983 7 54 9. 807162 9. 884889 9. 922274 10. 077726 6 55 9. 807314 9. 884783 9. 922530 10. 077469 5 56 9. 807464 9. 884677 9. 922787 10. 077213 4 57 9. 807615 9. 884572 9. 923044 10. 076956 3 58 9. 807766 9. 884466 9. 923300 10. 076699 2 59 9. 807917 9. 884360 9. 923557 10. 076443 1 60 9. 808067 9. 884254 9. 923813 10. 076186 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang Tangent M Degree 50 Degree 40. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 808067 9. 884254 9. 923813 10. 076180 60 1 9. 808218 9. 884148 9. 924070 10. 075930 59 2 9. 808368 9. 884042 9. 924327 10. 075673 58 3 9. 808519 9. 883936 9. 924583 10. 075417 57 4 9. …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 73704 9. 905552 9. 868152 10. 131848 34 27 9. 773875 9. 905459 9. 868416 10. 131584 33 28 9. 774046 9. 905365 9. 868680 10. 131320 32 29 9. 774217 9. 905272 9. 868945 10. 131055 31 30 9. 774388 9. 905179 9. 869209 10. 130791 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 53. Degree 36. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 774388 9. 905179 9. 869209 10. 130791 30 31 9. 774558 9. 905085 9. 864773 10. 130527 29 32 9. 774729 9. 904992 9. 867337 10. 130263 28 33 9. 774899 9. 904898 9. 870001 10. 129999 27 34 9. 775070 9. 904804 9. 870265 10. 129735 26 35 9. 775240 9. 904711 9. 870529 10. 129471 25 36 9. 775410 9. 904617 9. 870793 10. 129207 24 37 9. 775580 9. 904523 9. 871057 10. 128943 23 38 9. 775750 9. 904429 9. 871321 10. 128679 22 39 9. 775920 … 060 40 21 9. 811210 9. 882014 9. 929196 10. 070804 39 22 9. 811358 9. 881907 9. 929452 10. 070548 38 23 9. 811506 9. 881799 9. 929708 10. 070292 37 24 9. 811655 9. 881692 9. 929964 10. 070036 36 25 9. 811804 9. 881584 9. 930219 10. 069781 35 26 9. 811952 9. 881477 9. 930475 10. 069525 34 27 9. 812100 9. 881369 9. 930731 10. 069269 33 28 9. 812248 9. 881261 9. 930987 10. 069013 32 29 9. 812396 9. 881153 9. 931243 10. 068757 31 30 9. 812544 9. 881045 9. 931499 10. 068501 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 55. Degree 40. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 812544 9. 881045 9. 931499 10. 068501 30 31 9. 812692 9. 880937 9. 931755 10. 068245 29 32 9. 812840 9. 880829 9. 932010 10. 067989 28 33 9. 812988 9. 880721 9. 932266 10. 067734 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 778792 9. 902729 9. 876063 10. 123937 4 57 9. 778960 9. 902634 9. 876326 10. 123674 3 58 9. 779129 9. 902539 9. 876589 10. 123411 2 59 9. 779295 9. 902444 9. 876851 10. 123149 1 60 9. 779463 9. 902349 9. 877114 10. 122886 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 53. Degree 37. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9 779463 9. 902349 9. 877114 10. 122885 60 1 9. 779631 9. 902253 9. 877377 10. 122623 59 2 9. 779798 9. 902158 9. 877640 10. 122360 58 3 9. 779965 9. 902063 9. 877903 10. 122097 57 4 9. 780133 9. 901967 9. 878165 10. 121834 56 5 9. 780300 9. 901872 9. 878428 10. 121572 55 6 9. 780467 9. 901776 9. 878691 10. 121309 54 7 9. 780634 9. 901681 9. 878953 10. 121047 53 8 9. 780801 9. 901585 9. 879216 10. 120784 52 9 9. 780968 9. 901488 9 … 10 10. 063389 10 51 9. 815631 9. 878766 9. 936866 10. 063134 9 52 9. 815777 9. 878656 9. 937121 10. 062879 8 53 9. 815923 9. 878547 9. 937376 10. 062623 7 54 9. 816069 9. 878438 9. 937632 10. 062368 6 55 9. 816215 9. 878328 9. 937887 10. 062113 5 56 9. 816361 9. 878219 9. 938142 10. 061858 4 57 9. 816506 9. 878109 9. 938397 10. 061602 3 58 9. 816652 9. 877999 9. 938653 10. 061347 2 59 9. 816797 9. 877890 9. 938908 10. 061092 1 60 9. 816943 9. 877780 9. 939163 10. 060837 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 49. Degree 41. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 816943 9. 877780 9. 939163 10. 060837 60 1 9. 817088 9. 877670 9. 939418 10. 060582 59 2 9. 817233 9. 877560 9. 939673 10. 060327 58 3 9. 817378 9. 877450 10. 060072 57 4 9. 817523 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 83788 9. 899854 9. 883934 10. 116066 34 27 9. 783953 9. 899757 9. 884195 10. 115805 33 28 9. 784118 9. 899660 9. 884457 10. 115543 32 29 9. 784282 9. 899563 9. 884719 10. 115281 31 30 9. 784447 9. 899467 9. 884980 10. 115020 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 52. Degree 37. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 784447 9. 899467 9. 884980 10. 115025 30 31 9. 784616 9. 899370 9. 885242 10. 114758 29 32 9. 784776 9. 899273 9. 885503 10. 114497 28 33 9. 784941 9. 899175 9. 885765 10. 114235 27 34 9. 785105 9. 899078 9. 886026 10. 113974 26 35 9. 785269 9. 898981 9. 886288 10. 113712 25 36 9. 785433 9. 898884 9. 886549 10. 113451 24 37 9. 785591 9. 898787 9. 886810 10. 113190 23 38 9. 785761 9. 898689 9. 887072 10. 112928 22 39 9. 785925 … 728 40 21 9. 819976 9. 875459 9. 944517 10. 055483 39 22 9. 820119 9. 875348 9. 944771 10. 055229 38 23 9. 820263 9. 875237 9. 945026 10. 054974 37 24 9. 820406 9. 875125 9. 945281 10. 054719 36 25 9. 820549 9. 875014 9. 945535 10. 054464 35 26 9. 820693 9. 874903 9. 945790 10. 054210 34 27 9. 820836 9. 874791 9. 946045 10. 053955 33 28 9. 820979 9. 874679 9. 946299 10. 053701 32 29 9. 821122 9. 874568 9. 946554 10. 053446 31 30 9. 821264 9. 874456 9. 946808 10. 053192 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 48. Degree 41. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 821264 9. 874456 9. 946808 10. 053192 30 31 9. 821407 9. 874344 9 947063 10. 052937 29 32 9. 821550 9. 874232 9. 947317 10. 052682 28 33 9. 821692 9. 874120 9. 947572 10. 052128 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 788694 9. 896926 9. 891768 10. 108232 4 57 9. 788856 9. 896828 9. 892028 10. 107972 3 58 9. 789018 9. 896729 9. 892289 10. 107711 2 59 9. 789180 9. 896631 9. 892549 10. 107451 1 60 9. 789342 9. 896532 9. 892810 10. 107190 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 52. Degree 38. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 789342 9. 896532 9. 892810 10. 107190 60 1 9. 789504 9. 896433 9. 893070 10. 106930 59 2 9. 789665 9. 896335 10. 106669 58 3 9. 789827 9. 896236 9. 893591 10. 106409 57 4 9. 789988 9. 896137 9. 893851 10. 106149 56 5 9. 790149 9. 896038 9. 894111 10. 105889 55 6 9. 790310 9. 895939 9. 894371 10. 105628 54 7 9. 790471 9. 895840 9. 894632 10. 105368 53 8 9. 790632 9. 895741 9. 894892 10. 105108 52 9 9. 790793 9. 895641 9. 895152 … 96 10. 048104 10 51 9. 824245 9. 872094 9. 952150 10. 047850 9 52 9. 824386 9. 871981 9. 952404 10. 047575 8 53 9. 824527 9. 871868 9. 