Songs and Psalmes composed into 3.4. and 5. parts for the vse and delight of all such as either loue or learne musicke: By John Mundy gentleman, bachiler of musicke, and one of the organest of hir Maiesties free chappell of VVindsor.
By Thomas Est, (the assigne of William Byrd,) dwelling in Aldersgate street, at the signe of the black Horse, Imprinted at London : 1594.
… rts. LOrd arise and help. XXIII Haue mercie on mee Lord. XXIIII Vnto thee lift I vp myne eyes. XXV Were I a King. XXVI In midst of woods. The first part. XXVII The black byrd. The second part. XXVIII Penelope. XXIX Who loues a lyfe. XXX FINIS. CONTRATENOR. SONGS AND PSALMES composed into 3. 4. and 5. parts, for the vse and delight of all such as either loue or learne MVSICKE: BY JOHN MVNDY Gentleman, bachiler of Musicke, and one of the Organest of hir Maiesties free Chappell of VVINDSOR. Imprinted at London by Thomas Est, (the assigne of William Byrd,) dwelling in Aldersgate street, at the signe, of the black Horse. 1594. TO THE RIGHT HOnourable, Robert Devorax, Earle of Essex and Ewe, Vicount of Hereford, Lord Ferrer of Chartley, Borcher, … ious Sanctuarij, commended by your redie acceptance, and defended by your fauorable countenance. Your Honours in all dutie to bee commaunded. Iohn Mundy. To the Reader. YOu that shall reape the pleasure and delight Of all his paine that hath composd these songs, His meaning well, with taking well requit, Giue paines due praise, and skill what there to longs. So graced shall these first fruits of his skill, Make him with stodie, seeke to please you still. Iosepho Lupo, Musico de sua mata: sermá: XXIII. Of 5. voc. CONTRATENOR. LOrd a-rise and halp thy seruant, which onely trusteth in thee: in thee: which onely trusteth in thee: for I am in mi-se-rie. in mi-se-rie. for I am in mi-se- rie. for I am in mi-se-rie in mi-se-rie. for I am in mi-se- …