952659 10. 047341 7 54 9. 824667 9. 871755 9. 952913 10. 047087 6 55 9. 824808 9. 871641 9. 953167 10. 046833 5 56 9. 824949 9. 871528 9. 953421 10. 046579 4 57 9. 825090 9. 871414 9. 953675 10. 046325 3 58 9. 825230 9. 871301 9. 953929 10. 046071 2 59 9. 825370 9. 871187 9. 954183 10. 045817 1 60 9. 825511 9. 871073 9. 954437 10. 045563 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 48. Degree 42. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 825511 9. 871073 9. 954437 10. 045562 60 1 9. 825651 9. 870960 9. 954691 10. 045308 59 2 9. 825791 9. 870846 9. 954945 10. 045054 58 3 9. 825931 9. 870732 9. 955199 10. 044800 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 93513 9. 893946 9. 899568 10. 100432 34 27 9. 793673 9. 893845 9. 899827 10. 100173 33 28 9. 793832 9. 893745 9. 900086 10. 099913 32 29 9. 793991 9. 893645 9. 900346 10. 099654 31 30 9. 794149 9. 893544 9. 900605 10. 099395 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 51. Degree 38. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 794149 9. 893544 9. 900605 10. 099395 30 31 9. 794308 9. 893444 9. 900864 10. 099135 29 32 9. 794467 9. 893343 9. 901124 10. 098876 28 33 9. 794626 9. 893243 9. 901383 10. 098617 27 34 9. 794784 9. 893142 9. 901642 10. 098358 26 35 9. 794942 9. 893041 9. 901901 10. 098099 25 36 9. 795101 9. 892940 9. 902160 10. 097839 24 37 9. 795259 9. 892839 9. 902419 10. 097580 23 38 9. 795417 9. 892738 9. 902678 10. 097321 22 39 9. 795575 … 485 40 21 9. 828439 9. 868670 9. 959769 10. 040231 39 22 9. 828578 9. 868555 9. 960023 10. 039977 38 23 9. 828716 9. 868439 9. 960277 10. 039723 37 24 9. 828855 9. 868324 9. 960530 10. 039469 36 25 9. 828993 9. 868209 9. 960784 10. 039216 35 26 9. 829131 9. 868093 9. 961038 10. 038962 34 27 9. 829269 9. 867978 9. 961291 10. 038608 33 28 9. 829407 9. 867862 9. 961545 10. 038451 32 29 9. 829545 9. 867747 9. 961799 10. 038201 31 30 9. 829683 9. 867631 9. 962052 10. 037947 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 47. Degree 42. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 829683 9. 867631 9. 962052 10. 037947 30 31 9. 829821 9. 867515 9. 962306 10. 037694 29 32 9. 829959 9. 867399 9. 962560 10. 037440 28 33 9. 830096 9. 867283 9. 962813 10. 037187 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 798247 9. 890911 9. 907336 10. 092664 4 57 9. 798403 9. 890809 9. 907594 10. 092406 3 58 9. 798560 9. 890707 9. 907852 10. 092147 2 59 9. 798716 9. 890605 9. 908111 10. 091889 1 60 9. 798872 9. 890503 9. 908369 10. 091631 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 51. Degree 39. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 798872 9. 890503 9. 908369 10. 091631 60 1 9. 799028 9. 890400 9. 908627 10. 091373 59 2 9. 799184 9 890298 9. 908886 10. 091114 58 3 9. 799339 9. 890195 9. 909144 10. 090856 57 4 9. 799495 9. 890093 9. 909402 10. 090598 56 5 9. 799651 9. 889990 9. 909660 10. 090340 55 6 9. 799806 9. 889888 9. 909918 10. 090081 54 7 9. 799961 9. 889785 9. 910176 10. 089823 53 8 9. 800117 9. 889682 9. 910435 10. 089565 52 9 9. 800272 9. 889579 9 … 22 10. 032878 10 51 9. 832561 9. 865185 9. 967376 10. 032624 9 52 9. 832697 9. 865068 9. 967629 10. 032371 8 53 9. 832833 9. 864950 9. 967883 10. 032117 7 54 9. 832969 9. 864833 9. 968136 10. 031864 6 55 9. 833105 9. 864716 9. 968389 10. 031611 5 56 9. 833241 9. 864598 9. 968643 10. 031357 4 57 9. 833376 9. 864480 9. 968896 10. 031104 3 58 9. 833512 9. 864363 9. 969149 10. 030851 2 59 9. 833648 9. 864245 9 969403 10. 030597 1 60 9. 833783 9. 864127 9. 969656 10. 030344 0 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 47. Degree 43. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 833783 9. 864127 9. 969656 10. 030344 60 1 9. 833919 9. 864010 9. 969909 10. 030091 59 2 9. 834054 9. 863892 9. 970162 10. 029838 58 3 9. 834189 9. 863774 9. 970416 10. 029584 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 2897 9. 887822 9. 915075 10. 084925 34 27 9. 803050 9. 887718 9. 915332 10. 084668 33 28 9. 803204 9. 887614 9. 915590 10. 084410 32 29 9. 803357 9. 887510 9. 915847 10. 084153 31 30 9. 803510 9. 887406 9. 916104 10. 083895 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 50. Degree 39. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 803510 9. 887406 9. 916104 10. 083895 30 31 9. 803664 9. 887302 9. 916362 10. 083638 29 32 9. 803817 9. 887198 9. 916619 10. 083381 28 33 9. 803970 9. 887093 9. 916876 10. 083123 27 34 9. 804123 9. 887989 9. 917134 10. 082866 26 35 9. 804276 9. 886884 9. 917391 10. 082609 25 36 9. 804428 9. 886780 9. 917648 10. 082352 24 37 9. 804581 9. 886675 9. 917905 10. 082094 23 38 9. 804734 9. 886571 9. 918162 10. 081837 22 39 9. 804886 … 10. 025280 40 21 9. 836611 9. 861638 9 974973 10. 025027 39 22 9. 836745 9 861519 9 975229 10. 024774 38 23 9. 836878 9 861399 9 975479 10. 024521 37 24 9. 837012 9. 861280 9. 975732 10. 024268 36 25 9. 837146 9. 861161 9. 975985 10. 024015 35 26 9. 837279 9. 861041 9. 976238 10. 023762 34 27 9. 837412 9. 860921 9. 976491 10. 023509 33 28 9 837546 9. 860802 9. 976744 10. 023256 32 29 9. 837679 9. 860682 9. 976997 10. 023003 31 30 9 837812 9. 860562 9. 977250 10 022750 30 Co-sine. Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 46. Degree 43. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 837812 9. 860562 9. 977250 10. 022750 30 31 9. 837945 9. 860442 9. 977503 10. 022497 29 32 9. 838078 9. 860322 9. 977756 10. 022244 28 33 9. 838211 9. 860202 9. 978009 10. 021991 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 6 9. 807464 9. 884677 9. 922787 10. 077213 4 57 9. 807615 9. 884572 9. 923044 10. 076956 3 58 9. 807766 9. 884466 9. 923300 10. 076699 2 59 9. 807917 9. 884360 9. 923557 10. 076443 1 60 9. 808067 9. 884254 9. 923813 10. 076186 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang Tangent M Degree 50 Degree 40. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 808067 9. 884254 9. 923813 10. 076180 60 1 9. 808218 9. 884148 9. 924070 10. 075930 59 2 9. 808368 9. 884042 9. 924327 10. 075673 58 3 9. 808519 9. 883936 9. 924583 10. 075417 57 4 9. 808669 9. 883829 9. 924839 10. 075160 56 5 9. 808819 9. 883723 9. 925096 10. 074904 55 6 9. 808969 9. 883617 9. 925352 10. 074647 54 7 9. 809119 9. 883510 9. 925609 10. 074391 53 8 9. 809269 9. 883404 9. 925865 10. 074135 52 9 9. 809419 9. 883297 9 … 2309 10 017691 10 51 9. 840591 9. 858029 9. 982562 10. 017438 9 52 9. 840722 9. 857908 9. 982814 10. 017185 8 53 9. 840854 9. 857786 9 983067 10. 016933 7 54 9. 840985 9. 857665 9. 983320 10. 016683 6 55 9. 841116 9. 857543 9. 983573 10. 016427 5 56 9. 841247 9. 857421 9. 983826 10. 016174 4 57 9. 841378 9. 857300 9. 984079 10. 015921 3 58 9. 841509 9. 857178 9. 984331 10. 015668 2 59 9. 841640 9. 857056 9. 984584 10. 015416 1 60 9. 841771 9. 856934 9. 984837 10. 015163 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 46. Degree 44. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 841771 9. 856934 9. 984837 10. 015162 60 1 9. 841902 9. 856812 9. 985090 10. 014910 59 2 9. 842033 9. 856690 9. 985343 10. 014657 58 3 9. 842163 9. 856568 9. 985596 10. 014404 57 4 9 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 11952 9. 881477 9. 930475 10. 069525 34 27 9. 812100 9. 881369 9. 930731 10. 069269 33 28 9. 812248 9. 881261 9. 930987 10. 069013 32 29 9. 812396 9. 881153 9. 931243 10. 068757 31 30 9. 812544 9. 881045 9. 931499 10. 068501 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 55. Degree 40. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 812544 9. 881045 9. 931499 10. 068501 30 31 9. 812692 9. 880937 9. 931755 10. 068245 29 32 9. 812840 9. 880829 9. 932010 10. 067989 28 33 9. 812988 9. 880721 9. 932266 10. 067734 27 34 9. 813135 9. 880613 9. 932522 10. 067478 26 35 9. 813283 9. 880505 9. 932778 10. 067222 25 36 9. 813430 9. 880397 9. 933033 10. 066967 24 37 9. 813578 9. 880289 9. 933289 10. 066711 23 38 9. 813725 9. 880180 9. 933545 10. 066455 22 39 9. 813872 … 010107 40 21 9. 844502 9. 854356 9. 990145 10. 009855 39 22 9. 844631 9. 854233 9. 990398 10. 009602 38 23 9 844760 9 854109 9. 990651 10. 009349 37 24 9. 844889 9. 853986 9. 990903 10. 009096 36 25 9. 845018 9. 853862 9. 991156 10. 008844 35 26 9. 845147 9. 853738 9. 991409 10. 008591 34 27 9. 845276 9. 853614 9. 991662 10. 008338 33 28 9. 845404 9. 853490 9. 991914 10. 008086 32 29 9. 845533 9. 853366 9. 992167 10. 007833 31 30 9. 845662 9 853242 9. 992420 10. 007580 30 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 45. Degree 44. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 30 9. 845662 9. 853242 9. 992420 10. 007580 30 31 9. 845790 9. 853118 9. 992672 10. 007328 29 32 9. 845919 9. 852994 9. 992925 10. 007075 28 33 9. 846047 9. 852869 9. 993178 10. 006822 27 …
A64224 Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurarium mathematicae, or, The treasury of mathematicks containing variety of usefull practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying ... to which is annexed a table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines, and log-tangents / by John Taylor.
Printed by J.H. for W. Freeman, London : 1687.
… 9. 816361 9. 878219 9. 938142 10. 061858 4 57 9. 816506 9. 878109 9. 938397 10. 061602 3 58 9. 816652 9. 877999 9. 938653 10. 061347 2 59 9. 816797 9. 877890 9. 938908 10. 061092 1 60 9. 816943 9. 877780 9. 939163 10. 060837 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang. Tangent M Degree 49. Degree 41. M Sine Co-sine Tangent Co-tang. 0 9. 816943 9. 877780 9. 939163 10. 060837 60 1 9. 817088 9. 877670 9. 939418 10. 060582 59 2 9. 817233 9. 877560 9. 939673 10. 060327 58 3 9. 817378 9. 877450 10. 060072 57 4 9. 817523 9. 877340 9. 940183 10. 059816 56 5 9. 817668 9. 877230 9. 940438 10. 059562 55 6 9. 817813 9. 877120 9. 940693 10. 059307 54 7 9. 817958 9. 877009 9. 940948 10. 059052 53 8 9. 818103 9. 876899 9. 941203 10. 058797 52 9 9. 818247 9. 876789 9. 941458 … 73 10. 002527 10 51 9. 848345 9. 850619 9. 997726 10. 002274 9 52 9. 848472 9. 850493 9. 997979 10. 002021 8 53 9. 848599 9. 850367 9. 998231 10. 001769 7 54 9. 848726 9. 850242 9. 998484 10. 001516 6 55 9. 848852 9. 850116 9. 998737 10. 001263 5 56 9. 848979 9. 849990 9. 998989 10. 001011 4 57 9. 849106 9. 849864 9. 999242 10. 001758 3 58 9. 849232 9. 849737 9. 999495 10. 000505 2 59 9. 849359 9. 849611 9. 999747 10. 000253 1 60 9. 849485 9. 849485 10. 000000 10. 000000 0 Co-sine Sine Co-tang Tangent M Degree 45. FINIS. Some Books sold by W. Freeman at the Artichoke next St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street. REports in the Court of King's-Bench from the 12th. to the 30th. Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles II. in 3 V …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… but it ſhall ſéeme plaine and eaſie. . FINIS. Note that ſome of the letters in the Inſtrument page 2. are omitted in the printing: place A. at the vppermoſt corner towards the left hand, B. at the neathermoſt, C. by 90. beneath, and D. at 90. aboue. D 0 1 2 3 4 5 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 29 1774 3519 5262 7004 8744 2 58 1803 48 91 33 73 3 87 32 77 5320 62 8803 4 116 61 3606 49 91 31 5 45 90 35 78 7120 60 6 74 1919 64 5407 49 89 7 203 48 93 36 78 8918 8 32 77 3722 65 7207 47 9 61 2007 51 95 36 76 10 90 36 80 5524 65 9005 11 319 65 3809 53 94 34 12 49 94 38 82 7323 63 13 78 2123 67 5611 52 92 14 407 52 96 40 81 9121 15 36 81 3925 69 7410 50 16 65 2210 55 98 39 79 17 94 39 84 5727 68 9208 18 523 68 4013 56 97 37 19 52 97 4 … 4 83 29 60 12 92 77 50 45709 55 85 13 41018 42604 76 35 80 48811 14 45 30 44202 61 47306 36 15 71 56 28 87 31 62 16 98 83 54 45813 57 87 17 41124 42709 81 39 83 48912 18 51 35 44307 64 47408 38 19 77 62 33 90 34 63 20 41204 88 59 45916 60 88 21 30 42814 85 42 85 49014 22 57 40 44411 68 47511 39 23 83 67 37 94 36 65 24 41310 93 63 46019 62 90 25 36 42919 89 45 88 49115 26 63 46 44515 71 47613 41 27 89 72 41 97 39 66 28 41416 98 67 46123 64 91 29 42 43024 93 49 90 49217 30 69 51 44619 74 47715 42 D 24 25 26 27 28 29 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 41495 43077 44645 46200 47741 49267 32 41522 43103 71 26 67 92 33 48 29 97 52 92 49318 34 75 56 44723 78 47818 43 35 41601 82 49 46303 43 68 36 28 4 208 75 29 69 94 37 54 34 44801 55 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 55 94 21 610 55 4100 43 84 9323 22 39 85 29 72 7613 52 23 69 2414 58 5901 42 81 24 98 43 87 30 71 9410 25 727 72 4216 59 7700 39 26 56 2501 45 88 29 68 27 85 30 74 6017 58 97 28 814 59 4303 46 87 9526 29 43 88 32 75 7816 55 30 73 2617 61 6104 45 84 D 0 1 2 3 4 5 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 901 2646 4391 6133 7874 9613 32 30 75 4420 62 7903 42 33 59 2704 49 91 32 71 34 89 34 78 6220 61 9700 35 1018 63 4507 50 90 29 36 47 92 36 79 8019 58 37 76 2821 65 6308 48 87 38 1105 50 94 37 77 9816 39 34 79 4622 66 8106 45 40 63 2908 52 95 35 74 41 92 37 81 6424 64 9903 42 1221 66 4710 53 93 31 43 50 95 39 82 8222 60 44 79 3034 68 6511 51 89 45 1208 53 97 40 80 10018 46 38 82 4826 69 8309 47 47 67 3112 55 98 38 76 48 96 41 84 6627 67 … 5 58 96 49520 42 86 65 31 84 48022 45 43 41 13 92 57 46509 47 71 44 39 43418 83 35 73 96 45 65 44 45009 61 98 49621 46 92 70 35 87 48124 46 47 41918 96 61 46612 49 72 48 45 43523 87 38 75 97 49 71 49 45113 64 48200 49822 50 98 75 39 90 26 47 51 42024 43601 65 46715 51 73 52 50 27 91 41 77 98 53 77 54 45317 67 48302 49823 54 42103 80 43 92 28 48 55 29 43706 69 46818 53 73 56 56 32 95 44 79 99 57 82 58 45321 70 48404 49924 58 42209 84 47 95 30 49 59 35 43810 73 46921 55 74 60 61 37 99 47 80 50000 D 30 31 32 33 34 35 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 50025 51528 53016 54488 55943 57381 2 50 53 41 54512 66 57405 3 75 78 65 37 91 29 4 50100 51603 90 61 56015 52 5 25 28 53115 85 39 76 6 51 53 39 54610 63 57500 7 76 78 64 34 87 24 8 50 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 51 83 3228 72 6714 54 92 52 1512 57 5001 43 83 10221 53 41 86 30 72 8512 50 54 70 3315 59 6801 31 79 55 99 44 88 30 70 10308 56 1628 73 5117 59 99 37 57 57 3402 46 88 8628 66 58 87 31 75 6917 57 94 59 1716 60 5204 46 86 10423 60 45 89 33 75 8715 52 D 6 7 8 9 10 11 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 10481 12215 13946 15672 17393 19109 2 10510 44 74 15700 17422 38 3 39 73 14003 29 50 66 4 68 12302 32 58 97 95 5 97 31 61 87 17508 19223 6 10626 60 90 15815 36 52 7 55 89 14118 44 65 80 8 84 12417 47 73 93 19309 9 10713 46 76 15901 17622 37 10 42 75 14205 30 51 66 11 71 12504 34 59 79 94 12 99 33 62 88 17708 19423 13 10828 62 91 16016 37 51 14 57 91 14320 45 65 80 15 86 12619 49 74 94 19500 16 10915 48 78 16102 17822 37 17 44 77 14406 … 7 63 31 84 57619 12 50302 51802 87 56 56208 43 13 27 27 53312 80 32 67 14 52 52 36 54804 56 90 15 77 77 61 29 80 57714 16 50402 51902 86 53 56304 38 17 27 27 53410 77 28 62 18 52 51 35 54902 52 85 19 77 76 59 26 76 57809 20 50502 52001 84 50 56400 33 21 28 26 53508 75 24 56 22 53 51 33 99 48 80 23 78 76 58 55023 72 57904 24 50603 52100 82 48 96 28 25 28 25 53607 72 56520 51 26 53 50 31 96 44 75 27 78 75 56 55120 68 99 28 50703 52200 80 45 92 58022 29 28 25 53705 69 56616 46 30 53 49 29 93 40 70 D 30 31 32 33 34 35 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 50778 52274 53754 55217 56664 58093 32 50803 99 79 42 88 58117 33 29 52324 53803 66 56712 41 34 54 49 28 90 36 64 35 79 73 52 55314 60 88 36 50904 98 77 39 84 58212 37 29 52423 53901 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 46 66 80 22 89 12821 50 75 94 19708 23 11119 50 79 16303 18023 37 24 46 79 14608 32 51 65 25 75 12908 37 61 80 95 26 11204 37 65 89 18109 19822 27 33 66 94 16418 37 51 28 62 94 14723 47 66 79 29 91 13023 52 76 94 19908 30 11320 52 80 16504 18223 36 D 6 7 8 9 10 11 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 11349 13081 14809 16533 18252 19965 32 78 13110 38 62 80 93 33 11407 39 67 90 18309 20022 34 35 67 96 16619 37 50 35 64 96 14924 48 66 79 36 93 13225 53 76 95 20107 37 11522 54 82 16705 18423 36 38 51 83 15011 34 52 64 39 80 13312 39 62 80 93 40 11609 40 68 91 18509 20221 41 38 69 97 16820 38 50 42 67 98 15126 48 66 78 43 95 13427 54 77 95 20307 44 11724 56 83 16906 18623 35 45 53 85 15212 34 52 64 46 82 13513 41 63 80 92 47 11811 42 … 2522 99 60 56904 30 42 54 47 54024 84 27 54 43 79 71 48 55508 51 77 44 51104 96 72 32 75 58401 45 26 52621 97 57 99 24 46 54 46 54121 81 57023 48 47 79 70 46 55605 47 72 48 51204 95 70 29 71 95 49 29 52720 95 53 95 58519 50 54 45 54219 77 57119 42 51 79 69 44 55702 42 66 52 51304 94 68 26 66 90 53 29 52819 93 50 90 58613 54 54 43 54317 74 57214 37 55 79 68 41 98 38 60 56 51404 93 66 55822 62 84 57 28 52917 90 46 86 58707 58 53 42 54415 71 57309 31 59 78 67 39 95 33 54 60 51503 91 63 55919 57 78 D 36 37 38 39 40 41 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 58802 60204 61589 62954 64301 65627 2 25 27 61611 77 23 49 3 49 51 34 99 45 71 4 72 74 57 63022 67 93 5 96 97 80 45 90 65715 6 58919 60320 61703 67 64412 35 7 43 44 26 90 34 59 8 66 67 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 84 17106 18823 35 52 55 86 15413 35 52 63 53 84 13715 42 64 80 93 54 12013 44 71 92 18909 20620 55 42 73 99 17221 38 48 56 71 13802 15528 50 66 77 57 12100 30 57 78 95 20705 58 29 59 85 17307 19023 34 59 58 88 15614 36 52 62 60 86 13917 43 64 80 91 D 12 13 14 15 16 17 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 20819 22523 24220 25910 27591 29264 2 48 51 48 38 27619 92 3 76 80 76 66 47 29320 4 20904 22608 24305 94 75 48 5 33 36 33 26022 27703 76 6 61 65 61 50 31 29404 7 90 93 89 78 59 31 8 21018 22721 24417 26106 87 59 9 47 50 46 34 27 15 87 10 75 78 74 62 43 29515 11 21104 22806 24502 90 71 43 12 32 35 30 26218 99 70 13 60 63 58 46 27927 98 14 89 91 87 75 54 29626 15 21217 22920 24615 26303 82 54 16 46 48 43 31 28010 81 17 74 76 71 59 3 … 25 11 37 36 61817 80 23 47 12 60 59 40 63202 45 68 13 84 38 63 25 67 90 14 59107 60506 86 48 90 5912 15 30 29 61909 70 64612 34 16 54 52 32 93 34 56 17 77 75 55 63315 56 78 18 59201 98 77 38 78 66000 19 42 60621 62000 60 64701 22 20 48 45 23 83 23 43 21 71 68 46 63405 45 65 22 95 91 69 28 67 87 23 59318 60714 91 50 89 66109 24 41 37 62114 73 64811 31 25 65 60 37 95 34 53 26 88 83 60 63518 56 74 27 59412 60806 83 40 78 96 28 35 29 62205 62 64900 66318 29 58 53 28 85 22 40 30 82 76 51 63607 44 60 D 36 37 38 39 40 41 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 59505 60899 62274 63630 64966 66283 32 29 60922 96 52 89 66305 33 52 45 62319 75 65011 27 34 75 68 42 97 33 49 35 99 91 65 63719 55 70 36 59622 61014 87 42 77 92 37 45 37 62410 64 99 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 50 29820 22 21416 13118 24812 99 78 48 23 45 46 40 26527 28206 76 24 73 74 69 55 34 29904 25 21501 23203 97 83 62 31 26 30 31 24925 26611 89 59 27 58 59 53 39 38317 87 28 87 87 81 67 47 30015 29 21615 23316 25009 95 73 42 30 43 44 38 26723 28401 70 D 12 13 14 15 16 17 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 21672 23372 25066 26751 28429 30098 32 21700 23401 94 79 57 30126 33 29 29 25122 26807 85 53 34 57 57 50 35 28513 81 35 85 85 78 63 40 30209 36 21814 23514 25206 91 68 36 37 42 42 35 26920 96 64 38 71 70 63 48 28624 92 39 99 99 94 76 52 30320 40 21927 23627 25319 27004 80 47 41 56 55 47 32 28708 75 42 84 83 75 60 36 30402 43 22013 23712 25403 88 63 31 44 41 40 32 27116 91 58 45 69 68 60 44 28819 86 46 98 96 88 72 47 30514 47 2212 … 1 39 29 62501 54 87 66510 42 62 52 24 76 65209 23 43 85 75 46 99 31 44 44 59809 98 69 63921 53 66 45 32 61221 92 43 75 88 46 55 44 62615 66 98 66609 47 79 67 37 88 65320 31 48 59902 90 60 64010 42 53 49 25 61313 83 33 64 74 50 48 36 62705 55 86 96 51 72 59 28 77 65408 66718 52 95 82 51 64100 30 39 53 60018 61405 73 22 52 61 54 42 28 96 44 74 83 55 65 51 62818 67 96 66804 56 88 74 41 89 65518 26 57 60111 97 64 64211 40 48 58 35 61520 86 34 61 69 59 58 43 62909 56 83 91 60 81 66 32 78 65605 66913 D 42 43 44 45 46 47 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 66934 68221 69486 70731 71954 73155 2 56 42 69507 51 74 75 3 77 63 28 72 94 94 4 99 84 49 92 72014 73214 5 67021 68306 70 70813 34 34 6 42 27 91 33 55 54 7 64 48 69612 54 75 74 8 85 70 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 38 28 27311 86 52 52 68 66 57 39 29014 80 53 96 94 85 67 42 30707 54 22325 24022 25713 95 70 35 55 53 51 41 27423 98 63 56 81 79 69 51 29125 91 57 22410 24107 97 79 53 30818 58 38 35 25825 27507 81 46 59 66 63 53 35 29209 74 60 95 92 81 63 37 30901 D 18 19 20 21 22 23 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 30929 32584 34229 35863 37487 39909 2 57 32611 56 91 37514 39126 3 84 3 84 35918 41 53 4 31012 66 34311 45 8 80 5 39 94 38 72 95 39206 6 67 32721 65 99 37622 33 7 95 49 93 36026 49 60 8 31122 76 34420 53 76 87 9 50 32804 47 81 37703 39313 10 78 31 75 36108 30 40 11 31205 59 34502 35 57 67 12 33 86 29 62 84 94 13 61 32914 57 89 37811 39420 14 88 41 84 36216 37 47 15 1316 69 34611 43 64 74 16 44 96 39 70 91 39501 17 71 33023 66 98 3 … 6 35 33 11 50 33 95 36 55 53 12 72 45 69716 57 75 72 13 93 75 37 77 96 92 14 67215 97 58 98 72216 73412 15 36 68518 79 71018 36 32 16 58 39 99 39 56 51 17 79 60 69820 59 76 71 18 67301 81 41 79 96 91 19 22 68603 62 71100 72316 73501 20 44 24 83 20 36 30 21 65 45 69903 41 56 50 22 87 66 24 61 77 70 23 67408 87 45 81 97 90 24 30 68708 66 71202 72417 73609 25 51 29 87 23 37 29 26 73 51 70007 43 57 49 27 94 72 28 63 77 68 28 67516 93 49 84 97 88 29 37 68814 70 71304 72517 73708 30 59 35 90 25 37 27 D 42 43 44 45 46 47 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 67580 68856 70111 71345 72557 73747 32 67601 77 32 65 77 67 33 23 98 53 86 97 86 34 44 68919 73 71406 72617 73806 35 66 40 94 26 37 25 36 87 61 70215 47 57 45 37 67709 83 36 67 77 65 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 75 36406 38026 34 22 31509 61 34802 33 53 61 23 37 88 29 60 80 88 24 64 33216 57 87 38107 39714 25 92 43 84 36514 33 41 26 31620 70 34911 41 60 68 27 47 98 38 68 87 94 28 75 33325 66 95 38214 39821 29 31702 53 93 36623 41 48 30 30 80 35020 50 68 74 D 18 19 20 21 22 23 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 31758 33408 35047 36677 38295 39901 32 85 35 75 36704 38322 28 33 31813 62 35102 31 48 54 34 40 90 29 58 75 81 35 68 33517 56 85 38402 40008 36 95 45 84 36812 29 34 37 31923 72 35211 39 56 61 38 51 99 38 66 83 88 39 78 33627 65 93 38510 40114 40 32006 54 93 36920 36 41 41 33 82 35320 47 63 68 42 61 33709 47 74 90 94 43 88 36 74 37001 38617 40221 44 32116 63 35401 28 44 48 45 43 91 29 55 71 74 46 71 33819 56 82 97 40301 47 99 46 8 … 7 23 41 94 67 70318 48 57 43 42 67815 88 39 69 77 63 43 37 69109 60 89 97 82 44 58 30 80 71609 72817 74002 45 80 51 70401 30 37 21 46 67901 72 22 50 57 41 47 22 93 42 70 76 60 48 44 69214 63 91 96 80 49 65 35 84 71711 72916 74100 50 86 56 70504 31 36 19 51 68008 77 25 51 56 39 52 29 98 45 72 76 58 53 50 69319 66 92 96 78 54 73 40 87 71812 73016 97 55 94 61 70607 32 36 74217 56 68114 82 28 53 55 36 57 35 69403 48 73 75 56 58 56 23 66 93 95 75 59 78 44 90 71913 73115 95 60 99 65 70710 33 35 74314 D 48 49 50 51 52 53 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 74333 75490 76623 77732 78818 79881 2 53 75509 41 51 36 98 3 72 28 60 69 54 79916 4 92 47 79 87 72 33 5 74411 66 97 77806 90 51 6 31 85 76716 24 78908 68 7 50 75604 35 42 26 85 8 70 23 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 55 92 37217 31 34 52 36 83 35619 44 58 60 53 64 34010 46 71 85 87 54 91 37 73 98 38912 40514 55 32419 65 35700 37325 39 40 56 46 92 28 52 65 67 57 74 34119 55 79 92 93 58 32501 47 82 37406 39019 40620 59 29 74 35809 33 46 47 60 56 34202 36 60 73 73 D 24 25 26 27 28 29 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 40700 42288 43863 45424 46972 48506 2 26 42314 89 50 98 31 3 53 40 43915 76 47024 57 4 79 67 41 45502 49 82 5 40806 93 67 28 75 48608 6 33 42419 93 54 47101 33 7 59 46 44020 80 26 58 8 86 72 46 45606 52 84 9 40912 98 72 32 78 48709 10 39 42525 98 58 47203 35 11 65 51 44124 83 29 60 12 92 77 50 45709 55 85 13 41018 42604 76 35 80 48811 14 45 30 44202 61 47306 36 15 71 56 28 87 31 62 16 98 83 54 45813 57 87 17 41124 42709 81 39 83 4 … 1 91 97 79 38 11 28 80 76809 77915 97 55 12 47 99 28 33 79015 73 13 66 75718 46 52 33 90 14 86 37 65 70 51 80107 15 74605 56 84 88 68 25 16 25 75 76902 78006 86 42 17 44 94 21 24 79104 60 18 63 75813 39 43 22 77 19 83 32 58 61 40 94 20 74702 51 77 79 57 80212 21 21 70 95 97 75 29 22 41 89 77014 78115 93 47 23 60 75908 32 33 79211 64 24 79 27 51 52 28 81 25 99 46 69 70 46 99 26 74818 64 88 88 64 80326 27 37 83 77106 78206 82 33 28 57 76002 25 24 99 51 29 76 21 43 42 79317 68 30 95 40 62 60 35 85 D 48 49 50 51 52 53 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 74914 76059 77180 78278 79353 80402 32 34 78 99 97 70 20 33 53 97 77217 78315 88 37 34 72 76116 36 33 79406 54 35 91 34 54 51 23 72 36 75011 53 73 69 41 89 37 30 72 91 87 59 80506 38 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 814 85 42 85 49014 22 57 40 44411 68 47511 39 23 83 67 37 94 36 65 24 41310 93 63 46019 62 90 25 36 42919 89 45 88 49115 26 63 46 44515 71 47613 41 27 89 72 41 97 39 66 28 41416 98 67 46123 64 91 29 42 43024 93 49 90 49217 30 69 51 44619 74 47715 42 D 24 25 26 27 28 29 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 41495 43077 44645 46200 47741 49267 32 41522 43103 71 26 67 92 33 48 29 97 52 92 49318 34 75 56 44723 78 47818 43 35 41601 82 49 46303 43 68 36 28 4 208 75 29 69 94 37 54 34 44801 55 49 49419 38 80 61 27 81 47920 44 39 41707 87 53 46406 45 70 40 33 43313 79 32 71 95 41 60 39 44905 58 96 49520 42 86 65 31 84 48022 45 43 41 13 92 57 46509 47 71 44 39 43418 83 35 73 96 45 65 44 45009 61 98 49621 46 92 70 35 87 48124 46 47 41918 96 6 … 1 79512 58 41 75107 48 65 59 29 75 42 26 66 84 77 47 92 43 45 85 77402 95 64 80610 44 64 76304 20 78513 82 27 45 83 23 39 31 79600 44 46 75203 42 57 49 17 61 47 22 60 76 67 35 78 48 41 79 94 85 52 96 49 60 98 77512 78603 70 80713 50 79 76417 31 21 88 30 51 99 35 49 39 79705 47 52 75318 44 67 57 23 64 53 37 73 86 75 40 81 54 56 92 77604 93 85 98 55 75 76510 22 78711 75 80816 56 94 29 41 29 93 33 57 75413 48 59 47 79811 50 58 32 67 77 65 28 67 59 51 85 96 83 46 84 60 70 76604 77714 78801 63 80901 D 54 55 56 57 58 59 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 80918 81931 82920 83882 84820 85731 2 35 48 36 93 35 46 3 52 65 52 83914 51 61 4 70 81 68 30 66 76 5 87 98 85 46 81 91 6 81004 82015 83001 61 97 85806 7 21 31 17 77 84912 21 8 38 48 33 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 43601 65 46715 51 73 52 50 27 91 41 77 98 53 77 54 45317 67 48302 49823 54 42103 80 43 92 28 48 55 29 43706 69 46818 53 73 56 56 32 95 44 79 99 57 82 58 45321 70 48404 49924 58 42209 84 47 95 30 49 59 35 43810 73 46921 55 74 60 61 37 99 47 80 50000 D 30 31 32 33 34 35 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 50025 51528 53016 54488 55943 57381 2 50 53 41 54512 66 57405 3 75 78 65 37 91 29 4 50100 51603 90 61 56015 52 5 25 28 53115 85 39 76 6 51 53 39 54610 63 57500 7 76 78 64 34 87 24 8 50201 51703 89 58 56112 48 9 26 28 53213 83 36 71 10 51 52 38 54707 60 95 11 76 77 63 31 84 57619 12 50302 51802 87 56 56208 43 13 27 27 53312 80 32 67 14 52 52 36 54804 56 90 15 77 77 61 29 80 57714 16 50402 51902 86 53 56304 38 17 27 27 53410 77 28 6 … 0 72 81 66 25 58 66 11 89 98 82 40 73 81 12 81106 82114 98 56 89 96 13 23 31 83115 72 85004 85910 14 40 48 30 88 19 25 15 57 64 46 84103 35 40 16 74 81 63 19 50 55 17 91 97 79 35 65 70 18 81208 82214 95 51 81 85 19 25 30 83211 66 96 86000 20 42 47 27 82 85111 14 21 59 64 43 98 26 29 22 76 80 59 84213 42 44 23 93 97 76 29 57 59 24 81310 82313 92 45 72 74 25 27 30 83308 60 87 89 26 43 46 24 76 85203 86103 27 60 63 40 92 18 18 28 77 79 56 84370 33 33 29 94 95 72 23 48 48 30 81411 82412 88 39 64 62 D 54 55 56 57 58 59 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 81428 82429 83404 84354 85279 86177 32 45 45 20 70 94 92 33 62 62 36 86 85309 86207 34 79 78 52 84401 24 21 35 95 94 68 17 39 36 36 81512 82511 84 32 55 51 37 29 27 83500 48 70 66 38 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 21 28 26 53508 75 24 56 22 53 51 33 99 48 80 23 78 76 58 55023 72 57904 24 50603 52100 82 48 96 28 25 28 25 53607 72 56520 51 26 53 50 31 96 44 75 27 78 75 56 55120 68 99 28 50703 52200 80 45 92 58022 29 28 25 53705 69 56616 46 30 53 49 29 93 40 70 D 30 31 32 33 34 35 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 50778 52274 53754 55217 56664 58093 32 50803 99 79 42 88 58117 33 29 52324 53803 66 56712 41 34 54 49 28 90 36 64 35 79 73 52 55314 60 88 36 50904 98 77 39 84 58212 37 29 52423 53901 63 56808 35 38 54 46 26 87 32 59 39 79 72 50 55411 56 83 40 51004 97 75 36 80 58306 41 29 52522 99 60 56904 30 42 54 47 54024 84 27 54 43 79 71 48 55508 51 77 44 51104 96 72 32 75 58401 45 26 52621 97 57 99 24 46 54 46 54121 81 57023 48 47 79 70 46 5 … 7 48 95 15 86310 41 96 93 64 84510 30 24 42 81613 82609 80 26 45 39 43 30 26 96 41 60 54 44 47 42 83612 57 76 68 45 64 58 28 72 91 83 46 80 75 44 88 85506 98 47 97 91 60 84603 21 86412 48 81714 82708 76 19 36 27 49 31 24 92 34 51 42 50 48 40 83708 50 66 56 51 64 57 24 65 81 71 52 81 73 40 81 96 85 53 98 89 55 96 85611 86500 54 81814 82806 71 84712 26 15 55 31 22 87 27 41 29 56 48 38 83803 43 56 44 57 65 54 19 58 71 58 58 81 71 35 73 86 73 59 98 87 51 89 85701 87 60 81915 82903 67 84804 16 86602 D 60 61 62 63 64 65 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 86617 87476 88308 89113 89892 90643 2 31 90 22 27 89904 55 3 46 87504 35 40 17 67 4 60 18 88349 53 30 79 5 75 32 62 89166 43 92 6 89 87546 76 79 89955 90704 7 86404 60 90 92 68 16 8 18 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 79 69 44 55702 42 66 52 51304 94 68 26 66 90 53 29 52819 93 50 90 58613 54 54 43 54317 74 57214 37 55 79 68 41 98 38 60 56 51404 93 66 55822 62 84 57 28 52917 90 46 86 58707 58 53 42 54415 71 57309 31 59 78 67 39 95 33 54 60 51503 91 63 55919 57 78 D 36 37 38 39 40 41 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 58802 60204 61589 62954 64301 65627 2 25 27 61611 77 23 49 3 49 51 34 99 45 71 4 72 74 57 63022 67 93 5 96 97 80 45 90 65715 6 58919 60320 61703 67 64412 35 7 43 44 26 90 34 59 8 66 67 49 63112 56 81 9 90 90 72 35 79 65803 10 59013 60413 95 57 64501 25 11 37 36 61817 80 23 47 12 60 59 40 63202 45 68 13 84 38 63 25 67 90 14 59107 60506 86 48 90 5912 15 30 29 61909 70 64612 34 16 54 52 32 93 34 56 17 77 75 55 63315 56 78 18 59201 98 … 6 44 45 19 65 12 76 30 88458 89258 31 77 13 91 44 71 71 44 89 14 86805 87658 85 84 90057 90802 15 19 72 98 97 69 14 16 34 86 88512 89310 82 26 17 48 87700 25 24 95 38 18 63 14 39 37 90107 90850 19 77 28 52 50 20 62 20 91 42 88566 89363 32 75 21 86906 87756 79 76 45 87 22 20 70 93 89 90158 99 23 35 84 88606 89402 70 90911 24 49 98 20 15 83 23 25 63 87812 33 28 95 35 26 78 26 47 41 90208 47 27 92 40 88660 89454 20 90959 28 87006 53 74 67 33 71 29 21 67 87 80 46 84 30 35 87881 88701 89493 90258 96 D 60 61 62 63 64 65 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 87049 87895 88714 89506 90271 91008 32 64 87909 27 19 83 20 33 78 23 41 32 96 32 34 92 37 54 45 90308 44 35 87107 51 88768 89558 21 91056 36 21 87964 81 71 33 68 37 35 78 94 84 46 80 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 21 71 68 46 63405 45 65 22 95 91 69 28 67 87 23 59318 60714 91 50 89 66109 24 41 37 62114 73 64811 31 25 65 60 37 95 34 53 26 88 83 60 63518 56 74 27 59412 60806 83 40 78 96 28 35 29 62205 62 64900 66318 29 58 53 28 85 22 40 30 82 76 51 63607 44 60 D 36 37 38 39 40 41 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 59505 60899 62274 63630 64966 66283 32 29 60922 96 52 89 66305 33 52 45 62319 75 65011 27 34 75 68 42 97 33 49 35 99 91 65 63719 55 70 36 59622 61014 87 42 77 92 37 45 37 62410 64 99 66414 38 69 60 33 87 65121 36 39 92 83 56 63809 43 57 40 59715 61106 78 32 65 79 41 39 29 62501 54 87 66510 42 62 52 24 76 65209 23 43 85 75 46 99 31 44 44 59809 98 69 63921 53 66 45 32 61221 92 43 75 88 46 55 44 62615 66 98 66609 47 79 67 37 88 6532 … 3 48 35 95 28 42 87206 47 88861 48 90408 40 43 21 88061 75 89661 20 91162 44 35 75 88 74 33 64 45 49 89 88901 87 45 76 46 63 88102 15 89700 90457 88 47 78 16 28 12 70 91200 48 92 30 41 25 82 12 49 87306 44 88954 38 95 23 50 20 88157 68 89751 90507 35 51 34 71 81 64 19 91247 52 48 85 94 77 32 59 53 63 98 89008 89 44 71 54 77 88212 21 89802 90556 83 55 91 26 34 15 69 95 56 87405 40 47 28 81 91307 57 19 53 89060 41 93 19 58 33 88267 74 89853 90606 30 59 47 81 87 66 18 42 60 61 94 89100 79 30 91354 D 66 67 68 69 70 71 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 91366 92061 92729 93368 93979 94561 2 78 73 40 78 89 70 3 90 84 51 89 99 80 4 91401 95 61 99 94009 89 5 13 92107 92772 93410 18 99 6 25 18 83 20 28 94608 7 37 29 94 30 38 17 8 91448 41 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 72 59 28 77 65408 66718 52 95 82 51 64100 30 39 53 60018 61405 73 22 52 61 54 42 28 96 44 74 83 55 65 51 62818 67 96 66804 56 88 74 41 89 65518 26 57 60111 97 64 64211 40 48 58 35 61520 86 34 61 69 59 58 43 62909 56 83 91 60 81 66 32 78 65605 66913 D 42 43 44 45 46 47 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 66934 68221 69486 70731 71954 73155 2 56 42 69507 51 74 75 3 77 63 28 72 94 94 4 99 84 49 92 72014 73214 5 67021 68306 70 70813 34 34 6 42 27 91 33 55 54 7 64 48 69612 54 75 74 8 85 70 33 75 95 93 9 67107 91 53 95 72115 73313 10 28 68412 74 70916 35 33 11 50 33 95 36 55 53 12 72 45 69716 57 75 72 13 93 75 37 77 96 92 14 67215 97 58 98 72216 73412 15 36 68518 79 71018 36 32 16 58 39 99 39 56 51 17 79 60 69820 59 76 71 18 67301 81 4 … 7 11 84 75 37 72 78 94655 12 95 86 92848 82 88 64 13 91507 97 59 92 97 74 14 19 92208 70 93503 94107 83 15 31 20 80 13 17 93 16 42 31 91 23 27 94702 17 91554 42 92902 34 37 11 18 66 92253 13 93544 47 21 19 77 65 24 54 94156 30 20 89 76 34 64 66 39 21 91601 87 92945 75 76 94748 22 12 98 56 83 86 58 23 24 92309 66 95 95 67 24 37 21 77 93605 94205 76 25 91647 32 88 16 15 86 26 59 43 99 26 25 95 27 71 92354 93009 36 34 94804 28 82 65 20 46 44 13 29 94 76 31 57 94254 23 30 91706 92387 93041 67 64 32 D 66 67 68 69 70 71 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 91717 92399 93052 93677 94273 94841 32 29 92410 62 87 83 50 33 40 21 73 97 93 60 34 52 32 84 93707 94302 69 35 91763 43 94 18 12 94878 36 75 92454 93105 28 22 87 37 87 65 16 38 31 96 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 30 21 65 45 69903 41 56 50 22 87 66 24 61 77 70 23 67408 87 45 81 97 90 24 30 68708 66 71202 72417 73609 25 51 29 87 23 37 29 26 73 51 70007 43 57 49 27 94 72 28 63 77 68 28 67516 93 49 84 97 88 29 37 68814 70 71304 72517 73708 30 59 35 90 25 37 27 D 42 43 44 45 46 47 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 67580 68856 70111 71345 72557 73747 32 67601 77 32 65 77 67 33 23 98 53 86 97 86 34 44 68919 73 71406 72617 73806 35 66 40 94 26 37 25 36 87 61 70215 47 57 45 37 67709 83 36 67 77 65 38 30 69004 56 87 97 84 39 51 25 77 71508 72717 73904 40 73 46 98 28 37 23 41 94 67 70318 48 57 43 42 67815 88 39 69 77 63 43 37 69109 60 89 97 82 44 58 30 80 71609 72817 74002 45 80 51 70401 30 37 21 46 67901 72 22 50 57 41 47 22 93 42 70 76 60 48 4 … 4 41 33 92509 58 78 70 33 42 44 20 69 88 80 42 43 91856 32 79 98 89 51 44 67 43 90 93809 99 94960 45 79 92554 93200 19 94408 69 46 90 65 11 29 18 79 47 91902 76 21 39 28 88 48 13 87 32 93849 37 97 49 24 98 93242 59 47 95006 50 36 92609 53 69 94456 15 51 91947 20 63 79 66 24 52 59 30 74 89 75 33 53 70 41 84 99 86 42 54 82 92652 95 93909 94 51 55 93 63 93305 19 94504 95060 56 92004 74 16 29 13 69 57 16 85 26 39 23 78 58 27 96 37 93949 32 87 59 39 92707 47 59 42 96 60 92050 18 93358 69 94551 95105 D 72 73 74 75 76 77 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 95114 95638 96134 96600 97036 97443 2 23 47 42 07 43 50 3 32 55 50 15 50 96 4 41 64 58 22 75 63 5 50 95672 66 30 64 69 6 95159 81 74 37 97071 76 7 68 89 82 45 78 82 8 77 98 90 52 85 89 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 19 51 68008 77 25 51 56 39 52 29 98 45 72 76 58 53 50 69319 66 92 96 78 54 73 40 87 71812 73016 97 55 94 61 70607 32 36 74217 56 68114 82 28 53 55 36 57 35 69403 48 73 75 56 58 56 23 66 93 95 75 59 78 44 90 71913 73115 95 60 99 65 70710 33 35 74314 D 48 49 50 51 52 53 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 74333 75490 76623 77732 78818 79881 2 53 75509 41 51 36 98 3 72 28 60 69 54 79916 4 92 47 79 87 72 33 5 74411 66 97 77806 90 51 6 31 85 76716 24 78908 68 7 50 75604 35 42 26 85 8 70 23 53 60 44 80003 9 89 42 72 79 61 20 10 74508 61 91 97 79 38 11 28 80 76809 77915 97 55 12 47 99 28 33 79015 73 13 66 75718 46 52 33 90 14 86 37 65 70 51 80107 15 74605 56 84 88 68 25 16 25 75 76902 78006 86 42 17 44 94 21 24 79104 60 18 63 75813 39 4 … 1 95204 23 13 74 97106 08 12 12 31 21 82 13 14 13 21 40 29 89 20 21 14 30 95748 37 97 27 27 15 39 57 96145 96704 34 97534 16 95248 65 53 11 97141 40 17 57 73 61 19 48 47 18 66 95782 69 26 54 53 19 74 90 96277 34 61 59 20 83 98 84 96741 97168 97566 21 92 95807 92 48 75 72 22 95301 15 96300 56 82 78 23 10 23 08 63 89 85 24 19 32 16 70 96 91 25 27 40 24 96778 97202 98 26 36 95848 96331 85 09 97604 27 45 57 39 92 16 10 28 54 65 48 96800 23 16 29 62 73 55 07 30 23 30 95371 95881 96363 14 97236 97629 D 72 73 74 75 76 77 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 95380 95890 96370 96822 97243 97635 32 89 98 78 29 50 42 33 97 95906 86 36 57 48 34 95406 14 94 43 64 54 35 15 23 96401 51 70 60 36 95424 31 09 96858 97277 67 37 32 39 17 65 84 97673 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 57 80212 21 21 70 95 97 75 29 22 41 89 77014 78115 93 47 23 60 75908 32 33 79211 64 24 79 27 51 52 28 81 25 99 46 69 70 46 99 26 74818 64 88 88 64 80326 27 37 83 77106 78206 82 33 28 57 76002 25 24 99 51 29 76 21 43 42 79317 68 30 95 40 62 60 35 85 D 48 49 50 51 52 53 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 74914 76059 77180 78278 79353 80402 32 34 78 99 97 70 20 33 53 97 77217 78315 88 37 34 72 76116 36 33 79406 54 35 91 34 54 51 23 72 36 75011 53 73 69 41 89 37 30 72 91 87 59 80506 38 49 91 77310 78405 76 23 39 68 76210 28 23 94 41 40 88 29 47 41 79512 58 41 75107 48 65 59 29 75 42 26 66 84 77 47 92 43 45 85 77402 95 64 80610 44 64 76304 20 78513 82 27 45 83 23 39 31 79600 44 46 75203 42 57 49 17 61 47 22 60 76 67 35 78 48 41 79 9 … 1 67 72 48 94 11 98 42 76 95980 55 96901 17 97704 43 84 88 63 08 24 10 44 93 96 96471 15 31 16 45 95501 96004 78 23 97337 23 46 10 13 86 30 44 29 47 19 21 94 96937 51 97735 48 27 29 96501 44 57 41 49 36 37 09 51 64 47 50 95545 96045 16 58 97371 53 51 53 53 24 65 77 60 52 62 61 96532 96973 84 97766 53 70 69 39 80 90 72 54 79 96077 47 87 97 78 55 95587 85 54 94 97404 84 56 96 94 62 97001 10 90 57 95604 96102 96599 08 17 96 58 13 10 77 15 23 97802 59 21 18 85 22 30 08 60 30 26 96592 97029 97437 14 D 78 79 80 81 82 83 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 97820 98168 98485 98773 99030 99258 2 26 73 90 77 34 61 3 32 79 95 82 38 65 4 38 84 98500 86 42 68 5 44 90 05 91 46 72 6 98850 95 10 98795 99050 99275 7 56 98201 15 98800 54 79 8 62 06 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 30 51 99 35 49 39 79705 47 52 75318 44 67 57 23 64 53 37 73 86 75 40 81 54 56 92 77604 93 85 98 55 75 76510 22 78711 75 80816 56 94 29 41 29 93 33 57 75413 48 59 47 79811 50 58 32 67 77 65 28 67 59 51 85 96 83 46 84 60 70 76604 77714 78801 63 80901 D 54 55 56 57 58 59 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 80918 81931 82920 83882 84820 85731 2 35 48 36 93 35 46 3 52 65 52 83914 51 61 4 70 81 68 30 66 76 5 87 98 85 46 81 91 6 81004 82015 83001 61 97 85806 7 21 31 17 77 84912 21 8 38 48 33 93 27 36 9 55 65 49 84009 43 51 10 72 81 66 25 58 66 11 89 98 82 40 73 81 12 81106 82114 98 56 89 96 13 23 31 83115 72 85004 85910 14 40 48 30 88 19 25 15 57 64 46 84103 35 40 16 74 81 63 19 50 55 17 91 97 79 35 65 70 18 81208 82214 95 51 81 85 19 2 … 0 22 35 18 99070 99293 12 86 98228 40 98822 74 96 13 92 34 45 27 78 99300 14 98 39 98550 31 82 03 15 97904 45 55 36 86 06 16 10 50 60 40 99090 10 17 16 98255 65 98844 94 13 18 22 61 70 49 98 99317 19 28 66 98575 53 99102 20 20 97934 72 80 58 06 22 21 39 77 85 62 09 27 22 45 98282 89 98866 13 30 23 51 88 94 71 17 99333 24 57 93 99 75 99121 37 25 97963 98 98604 79 25 40 26 69 98304 09 84 29 43 27 75 90 14 98888 33 47 28 80 14 18 92 36 99350 29 86 20 23 97 40 53 30 97992 98325 98628 98901 99144 57 D 78 79 80 81 82 83 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 97998 98330 98633 98905 99148 99360 32 98004 36 38 10 52 63 33 09 41 42 14 55 67 34 15 46 47 18 59 70 35 21 51 52 22 63 73 36 27 98357 98657 98927 99167 99376 37 98032 62 61 31 70 80 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 82 85111 14 21 59 64 43 98 26 29 22 76 80 59 84213 42 44 23 93 97 76 29 57 59 24 81310 82313 92 45 72 74 25 27 30 83308 60 87 89 26 43 46 24 76 85203 86103 27 60 63 40 92 18 18 28 77 79 56 84370 33 33 29 94 95 72 23 48 48 30 81411 82412 88 39 64 62 D 54 55 56 57 58 59 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 81428 82429 83404 84354 85279 86177 32 45 45 20 70 94 92 33 62 62 36 86 85309 86207 34 79 78 52 84401 24 21 35 95 94 68 17 39 36 36 81512 82511 84 32 55 51 37 29 27 83500 48 70 66 38 46 44 16 63 85 80 39 63 60 32 79 85400 95 40 80 77 48 95 15 86310 41 96 93 64 84510 30 24 42 81613 82609 80 26 45 39 43 30 26 96 41 60 54 44 47 42 83612 57 76 68 45 64 58 28 72 91 83 46 80 75 44 88 85506 98 47 97 91 60 84603 21 86412 48 81714 82708 7 … 8383 98680 98948 99185 99392 42 98061 88 85 52 89 96 43 67 93 90 56 93 99 44 72 98 94 60 96 99402 45 78 89404 99 65 99200 05 46 84 09 98704 98969 04 08 47 89 14 08 73 07 11 48 95 19 13 77 11 15 49 98101 24 18 81 15 99418 50 06 98429 22 85 99218 21 51 12 34 98727 98990 22 24 52 18 40 32 94 25 27 53 23 45 36 98 29 30 54 98129 50 41 99002 33 99433 55 34 98455 45 06 99236 36 56 40 60 98750 10 40 29 57 46 65 55 14 44 43 58 51 70 59 18 47 46 59 57 75 64 22 51 99449 60 98162 98480 98768 99025 99256 52 D 84 85 86 87 88 89 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 99455 99622 99758 99864 99939 99985 2 58 24 60 65 40 85 3 61 27 62 67 41 86 4 64 29 64 68 42 86 5 67 32 66 70 43 87 6 99470 99934 99768 99871 99944 87 7 73 37 70 73 45 88 8 76 39 72 74 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 66 56 51 64 57 24 65 81 71 52 81 73 40 81 96 85 53 98 89 55 96 85611 86500 54 81814 82806 71 84712 26 15 55 31 22 87 27 41 29 56 48 38 83803 43 56 44 57 65 54 19 58 71 58 58 81 71 35 73 86 73 59 98 87 51 89 85701 87 60 81915 82903 67 84804 16 86602 D 60 61 62 63 64 65 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 1 86617 87476 88308 89113 89892 90643 2 31 90 22 27 89904 55 3 46 87504 35 40 17 67 4 60 18 88349 53 30 79 5 75 32 62 89166 43 92 6 89 87546 76 79 89955 90704 7 86404 60 90 92 68 16 8 18 74 88403 89206 81 28 9 33 88 17 19 93 41 10 47 87602 30 32 90006 90753 11 62 16 44 45 19 65 12 76 30 88458 89258 31 77 13 91 44 71 71 44 89 14 86805 87658 85 84 90057 90802 15 19 72 98 97 69 14 16 34 86 88512 89310 82 26 17 48 87700 25 24 95 38 18 6 … 9 11 99485 99646 99778 99878 99948 89 12 88 49 80 79 49 90 13 91 51 82 80 50 90 14 93 54 83 82 51 99991 15 96 56 85 83 52 91 16 99 99658 99787 99884 99953 91 17 99502 61 89 86 54 92 18 05 63 91 88 55 92 19 08 66 93 90 55 92 20 11 68 95 91 56 99992 21 14 99670 99797 99893 99957 93 22 99517 73 99 94 58 93 23 19 75 99800 95 59 94 24 22 77 02 97 60 94 25 25 80 04 98 61 94 26 28 99682 06 99 99961 99995 27 99531 84 08 99900 62 95 28 34 87 99809 02 63 95 29 36 89 11 03 64 65 30 39 91 13 99904 99964 96 D 84 85 86 87 88 89 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 99542 99694 99815 99906 99965 99996 32 45 96 17 07 66 96 33 47 98 18 08 67 96 34 50 99700 20 09 67 97 35 53 03 22 11 68 97 36 99556 05 99823 99912 99969 97 37 58 07 25 13 70 99997 38 …
A00538 Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Printed by Thomas Orwin, dwelling in Pater noster-Row ouer against the signe of the Checker, At London : 1593.
… 87756 79 76 45 87 22 20 70 93 89 90158 99 23 35 84 88606 89402 70 90911 24 49 98 20 15 83 23 25 63 87812 33 28 95 35 26 78 26 47 41 90208 47 27 92 40 88660 89454 20 90959 28 87006 53 74 67 33 71 29 21 67 87 80 46 84 30 35 87881 88701 89493 90258 96 D 60 61 62 63 64 65 M Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes Partes 31 87049 87895 88714 89506 90271 91008 32 64 87909 27 19 83 20 33 78 23 41 32 96 32 34 92 37 54 45 90308 44 35 87107 51 88768 89558 21 91056 36 21 87964 81 71 33 68 37 35 78 94 84 46 80 38 49 92 88808 97 90358 92 39 64 88006 21 89609 70 91104 40 78 20 35 22 83 16 41 92 33 48 35 95 28 42 87206 47 88861 48 90408 40 43 21 88061 75 89661 20 91162 44 35 75 88 74 33 64 45 49 89 88901 87 45 76 46 63 88102 15 89700 90457 88 47 78 16 28 12 7 … 41 99569 16 99832 99918 99672 98 42 72 18 34 19 73 98 43 75 20 35 20 74 99998 44 77 99722 37 21 74 98 45 80 25 39 22 75 99 46 99583 27 99840 99924 99976 99 47 85 29 42 25 76 99 48 88 31 44 26 77 99 49 91 99733 45 27 78 99999 50 93 35 47 28 78 99 51 99596 37 99848 99929 79 99 52 98 39 50 30 80 99 53 99601 42 52 31 81 99 54 04 99744 53 32 81 99 55 06 46 55 33 82 99999 56 09 48 99856 99934 99982 99 57 11 50 58 35 83 99 58 99614 52 59 37 83 99 59 16 54 61 38 84 100000 60 19 56 62 99939 99684 100000